What Does Your Ideal Guy Look Like?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Does Your Ideal Guy Look Like?
Image: Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you searching for your ideal guy who will sweep you off your feet? Look no further than this fun quiz that delves into what your perfect man looks like! From muscles to smiles to hair, everyone has their preferences when it comes to physical features. Whether you're into tall, dark, and handsome or short and sweet, this quiz will help you pinpoint exactly what is my type of guy physically quiz.

Do you have a weakness for dreamy eyes or a killer sense of style? Maybe you're all about that cute little nose or the way a guy can rock a leather jacket with confidence. No matter what catches your eye, this quiz will help you zero in on the physical traits that make your heart skip a beat. So get ready to play, have some fun, and discover what your ideal guy looks like!

Love and relationships are all about finding that special someone who ticks all the boxes. So before your next date, take a few minutes to dive into this quiz and uncover the physical features that make your ideal guy stand out from the rest. Who knows, you might just learn something new about your own preferences and what truly makes your heart flutter! Enjoy the quiz and happy searching for your perfect match!

Q 01 Jake Gyllenhaal
Which of these male movie stars would you love to go on a perfect date with?
Tom Cruise
Leonardo DiCaprio
Dave Franco
Jake Gyllenhaal
Q 02 First date shopping
William Perugini / Cultura / Getty Images
What type of first date do you envision with the man of your dreams?
Eating yummy food at a restaurant
Seeing a funny movie at a theater
Tanning at the beach
Q 03 Man's height
SolStock / E+ / Getty Images
Can you describe your ideal man's height for us?
Height doesn't matter to me.


Q 04 Awesome gifts
James Lightbown / Cultura / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
What makes you a great partner in a relationship?
I'm super fun to be around.
I make awesome gifts.
I'm the best listener in the world.
I'll always be there to make someone smile.
Q 05 Bookworm
Sofie Delauw / Cultura / Getty Images
Is the man of your dreams more into books or movies?
He has better things to do with his time.
Oh, he's a movie buff.
He's definitely a bookworm.
Ideally, he would love both.
Q 06 Spend more time with friends
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If you saw your crush spending more time with his friends than you, what would you do?
Forget about him; he's not worth it.
Nothing, let the guy be with his friends.
Talk to him about how I feel
Hang out with him and his friends!


Q 07 Funny about life
Tara Moore / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you rather date someone who is super funny or super serious about life?
I always admire serious people.
Somewhere in the middle would be perfect.
Humor is a win for me.
As long as he's kind, I don't care.
Q 08 Facial hair
RossHelen / Moment / Getty Images
How do you feel about a type of guy with facial hair?
OMG, so dreamy!
I don't mind it.
Ugh, so gross.
It's not my cup of tea, but it's whatever.
Q 09 Type of personality
dtephoto / E+ / Getty Images
What type of personality are you most attracted to?
Dark and mysterious
Focused and determined about his goals
Intelligent and multi-talented
Sweet, loving and caring


Q 10 Shiny hair
Martin Novak / Moment / Getty Images
On what do people tend to compliment you?
My beautiful eyes, of course!
My hot bod
My shiny hair
My awesome personality
Q 11 Text every single day
Hill Street Studios / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If your dream guy texted you every single day, would that be too much for you to handle?
I'm a master of ignoring text messages.
Yes, that would get annoying quick.
No way, I would love it!
I guess it depends on what he's saying.
Q 12 Commitment
Kenji Lau / Moment / Getty Images
Are you afraid of the word "commitment”?
That's a terrifying word.
In a short-term relationship, yes
I don't know. I have never thought about it.
No, why should I be?


Q 13 Gluttony
Tara Moore / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Which of these seven deadly sins is he most likely to commit?
Q 14 Royalty
Oscar Wong / Moment / Getty Images
How do you feel about dating someone of royalty?
That would be SO cool!
Ugh, that sounds awful.
That would certainly be ... interesting.
Oh, please, as if I have a chance!
Q 15 Yacht
Petar Chernaev / E+ / Getty Images
Ideally, you want your dream guy to have a ...
Fancy car
Great personality


Q 16 Break rules
Flashpop / DigitalVision / Getty Images
As a couple, would you two follow the rules or break them?
Oh, we're rule breakers all right!
I guess we'll find out!
We would strictly follow all rules.
I think it depends on the rule.
Q 17 Express love
"Wavebreakmedia Ltd / Wavebreak media / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images "
How would you express your love to the man of your dreams?
Love is for losers.
By making him a sweet gift
By saying "I love you" every day
I have no idea.
Q 18 With money
Chris Ryan / OJO Images / Getty Images
What's your perfect ‘type' of guy to perfect date?
The "bad boy" type
Someone with money
The "nice guy"
Romantic type


Q 19 Haircut
Rogan Macdonald / Cultura / Getty Images
What type of haircut would he rock?
Short and textured
Messy taper
Q 20 Musician
electravk / Moment / Getty Images
Would you rather perfect date a musician or a business entrepreneur?
Musicians, because they rock!
How about a writer? That sounds better.
Business entrepreneurs sound cooler.
His profession won't matter to me.
Q 21 Gym with him
Bounce / Cultura / Getty Images
Would you want to go to the gym with him?
Sure, that sounds fun!
No, I prefer going to the gym alone.
Only when I feel like it
My dream guy doesn't work out.


Q 22 Valentines present
Burak Karademir / Moment / Getty Images
What would you get for your type of guy on Valentine's Day?
Everybody loves chocolate.
Handmade card with a poem inside
A gift card
Flowers, stuffed animals, hugs and kisses
Q 23 Sing at wedding
Pam McLean / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What kind of lovey-dovey song would he sing for you at the wedding?
"Perfect" by Topic (featuring Ally Brooke)
"Mine" by Bazzi
"Digital Love" by Daft Punk
"Tell Me You Love Me" by Galantis & Throttle
Q 24 Miami
anouchka / E+ / Getty Images
If you and your crush were going to live together, where would your home be?
New York City
Los Angeles


Q 25 Matching outfits
TongRo Images Inc / TongRo Images / Getty Images
Would you and your dream dude wear matching outfits?
Ugh, that is so weird.
Only on certain holidays
That sounds silly. I love it!
Sure, if he's OK with dresses and heels
Q 26 Massage
KOLOstock / Photodisc / Getty Images
What will he do for you when you're having a rough day?
Give me a nice massage
Cook dinner for me
Clean the house
Give me a big hug and kiss
Q 27 He say I love you
filadendron / E+ / Getty Images
How often would he say "I love you” to you?
A few times a week would be nice.
When I'm having a bad day
Ideally, every day!
I don't know, whenever he wants, I guess.


Q 28 Inflated Ego
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What's that one negative trait that you just can't deal with?
Being too stubborn
Does being glued to a smartphone count?
Inflated ego
Q 29 Eyes soul
Unsplash by Midas Hofstra
When you look into his eyes, you see a soul that is ...
Q 30 Friends and family
The Good Brigade / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you like to get to know the friends and family of your crush?
That depends. Are they cool people?
Only after a few months of dating
No way, I'm too shy for that.
Of course! I love to meet new people.
