Which Military Dog Breed Is Right for You?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Military Dog Breed Is Right for You?
Image: labsas / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Ever since dogs were domesticated around ten thousand years ago, humans have put dogs to work. Their first jobs were no doubt the obvious tasks one would assign to a dog, knowing their behavior in the wild: guarding camp, herding animals, tracking prey for the hunt. Dogs weren't just companions, they were tools, and like so many tools created by mankind, they were put to work in new ways in times of war.

The Romans so loved their war dogs that they erected statues in the honor of specific war dogs. The Roman war dog breed Molossus disappeared centuries ago, but according to contemporaneous paintings and sculptures, they exhibited many characteristics associated with breeds we have with us today, making them the likely descendents of the Romans' dogs of war.  In fact, war dogs and the breeding of such became such a big deal that by the middle ages, it was common for a gift of a dog to be given by royalty to royalty as a gesture of friendship.

Today, dogs play many roles in the military, and not all of them are on the battlefield. Of course, not everyone can handle a dog with the characteristics needed for duty in the military, just as not everyone is meant to be a soldier. But if you answer our questions honestly, we'll tell you which breed of military dog is right for you.

How much time do you spend in dangerous areas?
I live in one!
Almost none, but there are some nearby.
Quite a bit
Do you often lose things?
Not really
More than I would like!
Are you really seeking a dog who will just love you, and let you love it?
No, I want it to protect me too.
Mostly, yeah
I do also want a buddy for other purposes.


Who would you like your dog to intimidate?
People who look at me funny in the street
How many commands would you like to teach your dog?
12 or more
If your dog had a non-military job, what job would you hope it would have?
Guard dog
Search and rescue
Drug sniffer
Therapy dog


Might your dog be working as a service dog?
No, my dog will just be for companionship and protection.
Yes, my dog needs to know how to help with certain tasks.
Probably not, but they should collect the mail!
Yes, my dog will help with anxiety and depression.
How much exercise do you like?
More than average
A lot, but I can also be very lazy.
All of it!
None for me, thanks!
What climate do you live in?
Cool and damp
Sunny and pleasant
Cold and snowy
Hot and humid


Are you often away traveling, meaning you need a dog who can handle staying home without you?
I can be, yes.
No, I rarely go away.
When I travel, I go by car so my dog can come.
I can't afford much travel but I do go on vacation once a year.
Have you ever been burgled?
Yes, repeatedly
No, but a neighbor was
Yes, once
What sort of home do you live in?
Suburban house
City apartment


Are you a neat freak?
Not at all
I'd call it organized chaos.
I'm fairly neat.
I'm very neat!
Are you willing to pay big bucks to get the right dog?
If I have to!
I will pay medium bucks, thank you!
I'd prefer that-you get what you pay for.
No, I want to adopt one who needs a home.
How important is it for your dog to breed?
Not at all. I will spay or neuter my dog.
I would like to do this.
I might consider it.
I will get a dog that has already been neutered.


What outfit would you like to put on your dog?
Just a doggie backpack
Just a bandana
Full uniform
Endless parade of cute little sweaters!
Do you want a dog who can chew through anything in minutes?
That is essential, yes.
It'd be fun, sure.
I want them to have the ability but not the desire.
No thanks!
How big should a dog be, in your view?
Over 100lbs


Will any kids be around the dog?
I do not live with any kids.
Yes, many-mine and those of relatives and neighbors
My two teen kids will
My two little ones will
Will your dog go camping with you?
No, because I hate camping, but we will be outdoors a lot.
I hope so!
Do you want an actual ex-military dog, or just the same breed?
I would take either.
I would prefer to get a puppy and raise it.
I'd like a dog who served.
I'd be worried I'm not active enough for one who served, so I'll get a rescue!


What branch of the military were you in (or if you did not join, which would you prefer to have been in)?
Air Force
Do you tend to change where you go for a walk every day, or stick to the same route?
I mix it up!
I vary between a dozen routes I know.
I vary once in a while.
Always the same.
How much hair on your clothing and furniture is just too much?
I don't mind a fair amount.
No amount is too much!
I can take a lot, but I have limits.
Ideally, there would be none.


How tall is the fence around your property?
5 feet
There is no fence.
Over 6 feet
I live in an apartment.
Where will your dog sleep?
Their bed in my study
Their bed in the utility room
My bed
Will your dog be expected to alert you when someone comes to the house?
Yes, they will monitor all comers until I say otherwise.
Yes, in a friendly way that makes the person feel welcome.
They will scare a lot of people off!
They might come to me, but they will not bark.


As far as you know, are your neighbors cool with big, scary-looking dogs?
They all have pitbulls, so they can't talk!
They hate all dogs so I need one so cute and friendly it can win them over.
They would probably be OK with it.
They'd hate that.
Do you know how to train a more challenging breed, so that it is safe, happy, and confident?
Yes, I am a very experienced dog ownerr.
I have had dogs, but I did not do the best job of training them.
I'm highly experienced and I have taken additional classes.
I know little to nothing about this topic. I just love dogs.
When did you first know you were a dog person?
It was not until I met my boo and fell in love with their dog.


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