What Reptile Are You, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Type?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
What Reptile Are You, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Type?
Image: Daniel Hernanz Ramos / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Carl Jung might have taken the psychological world by storm with his version of personality tests. The women behind the Myers-Briggs personality test went a lot more in-depth, though! By clearly identifying four distinct markers that make up your traits, the Myers-Briggs test can accurately tell you if you are more introverted or extroverted - more feeling or nurturing. It can go far enough to let you know which reptile you are most like!

Throughout this quiz, we are going to use animals and animal behavior to ascertain your strongest personality traits. When you see our animal-versus-personality style question, take a moment to ponder which answer falls in line with the way you think. Our personality test might not be as intricate and as scientific as the Myers-Briggs test, but it can tell you with which reptile you have the most in common.

If you're the mastermind type, you might be an alligator. But your traits could make you more of a composer, like a rattlesnake. Answer each question with sincerity and thought, and we'll figure out both your Myers-Briggs type and your spirit reptile. Be like a brave turtle and poke your head out long enough to find out!

Q 01 Flock
Unsplash by Sam G
If birds of a feather flock together, what kind of birds are your friends?
Q 02 Hermit crab
Unsplash by Thomas Lipke
Are you shy like a hermit crab, or outgoing like a puppy?
If I'm with my friends, I'm like a puppy.
I'm totally more of a crab.
I'm always outgoing.
I'm not outgoing, but I don't hide away either.
Q 03 Snake in bathroom
Rhoberazzi / E+ / Getty Images
If you found a snake in your bathroom, how would you react?
I would calmly take it outside.
I might burn down my house.
I would call a pest removal service.
I guess I'm calling a realtor.


Q 04 Cold blooded warm hearted
Pexels by Brigitte Tohm
Have you ever been told that you are either cold-blooded or warm-hearted?
I have heard both.
You bet I've heard the cold-hearted bit.
I always hear how sweet I am.
I don't listen to what other people think of me.
Q 05 Aquarium
Unsplash by Andre Tan
Do you feel claustrophobic and stifled when you visit the aquarium?
Mostly, I feel amazed.
I always feel sorry for the fish.
I do feel a little boxed in.
I prefer the reptile house over aquariums.
Q 06 Bribed with treats
Pexels by freestocks.org
Would you say you are easily bribed with treats?
I'll do anything for a treat.
It has to be a good treat.
I cannot be bribed.
Expensive treats will get me moving.


Q 07 Myers Briggs
Chris Madden / Moment / Getty Images
Out of these Myers-Briggs types, which one do you think sums you up best?
The Thinker
The Mastermind
The Inspector
The Giver
Q 08 Squirrel road
Pixabay by JillWellington
Do you patiently stop and wait for squirrels to cross the road?
Who does that?
If I can stop in time, I do.
We don't have squirrels here.
That squirrel would make a nice dinner.
Q 09 Tired snake
Pixabay by skeeze
Which one of these snakes do you behave most like when you're tired?
Garter snake
Green mamba
Kaa from "The Jungle Book"


Q 10 Social Chameleon
Fernando Trabanco Fotografía / Moment / Getty Images
Are you a social chameleon, or are you always true to yourself?
I'm a social chameleon, but I am always myself.
What you see is what you get!
I can fit in anywhere!
I like to pretend to be someone else sometimes.
Q 11 Wolf Pack
Unsplash by Eva Blue
In a wolf pack, would you be an alpha, a beta or a warrior wolf?
I would be a nurse wolf.
You know I'm the alpha.
I'm fine with being the beta.
I would be an awesome warrior wolf.
Q 12 Alligator's Traits
Unsplash by Hans-Jürgen Röttger
Which of an alligator's traits do you share?
I can be a little snappy.
I am fairly laid back until I need something.
I have a tendency to be elusive.
My mouth is powerful, too.


Q 13 Labrador
Unsplash by Mitchell Orr
If you were a Labrador, would you prefer to run free in a dog park or the forest?
The jungle is more my style.
I'm not all that social. I choose the forest.
Who wants to run?
I love the atmosphere at dog parks.
Q 14 Apex Predators
Unsplash by Karen Zhang
Which of these apex predators embodies your sense of ambition?
Polar bear
Great white shark
Saltwater crocodile
Q 15 Animal Job
Sebastian Condrea / Moment / Getty Images
What sort of animal-related job would fit your personality best?
Zoo nutritionist
Animal therapist
Lion tamer


Q 16 Dog Commands
Pexels by It's me, Marrie
If dog commands were moods, what is your current mood?
Lay down
Play dead
Q 17 Spirit Animal
Pexels by Francesco De tommaso
What might your spirit animal say about your sense of humor?
It's as dry as an empty water bowl.
I don't have a spirit animal.
My spirit animal would say that I'm hilarious.
It would say that I'm sarcastic and witty.
Q 18 Fear Response
Rick Neves / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these creatures would instantly activate your fear response?


Q 19 Memory
Unsplash by Anita Jankovic
Elephants have great memories. What is your memory like?
Gnats have a better memory than I do.
I never forget anything.
I selectively forget things.
I will occasionally drop the ball.
Q 20 Aggressive Cougar
Pixabay by IanZA
When you feel aggressive, which of the big cats are you like?
Q 21 Hyena
Pixabay by Krushit
Do you have a big and bold laugh like a hyena?
I have a quiet and snickering laugh.
I sometimes snort when I laugh.
I cackle like a hen.
I think it's as bold as a hyena's laugh.


Q 22 Smart Owl
Unsplash by Paul M
Would you describe your intelligence as being on par with an owl or an octopus?
They are both smarter than me.
I am a little smarter than an owl.
I'm as smart as an octopus.
They are different types of intelligence.
Q 23 Cook for pets
Unsplash by Camylla Battani
Are you the kind of person who cooks for your pets?
Of course, I cook for them.
No, but I give them my leftovers.
Pets should not have people food.
I throw my dog a burger sometimes.
Q 24 Fish school
Unsplash by Milos Prelevic
Fish like to swim in schools. Do you like to be surrounded by others?
I'm more of an independent agent.
I love being with my tribe.
I like people, but I need a lot of alone time.
I like to be surrounded by my friends and family. My coworkers? Not so much ...


Q 25 Being a Parrot
Pixabay by D_Fenix249
What part of being a parrot would you enjoy the most?
Cursing at will
Getting lots of crackers
Being adored
Living in the jungle
Q 26 Sly Fox
Unsplash by Gary Bendig
When you want something, are you sly like a fox?
I have sly ways to get what I want.
I'm bold like a bull.
I am a shark when I really want something.
I'm a little sheepish sometimes.
Q 27 Salmon
Pixabay by dannymoore1973
Salmon is easily lured. What do you find irresistible about other people?


Q 28 Lemur
Unsplash by Carolien van Oijen
Which of these animals are you most like when you meet new people?
Gila monster
King crab
Q 29 Family Dog
Unsplash by Hannah Lim
Judging by your heart, which kind of family dog would you be?
Guard dog
Lap dog
Purse dog
Service dog
Q 30 Black Cats
Unsplash by Clément Falize
Are you superstitious about things like black cats?
No, but black cats freak me out.
I pay attention to every omen.
I am superstitious about a few things.
Not really, but I love spooky black cats!
