Which Marvel Girl Would You Attract?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Marvel Girl Would You Attract?
Image: Marvel Studios

About This Quiz

When the MCU started, most of the characters were men, and the whole Avengers Initiative seemed to be pretty male-centric. But as the universe evolved, filmmakers and audiences began to appreciate the importance and the power of those female characters who have come to make the MCU shine. While it started slow, with Black Widow and Pepper Potts, the world expanded to include all kinds of characters, from Gamora and Mantis to the Wasp and Valkyrie. We even got our share of villainous ladies, like Hela and Nebula. And, of course, there are a few women who don't have any powers at all, like Jane Foster and Aunt May, who are still important and fun characters in their own right.

It may have taken a few years to get the ladies as headliners - "Ant-Man and the Wasp" and "Captain Marvel" didn't show up until Phase 3 of Marvel's overall plan - but at least it finally happened. Then, with "Back Widow," it became clear that audiences really wanted to see the stories about these women play out because they're just as cool as the guys. And you know what else? They're pretty hot, too. No shame in admitting that.

So if you were going to be attracting one of these super ladies, which one would it be? One way to find out! Take the quiz!

Marvel Studios
Do you like an exciting, fast-paced first date, like flying through space, or a more low-speed sort, like infiltrating an enemy base?
I play it by ear.
A little infiltration never hurt anyone.
Fast and furious and spacey!
Can we just talk?
Marvel Studios
What do other people tell you is your best personality trait?
I'm independent.
I'm honest.
I'm direct.
I'm sensitive.
Marvel Studios
A hole in space opened over New York! How likely are you to just run in and see what's up?
I do like surprises.
I'll give it a spin, sure.
I prefer to have a plan first.
I'm the opposite of spontaneous, so no thanks.


Infinity Stone
Marvel Studios
Can you keep the location of an Infinity Stone a secret?
Oh yeah
Try and see.
Marvel Studios
Let's say Loki is mouthing off. Are you good at dealing with confrontation?
If I need to be
You bet I am.
I'll teach him to be quiet.
I try to avoid it.
Marvel Studios
Which Marvel hero would be the best mentor for picking up the ladies, in your opinion?
Nick Fury
Captain America
None of them


Marvel Studios
If someone tried to do some '80s music serenade for you, like Peter Quill, how would you feel?
As long as it's not too cheesy
I guess that'd be OK.
Please don't.
That'd be very sweet.
Marvel Studios
Would you ever catch a spaceship to another planet to win back a lost love?
I dunno if I have time for that.
If it was worth it
They should come to me.
I very much would!
First Move
Marvel Studios
Do you tend to make the first move?
It depends.
I make every move.
Not usually


Marvel Studios
Would you say that you're pretty witty and funny?
Oh yeah
In a dry way
Not really
Marvel Studios
Do you feel like you intimidate people sometimes?
Only people who don't get me
It happens.
I try to.
Marvel Studios
How tough are you?
Thor tough
Hulk tough
I'm as tough as me - what do you mean?
Drax tough


Marvel Studios
Can you handle awkward silences?
Yeah, I guess so.
It's only awkward if you let it get that way.
I hate those.
I do everything awkwardly.
Marvel Studios
How far apart is too far apart?
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. I'l be in the next solar system.
How about I just go back in time?
We don't need to be together all the time.
I'd like to be together as much as possible. Same room, please.
Marvel Studios
What's more important to you, looks or personality?
Looks first, then personality clinches it.
Why not both?
I like a girl with a unique look.
I like emotional depth.


Marvel Studios
Can you handle a partner who is tougher than you?
I like tough.
Yeah, why not?
You bet!
Marvel Studios
Do you have any villainous tendencies?
Not so much
Maybe a little
You could say that.
Not even a tiny bit
Marvel Studios
Would you say you're a flirt when you first meet someone?
Maybe a little
If I'm feeling playful
Not really
For sure!


Marvel Studios
Which of these sounds like the best way to show off for someone you're interested in?
Overthrowing a villainous plot
Feats of strength
Maybe destroying something really big
I dunno. Sing a song?
Dance Off
Marvel Studios
Have you ever saved the day with a dance off?
I've been known to cut a rug now and then.
Oh, I got moves.
That's not in my wheelhouse.
Tried, but I don't think I saved the day.
Marvel Studios
How much of an adrenaline junkie are you?
I live for it!
Definitely enjoy it now and then.
I can take it or leave it.
Not much of one


Columbia Pictures/Marvel Studios/Pascal Pictures
What's the best first date idea you can think of?
Flying. In or out of a jet.
Taking down Russian gangsters
Target shooting
Walk on the beach
Marvel Studios
Do you consider yourself a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist?
Who has the time?
I am not any of those things.
Maybe a smidge of one or two
Not in the slightest
Marvel Studios
Are you a nurturer, or do you like someone to take care of you?
I don't need a mother.
I'm happy to take care of things.
Do you mean "take care of" like throw them out of an airlock?
I like people taking care of me.


Marvel Studios
Do you prefer someone who's a goofball, or do you need someone more serious?
Serious, with a hint of goofy
Serious at work, goofy at home
Serious, please
I like being a little goofy.
Marvel Studios
How good are you at expressing your feelings to someone?
As good as anyone
It can be tough.
I'm terrible at it.
So good
Marvel Studios
Are you a super genius who has life all figured out?
I just live it day to day.
I have parts figured out.
I thought I did, but I don't.
I have nothing figured out.


Marvel Studios
Do you like a woman who can cook and take care of the house and all that jazz?
I do like a woman who can set things on fire.
I don't expect that, no.
I don't need that.
Marvel Studios
How much effort do you put into your body and how you look?
I can just wear a super suit.
I don't think much about it.
Marvel Studios
Do you like a girl with a competitive spirit?
That's fine.
It keeps things interesting.
