What's Your True Celtic Animal Sign?

By: Steven Miller
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
What's Your True Celtic Animal Sign?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

While the Celts were closely connected to the sacred trees in their environment, they undoubtedly felt a deep affinity for the animals that surrounded them as well. These included land animals such as the deer, the wolf, and the bull; creatures of the air like the wren and butterfly; and those from the water, like the salmon and the seahorse. Each of these Celtic animals offers characteristics that might be a perfect match for you.

Are you the kind of person who sticks with a task all the way to the end? Are you reliable and someone that people trust to follow through on what they say? If you're proud and someone with high ideals and aspirations, there's a good chance that you're going to be a great match for the deer or stag.

On the other hand, maybe you're someone who spends the bulk of their time texting, talking on the phone or hanging out with friends. Perhaps you flutter around from one thing to the next, constantly brightening people's day as you pass by. If you relate to those statements, it seems clear that you might just be a butterfly.

There's plenty of other animals that might be a better fit. Grab a pint, pull up a chair, and let's get this hunt underway.

In which setting would you rather live?
Up in the mountains.
In a forest.
Some place warm.
By the water.
Are you a hard worker?
I'm pretty smart, so I tend to use my mind more than my muscles.
There are moments where I work hard, but I generally like to mix things up.
I am definitely someone who outworks everyone around me.
I'm very cunning at doing the least amount of work for the most reward.
Would you consider yourself to be a patient person?
I'll hang in there way longer than anyone else.
Not at all. I'm constantly moving from one thing to another.
I have my moments, but I would say that I'm pretty quick to bail on something that's not working.
I can be patient when I have to be, but I get really impatient with stupidity.


How sensitive are you?
I'm more sensitive than it looks on the outside.
I'm pretty delicate, which motivates me to be kind to others.
I'm pretty flexible and able to handle a lot.
I definitely have a sensitive nervous system.
Which stage of a creative project are you best at?
The dreaming stage.
All the small details that it takes to finish it.
The initial stages of getting things started.
I'd be good at promoting the project once it's finished.
Which description best matches your sense of humor?
Sexy innuendo.


How many setbacks does it usually take for you to give up on something?
I'll give it a number of tries, but there's a point where it's just time to move on.
I'll keep going until it's done.
I tend to bail pretty quickly.
I might give something a couple of tries before I bail.
What are you like at a party?
I'll stop by for a little while. I might stay longer if the conversation is intellectually stimulating.
I'm all over the place, chatting with everyone in the room.
I'll generally just sit in a corner and have a quiet conversation.
I'll pretty much be the life of the party. I've got the jokes all ready.
Do you enjoy traveling?
I'd much rather stay close to home.
I love to travel. My ideal life would be a new place every day.
You want me on the trip with you. I find all the best stuff to do.
I like a change of scenery once in a while.


How do you generally react to a challenging situation?
I rise to the challenge and figure out a sly solution to the problem.
I try to avoid it as much as possible.
I get creative and find a loophole out of it.
I just keep plodding along.
Would you consider yourself to be a great storyteller?
I make a better listener than a storyteller.
No, I'm too shy for that.
I don't think I'd go as far as saying I'm great, but I am fairly entertaining.
I keep my audience on the edge of their seats.
Would you consider yourself to be a loyal person?
Actually, it doesn't take much for me to give you the boot if you cross me.
It might not seem that way on the surface, but I totally am.
It usually takes a lot for me to give up on a friendship.
Once you've earned my trust, I'm sure to be loyal to you.


Which famous landmark in Ireland would you rather visit?
The Blarney Stone.
The Ring of Kerry.
The Cliffs of Moher.
Of the following, which kind of music do you enjoy the most?
Hip hop.
How do you usually celebrate St. Patrick's Day?
I'm staying home and I'll cook some corned beef and cabbage. I might have a Guinness or two.
I'm hitting a bunch of bars all over town.
I'm starting early. It's going to be a fun and hilarious day.
I'll just kind of go with the flow of the day.


How much do you talk on the phone?
I might be on there a lot if I'm trying to pull off a deal.
I'm pretty much always talking or texting.
I try to stay off the phone, but I have a few calls to make each day.
I'm not really much of a phone person.
What is the length of your attention span?
I can focus on something for a couple minutes, maybe.
I am able to hold my attention for a very long time.
It's probably higher than most people these days, but that's not saying a lot.
I suppose you've got my attention for 10-minutes at the most.
Which word best matches your general demeanor?


Are you a dreamer?
I'm good at imagining creative solutions, but I'm not sure that's the same as being a dreamer.
I tend to be a lot more practical.
Totally, I've got my head in the clouds.
I'm generally too busy in my life to do a whole lot of dreaming.
Would you consider yourself to be more of an optimist or a pessimist?
It really just depends on my mood.
I'm a total optimist. I always expect things to get better.
I do tend to anticipate the worst.
I see the difficulties in life, but I tend to laugh at them.
Have you gone though a major transformation in your life?
I'm pretty much the same person that I've always been.
Yes, I'm a totally different person from who I used to be.
It's not like I wouldn't recognize myself from the past, but I've definitely changed significantly.
I've changed a bit over the years, but not that much.


What part of the day are you at your best?
Late at night.
Early morning.
Late afternoon.
How good are you at managing your finances?
I do tend to make a bunch of impulse buys. I'm kind of racking up the credit card debt.
I'm very detailed and organized with my finances.
I'm very good at finding loopholes to save money.
I've got some debt, but those good times that were bought on credit, they were so worth it.
Is it common for you to talk over someone's head?
I can't help it if I'm brilliant. Keep up, people.
No, I keep things pretty clear and on the level of my audience.
I guess I can be a little hard to understand when I'm very excited.
I try not to do that, but I suppose it happens once in a while.


How do you generally respond to someone's adoration?
I'll probably make a joke about it, but it will just hide how deeply moved I really am.
It is likely to totally embarrass me.
I'll probably get a little giddy.
I'd lap it up.
Would you say that people think of you as someone who can get things done?
Yeah, I'll figure out a way, for sure.
That's probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of me.
Absolutely. It might take a while, but I'll see it though to the end.
I'm more likely to be the one who slows things down with my pranks and jokes.
How do you usually react when plans change?
I have to admit that I have a really hard time dealing with changes.
I'm usually the one who changes the plans.
It might really bother me, but I'm sure to make a joke about it.
I adjust pretty quickly.


Which beverage would you rather drink?
Irish coffee.
Which food would you rather eat?
Soda bread.
Corned beef and cabbage.
Irish stew.
Bangers and mash.
Which Celtic sacred tree do you feel most drawn to?
