What % Dragon Are You?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What % Dragon Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

It seems that complimenting someone with how much dragon energy they have has become a thing. That being said, we don't throw around such statements lightly. After an extensive look into the actual qualities that have been assigned to this mythical creature, we've compiled a series of questions that are sure to settle once and for all if you have what it takes to call yourself a true dragon.

For example, if you seem to be successful in life without trying all that hard, this is a trait that all dragons share. It would really put things over the top if you have a stockpile of treasures hidden deep underground somewhere.

Dragons are also known for getting bored very easily and needing constant stimulation to stay interested. If it's got to be all about you or you're likely to lose interest, your percentage is on the rise. It will go through the roof if you cause all kinds of drama just to entertain yourself.

If setbacks to your plans drive you completely crazy and you hold those around you to an impossible standard, you're heading towards the higher reaches of being a dragon. In fact, if all the above statements fit you perfectly, you might just be approaching the rarefied air of 100% dragon territory.

Spread your wings; there are some innocent villagers to terrify out there.

How would you describe your physical stamina?
I never seem to get tired.
I can last a lot longer than most people.
I guess my stamina is pretty normal.
I actually tend to tire out pretty fast.
How sensitive is your stomach?
I can pretty much eat anything.
There are a couple things that I have to avoid.
I can't really handle anything too spicy.
I have a small list of things that my stomach can tolerate.
How quickly do you tend to lose your temper?
I suppose I lose my cool quicker than most people.
It depends on the situation, but I'm not an angry person.
It happens in an instant.
I hardly ever lose my temper, and it takes a long time if I do.


How common is it for you to destroy something when you're really angry?
That happens all the time.
That might have happened once or twice, but it's been a long time.
I don't recall that ever happening.
I wouldn't say it's common, but it does happen fairly regularly.
How much of a perfectionist are you?
I'm more of a perfectionist on things I care deeply about.
I definitely prefer things to be done well, but I have learned to let go of perfection.
Nah, I just do a decent job and call it good.
Yes, I'm a total perfectionist.
Which ancient element matches your personality the best?


How would you describe your love life?
Up and down.
Moments of passion.
How disciplined are you?
I am very disciplined in everything I do.
I do pretty well most of the time.
I have good intentions to be disciplined, but I tend to throw them out the window.
I will fly off on a whim at any moment.
Which quality is most attractive to you in another person?
Someone who does what I tell them to do.
Physical beauty.
Someone who praises me.
A independent and free-willed person.


Are you the one who does the pursuing or are you more often pursued in relationships?
I am always pursued by others romantically.
I might do a bit more pursuing than I am pursued.
I'm always the one who does the pursuing. It's exhausting.
It's a little of both, but it's probably more common that others pursue me.
How successful have you been financially?
I've had my ups and downs financially.
I have to say that I've done very well for myself.
I've struggled financially for most of my life.
Everything I have been involved with has been incredibly successful.
Do you own any gold?
I don't own any gold.
I have a huge stockpile of it hidden somewhere.
I have a little bit of gold jewelry.
I have invested in gold, but it's not my primary savings.


Does money come relatively easily to you?
It's crazy how easily money flows into my life.
I guess it comes easier to me than to most people.
I wouldn't say that it comes easily. I have to work pretty hard for it, but it does come.
Not at all. It's a total struggle.
Do you have expensive tastes?
Not at all. I live very simply.
I treat myself once in a while, but it's pretty rare.
Yeah, I definitely do enjoy some nice things.
I only want the very best of everything.
Are you good at saving money?
Not really, but I try not to blow it all too fast.
I've learned the value of money. I don't waste it very often.
Nope. Easy come, easy go.
Yes, I'm very good at financial planning and saving.


Are you a leader?
I always seem to be the one in charge.
I'll lead, but only if no one else will.
No, I'm much happier in a following role.
I'm usually the one who steps up to be the leader.
How lucky are you?
I don't believe in luck.
I'm definitely luckier than most people.
I'd actually say that I'm very unlucky.
I'm ridiculously lucky. I win at everything.
How likely are you to be an entrepreneur?
That's not going to happen. I'm much happier working for other people.
I have to be my own boss.
I suppose it's possible.
It's much more likely that I'd start my own business than I'd work for someone else.


How many hours do you usually work each week?
Way longer than 40 hours.
A little over 40 hours.
Right around 40 hours.
Less than 40.
Do you tend to get bored rather quickly?
No, I have a very long attention span.
I actually entertain myself pretty well during down times.
I do tend to get bored, but it takes a while.
Yes, I need a new challenge constantly.
Do other people consider you to be arrogant?
I suppose many people do, but I'm just very confident.
That's possible, but I try not to be.
Yeah, because I am.
No, I'm not an arrogant person at all.


Are you highly critical of those around you?
Yes, I have very high expectations of those working with me.
I might point out a flaw now and again, but it's pretty rare.
No, I always keep my criticisms of others to myself.
I guess I do point out flaws pretty quickly.
How well do you deal with setbacks?
No one likes delays or setbacks, but I don't let it get me down.
They are very challenging for me, but I express my frustration and move on pretty quickly.
I've come to expect them. I deal with them like a mature adult.
They drive me crazy. I don't handle them well at all.
How patient are you?
I'm a very patient person.
I have no patience. I want things done yesterday.
I'm growing in my ability to be patient as I get older.
I constantly have to remind myself to breathe when things are taking too long.


Do those around you ever accuse you of having unrealistic expectations?
I get that a lot from my people, but I just know how I want things done.
I have high expectations, but I don't think they're unrealistic.
It would be rare for someone to say something like that to me.
No, I don't think I've ever heard anything like that.
How ambitious are you?
I'm pretty happy where I'm at.
I used to be very ambitious, but I'm settling into my lifestyle now.
I'm much more ambitious than your average person.
I'm the most ambitious person you'll ever know. I'm going to the top.
Are you a charming person?
I've been told that I'm very charming.
I guess it depends on the person you ask.
Yes, I'm able to convince people to do all kinds of crazy stuff.
No, I find "charming people" to be kind of sleazy.


What is your usual reaction after you achieve a goal?
What's next?
We're partying tonight.
We're partying this month.
Let's celebrate while we discuss the new opportunities that this success opens up.
Do you brag about yourself a lot?
I don't do it a lot, but it does happen once in a while.
It's not uncommon for me to toot my own horn.
I never brag about myself.
Honestly, that's one of the main things that I do.
What is your usual energy level?
I tend to be a little slow and groggy.
I'm on fire.
My energy level goes up and down.
I can go all day long without a break.
