What Sort of Person Should You Be With?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What Sort of Person Should You Be With?
Image: Tim Robberts / Stone / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Does your dating history read like the most boring book on the planet? Are you ready to finally meet the kind of person who can fill your heart and keep your mind active? Once you tell us all about yourself and what you're like in a relationship, we'll be able to tell you what sort of person you need to help you nurture your soul. You're the whole package, and it's time you found someone who makes you shine!

Before you go on another date that leaves you feeling like the sea has run out of decent fish, you should take a long hard look in the mirror. If you don't know what kind of person you're really searching for, you're going to attract a lot of the things you really don't need. During this quiz, you'll be asked questions about yourself and questions about your dating wishlist. It's only through learning about you that we'll be able to figure out what sort of person is good enough for a fine piece of yum like you! 

As you read the questions, don't take them lightly. Instead, you should take them to heart and choose the answer that represents you best. Everything you tell us will shine a little light into your soul, and it will reveal the type of person you most need in your life. Will it be a type you haven't met yet, or will it perfectly describe someone you know? Put yourself in the spotlight and find out!

Q 01 Pamper
Tom Werner / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How do you pamper yourself when you need some self-care?
Naps always cure me.
I take myself out shopping.
I always get together with a friend and talk it out.
I head to the spa and get a pedicure.
Q 02 In love
Chris Tobin / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you really upfront about it when you have a crush?
I'm too shy for that, but I'll have friends drop hints.
I always go after the things that I want.
I should act on it, but I never do.
If I have a crush, everyone knows. I'm terrible at hiding things.
Q 03 Camping
Benjamin Rondel / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Which of these adventurous things are you most likely to do?
I like trying new foods.
Let's go camping!
I'll do anything except public speaking or skydiving.
I would love to travel to strange, new countries.


Q 04 Book
Unsplash by Sincerely Media
What kind of book does your dating history read like?
A steamy romance novel
A Stephen King book
A boring legal text
A self-help book
Q 05 Tinder
Unsplash by Yogas Design
Have you ever been brave enough to swipe right on Tinder?
That's my business!
Of course, I have.
I don't have Tinder.
No, but I've wasted hours of my life swiping left.
Q 06 Running late
Peter Cade / Stone / Getty Images
If we asked your BFF, what would they say is your most annoying trait?
I'm always running late.
Being organized is not my best trait.
I am a classic over-sharer.
My bestie wouldn't talk about me like that.


Q 07 Alone time
Carles Rodrigo / Moment / Getty Images
Do you need tons of alone time, or does it start to drive you crazy?
I'm three steps from going around the bend.
No matter how much I care about someone, I need alone time.
I need a good balance of alone time and social time.
Being alone too much makes me intolerable.
Q 08 Dating
Portra / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you currently dating, or are you just looking?
I'm window shopping.
I'm dating someone, but ...
I'm interested in someone, but I'm not sure about it.
I'm involved, but you can't be too sure.
Q 09 Open heart
Toshiro Shimada / Moment / Getty Images
Does it take you a long time to open your heart up to someone new?
What you see is what you get!
I like to stay guarded until I trust them.
It depends how open they're being with me.
I have a bad habit of not holding back long enough.


Q 10 Persuasive
4x6 / E+ / Getty Images
When you have an opinion, can you be swayed by love?
Nope! I believe what I believe.
I'm always open to other opinions, but I'll hear someone else out.
Guilty! My past partners have been persuasive.
I try not to form opinions until I know all the facts.
Q 11 Manners
Liam Norris / Cultura / Getty Images
What is an absolute must-have for someone you go out with?
Their own apartment
Common sense
A job
Q 12 Hated pet
dandanian / E+ / Getty Images
If a new partner hated your pet, how would you handle it?
How can you hate a goldfish? What a monster!
I guess it would be time to get a new partner.
We'll meet at their house.
They'll get used to one another.


