What Kind of Girl Is Your "Type?"

By: Brian Whitney
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
What Kind of Girl Is Your "Type?"
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz


Are you on the hunt for your dream girl? Take this fun quiz to find out what is my type of girl. From the party girl to the romantic one, there are so many different types of girls out there. Are you into the artistic and indie type or the wholesome All American girl? Let's find out who gets you all worked up!

Do you prefer a girl who agrees with everything you say or one who challenges you and keeps you on your toes? Discover your true type by taking this quiz and see if your ideal girl matches up with what you think you're looking for. Whether you enjoy a good argument or just want to chill out and watch TV with your best friend, this quiz will reveal your true preferences.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into this quiz and uncover what kind of girl really catches your eye. From the shy and sweet to the bold and adventurous, there's a type for every guy out there. Take the quiz now and find out who your perfect match might be!

Friday Night Out
Rawlstock / Getty Images
What do you like to do on Friday night?
Go out and rage.
Go to a nice restaurant.
Stay home and watch the tube.
Work on a project.
How many nights a month do you go out and have drinks?
Man jogging on rainy day
Pavlina Popovska / Getty Images
What do you do for exercise?
Pretty much nothing.
I go to the gym.
I do thing in nature.
I jog.


What is your favorite quality in a girl?
She is wild.
She is hot.
She is cool.
She is nice.
What were you known for in school?
Getting wasted.
Playing sports.
Not much.
Being a good student.
Do you think opposites attract?
I suppose they can.
Not at all.
I don't really know what that expression means.


Library books on the table
Kobus Louw / Getty Images
What kind of books do you like to read?
How many girls have you told that you loved?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
No, that isn't possible.
Kind of.
Yes, it has happened a lot.


Do you like someone to take care of you?
Do you mean buy me drinks?
No, I like taking care of other people.
Sometimes I do.
I do very much.
Where would like to vacation?
Las Vegas
Miami Beach
Have you ever woken up somewhere and not known where you are?
Sure. You mean this week?
No, that is pathetic.
A long time ago.
No, that is irresponsible.


Do you like girls that look like models?
Well, I don't mind them.
Yes, that is totally my scene.
I couldn't care less.
That isn't the main thing I like.
Do you want a girl that is into gaming?
No, I don't like nerds.
Girls are into gaming?
I would love that.
Who has time to game?
What word describes you best?


Have your friends ever told you that a girlfriend of yours "saved you'?
No, but some of them have tried.
Saved me from what?
I don't need saving.
Yes, I have heard that.
Couple going on a date
d3sign / Getty Images
Where would you go on a date?
A dive bar.
A wine bar.
A movie.
A coffee shop.
What scares you most?
Growing old.
A boring life.
Being lonely.
Not having control of my life.


Who would do most of the cleaning, you or your girl?
Neither of us.
Mostly me.
We would split it.
Mostly her.
What type of music do you hate?
Classic rock
How did your last relationship end?
I ghosted her.
She dumped me.
We grew apart.
I dumped her.


Based on your girl type, Who is most attractive?
Lindsay Lohan
Paris Hilton
Kate Hudson
Jennifer Aniston
How much do you like to hang out with your girlfriends?
Just at night.
Just on the weekends.
All the time.
Most of the time.
How good are you at folding laundry? (Compare results with other person)
I am awful at it.
Not bad.
Pretty good.
I am great.


As a free spirited man, when do you get up on the weekends?
10 a.m.
8 a.m.
6 a.m.
How is your hair?
Well, I haven't washed it for a few days.
Not that great.
Pretty good.
How much should a woman spend on clothes a month?


Are you a tickler?
No. Gross.
I have to admit I am.
I wouldn't dare.
Do your girlfriends remind you of your mom?
Are you trying to creep me out?
In some ways.
Most do.
What sounds the most fun?
A music festival.
A football game.
A comic convention.
A state park.
