About This Quiz
Carl Jung might have taken the psychological world by storm with his version of personality tests. The women behind the Myers-Briggs personality test went a lot more in-depth, though! By clearly identifying four distinct markers that make up your traits, the Myers-Briggs test can accurately tell you if you are more introverted or extroverted - more feeling or nurturing. It can go far enough to let you know which reptile you are most like!
Throughout this quiz, we are going to use animals and animal behavior to ascertain your strongest personality traits. When you see our animal-versus-personality style question, take a moment to ponder which answer falls in line with the way you think. Our personality test might not be as intricate and as scientific as the Myers-Briggs test, but it can tell you with which reptile you have the most in common.
If you're the mastermind type, you might be an alligator. But your traits could make you more of a composer, like a rattlesnake. Answer each question with sincerity and thought, and we'll figure out both your Myers-Briggs type and your spirit reptile. Be like a brave turtle and poke your head out long enough to find out!