Q 13 Chocolate gift
SilentWolf / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these first date gifts would impress you the most?
A book
You should wait a while before exchanging gifts.
Q 14 Giver
Oliver Rossi / Stone / Getty Images
Do you sometimes think you're too much of a giver?
I know it's true.
Sometimes, I think I could be more giving.
I've never really thought about it.
You can't give too much. I'm just like that.
Q 15 First love
Manchan / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Think back to your first love, and fill in the blank: I learned a lot about ______.
The three bases


Q 16 Waking up
Flashpop / Digital Vision / Getty Images
Do you wake up with a sunny and optimistic attitude about love every day?
I wake up like a grumpy bear about most things.
If it's not a workday, I do.
I'm always optimistic about love.
Mornings are not my thing! Give me until at least noon.
Q 17 Problem solving
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you consider yourself more of a problem solver or a troublemaker?
It depends who you ask!
Trouble follows me.
I like to shake things up, but I'm not a trouble maker.
I try to solve all the problems.
Q 18 Flirting
DUEL / Cultura / Getty Images
How would you describe the way you flirt?
It's a disaster. I snort or fall over my own shoes or something equally ridiculous.
I like to think I'm sexy and irresistible when I flirt.
I'm a natural-born flirt; it's just the way I talk.


Q 19 Matching outfit
Satoshi-K / E+ / Getty Images
If your partner wanted to wear matching outfits to a dinner party, would you do it?
Yes! It would be hilarious!
I would suggest they have their head examined.
If it's a cool outfit, I'm down.
I wouldn't date someone who would make such a stupid suggestion.
Q 20 Overthinking
IndiaPicture / India / Getty Images
Have you ever heard that you take things too seriously?
I'm pretty sure approximately no one has said that about me.
I've heard it, but I don't agree.
I'm only serious about my relationship.
I could win medals for overthinking.
Q 21 Extroverted
Sam Edwards / OJO Images / Getty Images
Are you the more extroverted or the more introverted one in your relationships?
I'm always the one coming up with ideas.
I go back and forth.
I need an extrovert to balance out my introverted tendencies.
I've never really thought about it.


Q 22 Team
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
What part of your personality makes you a great part of a duo?
I'm a team player.
I'm really encouraging.
I'm confident in myself.
I have a warm heart.
Q 23 Friends talking
Tom Werner / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you blab about your love life to anyone who will listen?
What's the fun in keeping it to myself?
My private life is my private life.
My best friend knows all about it.
I only blab when I want to make someone jealous.
Q 24 Concert
Flashpop / Digital Vision / Getty Images
What date night activity sounds like most fun?
Roller skating
A cooking class
A concert
A theater show


Q 25 Kiss
Franco Vogt / The Image Bank / Getty Images
When's the last time you had a soulful kiss?
It was recently.
I don't kiss and tell.
I can't remember the last time.
Kissing my mirror counts, right?
Q 26 Envy couple
skynesher / E+ / Getty Images
Are you envious when your friends fall in love?
No way! I'm happy for them.
I'm not envious, but I do get protective of them.
Yes! When do I get that?
If you do, you're not a real friend.
Q 27 Old couple
Oliver Rossi / Stone / Getty Images
Were you in your last relationship for a long time?
It wasn't long enough.
We were together for far too long.
It was a long-term relationship.
We have known each other since childhood.


Q 28 Texting
Boogich / E+ / Getty Images
Would you have a text argument, or save it for a face-to-face?
It's much easier to argue via text.
I refuse to argue. Period.
That's why they created video chat.
I am a say-it-to-your-face kind of person.
Q 29 Wholesome woman
Flashpop / Digital Vision / Getty Images
Are you usually attracted to the guy/girl next door look?
I like something a little edgier.
I love the wholesome look.
The smarter they're dressed, the hotter they are.
I'm more attracted to attitude than appearance.
Q 30 Daydreaming
Ezra Bailey / Stone / Getty Images
What do you hope your soulmate is out there doing right now?
Daydreaming about me
Taking a quiz
Getting some rest
Making fat stacks
