About This Quiz
To Americans, Great Britain is a magical kingdom. To the British, America is a magical land of space rockets, gunslingers and Elon Musk. To the British, the U.K. isn't very exciting. They are no more astounded by their landscape, their castles, or their accents than a native New Yorker is by Times Square. America, however, is a promise of more, a place of fantastic successes, wild excesses, the biggest mountains, the biggest lakes, cowboys, Silicon Valley and the NBA.
Just imagine if the only way you knew of America was from its prolific film and television industry. Imagine living in a place where American sports and American teams' popularity rival local teams in local sports. Imagine America is a place you've learned about only through the myths and legends of popular culture and social media. This is where much of Britain's impression of America comes from, and just as Americans think of the British having names like Basil Nobbington-Plibbington and Archibald Cromsworthy D'ashford, the British have their own, mostly erroneous ideas about what America and Americans are like.
Of course, even these mad ideas of the British have to be based on some reality. To that end, we have a series of questions for you that will illuminate your American-ness and help us to decide on the name the British would assume you possess.
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