Which Medieval Knight Are You?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Medieval Knight Are You?
Image: Drazen_ / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Way back in the year 476 AD the Middle Ages, what we like to call medieval times, started. That was when the Roman Empire fell, in case you weren't so sure why it was such a random date and we didn't round it up to 500 or something. Everything you know or think you know about knights and chivalry and the whole medieval aesthetic that lives on in fantasy fiction began. It must have been a very interesting time to be alive. And if you were alive during it there were few things you could do that were more interesting than being a knight. These were the warriors of the age, the heroes. They traveled the world fighting in campaigns, risking life and limb to swing a sword for their chosen kings.

There were likely thousands of knights whose names we'll never know in the present, but a few have lived on through their deeds for better or for worse. The era inspired tales of fictional knights and also fictional tales of real knights.  Whatever kind of knight we're talking about, though, odds are they had an amazing story. Think any of those stories match up with your own? Let us be your faithful squire as you take the quiz and find out!

You can easily pick a knight out of a crowd thanks to their suit of armor and their weapon. Let's start with your weapon. Choose one!
Any good knight needs to protect their neck. What helmet are you wearing?
Great helm
I have no need for a helm, good quiz!
For what reason would you take up the sword?
For God
For love
For righteousness
For my country


You can hardly ride into battle on a bicycle. You need a horse! Pick one.
Any horse will do
A black stallion
just a faithful, old workhorse
A swift Arabian
By the way, you should probably name your horse. Have a favorite?
You don't have to limit yourself to a sword as a knight. What other weapon will help you win the day?
A crossbow
My wits
A mace


Are you leading armies or joining them?
I lead
I follow my king
It's just me and a good friend out here
Depends on the war
What's a good age to start your life as a knight?
As a knight, do you have any particular code of ethics?
I follow the will of the Lord
The Code of Chivalry
A self-evident code of honor
You do what you need to do.


Should you break a rule if you don't agree with it?
Only if it's wrong
The rules of men are often flawed.
That's not for us to decide.
Is it better to be good or to be right?
They're the same thing.
To be good
To be just means the other two will follow.
To be right
How do you handle someone who insults your honor?
Call them out
Ignore them, because you don't need to waste your time
A glove slap oughtta do it.
Put them in their place


Who's the greatest knight in all of fiction?
Brienne of Tarth
Obi-Wan Kenobi
That knight who says "Ni!"
The Black Knight
What's a good way to wind down after a hard day of knighting?
Prayer and meditation
A quiet evening with the person you love
Relaxing with comrades
Mead, or possibly ale
What do you do on the battlefield if it looks like your side is facing defeat?
Rally and lead your soldiers
Fall back to strategize
Single-handedly turn the tide
It never looks like my side is losing.


How are your jousting skills?
Who has the time for such silliness?
I never lose.
Knights often fight for the honor of a lady. Will you?
I do not fight for the glory of mortals
Of course!
I might if I find one.
Meh, I fight for myself first.
Does the king know best?
The king knows well.
In all things
Who knows what a king knows?
Not always


Some medieval wars last a very, very long time. Doesn't that get tiring eventually?
The cause of righteousness takes effort.
Sometimes, you have to be in it for the long haul.
Everything gets tiring. You rest and start again.
Many an author has covered the world of medieval times in books. Who was the best one?
George R. R.Martin
Thomas Malory
Geoffrey Chaucer
William Shakespeare
If you didn't have time to read the books maybe you caught the movie. Favorite movie about a knight?
"Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
"A Knight's Tale"


Is it better to have a small but skilled army or a large but less-skilled army?
The large army
The small army
Who needs an army?
Either could be useful.
What's the most important part of an army on the battlefield?
Do you ever second guess your decisions?
All the time
I barely even first guess them.
Sometimes I do.


How important is personal glory?
It can't hurt.
I don't think I need much of that.
Very important
Knights are generally pretty heroic, but then again so are superheroes. Which one do you relate to most?
Wonder Woman
Dr. Strange
What happens when you're too old to be a knight?
No such thing
Retire to the country
Teach new knights
Become king


Very few people actually became knights in medieval times. Which of these jobs would you have fallen back on?
Medieval Europe had a lot to offer a knight if you knew where to go. Where would you go?
What symbol would look good on your coat of arms?
A sword
A red slash
A griffin
A lion
