Which "This Is Us" Character Are You?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which "This Is Us" Character Are You?
Image: NBC

About This Quiz

Since hitting the airwaves in 2016, "This Is Us" has been making viewers break out the tissues. The heart-warming story of relatable family drama is highly rated, and it's easy to see why! With lovable characters that make us feel human, it's impossible to avoid getting sucked in. If you've been wondering which one of the "Big Three" you're most like, you no longer have to wonder!

Do you see yourself as being ambitious in a Randall sort of way or in a Kevin type of way? Would you have the guts to make the life choices that Kate has had to make? Each question you answer will reveal the traits you have in common with some of the show's most beloved characters. Even if you feel differently than any of the Pearson's, there are other characters whose qualities might better resemble yours.

You'll have to be as honest as Jack and Rebecca are with one another to get the best match. Try not to overthink before you respond, and your best "This Is Us" qualities will shine through. Will you get the character you've always found most endearing, or will your results surprise you? Scroll down and find out which member of the cast you're most like at heart.

Q 01 Siblings
20th Century Fox
What's your relationship with your siblings like?
We fight like crazy, but we love each other.
We do a lot of laughing.
I'm an only child.
We're not that close, but we're always there for each other.
Q 02 Horrified
thianchai sitthikongsak / Moment / Getty Images
How would you react to finding out that you're having a "Big Three" of your own?
I would be horrified.
It would be a dream come true.
That's not exactly what I had in mind, but I'd figure it out.
I'm not sure how I feel about having kids.
Q 03 The Middle
Warner Bros Television
Which one of these sitcoms could have been made about your family?
"The Middle"
"Modern Family"
"Family Ties"
"Schitt's Creek"


Q 04 Family role
Catherine Delahaye / Stone / Getty Images
What family role is closest to your own?
The black sheep
The parent figure
The fun aunt or uncle
The baby
Q 05 Sense of humor
drbimages / E+ / Getty Images
How would your closest friend describe your sense of humor?
Q 06 Jack and Randall
20th Century Fox
Are you sentimental like Jack and Randall are about the necklace?
I don't throw anything away.
I'm more nostalgic than I am sentimental.
I'm not all that gushy about stuff; memories mean more to me.
I'm attached to a few special things.


Q 07 Randalls ambition
20th Century Fox
Do you see yourself as being as ambitious as Randall?
I'm ambitious, but it's not always about the right thing.
I work hard, but it never gets noticed.
When I want something, get out of my way.
I'm as ambitious as anyone else.
Q 08 Disagreement
Dimitri Otis / Stone / Getty Images
When you have a disagreement, do you need to get the last word in?
I don't always use words to make my point.
I can let it slide.
I'll keep talking until we can compromise.
Q 09 Kate Pearson
20th Century Fox
If you could spend the day hanging out with Kate, what would you want to do?
Visit the Pearson family
Go shopping
Talk about our lives
Plan her wedding


Q 10 Beth
20th Century Fox
Would you say you're nurturing like Rebecca or like Beth?
They're kind of the same.
I think I'm a lot more like Beth.
Kate's the most nurturing one.
In a crisis, I'm more like Rebecca.
Q 11 Parents
Oliver Rossi / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Who do you turn to when you could use some advice?
I go to my siblings.
My best friend knows all my secrets.
My parents give me great advice.
I turn to my partner.
Q 12 Stock broker
Witthaya Prasongsin / Moment / Getty Images
Would your personality be better suited to be an actor or a stockbroker?
Acting is right up my alley.
I'm not sure I'm built for either job.
I would be a better investor or broker.
My personality would make me a better counselor.


Q 13 Family drama
Anastasia Pelikh / Moment / Getty Images
How do you usually involve yourself in family drama?
I'm always the center of it.
I'm the problem solver.
I make popcorn and watch.
I let them fight it out for themselves.
Q 14 Feelings
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Is it hard for you to open up about your true feelings?
If I feel something, everyone knows about it.
I'm working on it.
I keep my cards close to my chest.
I have to really trust someone before I open up.
Q 15 Admit
JAG IMAGES / Image Source / Getty Images
If you really messed up, would you immediately come clean about it?
I might drag my feet for a while.
If I did something wrong, I would admit it.
It's hard for me to admit I was wrong.
It depends on how bad I botched things up.


Q 16 Tv tunning
Erik Von Weber / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Do you make it a point to tune in to "This Is Us" every week?
I make sure to record it.
I wait until an entire season is streaming.
It's a weekly tradition.
I catch it when I can.
Q 17 Clingy
filadendron / E+ / Getty Images
When you're in a relationship, are you clingy or hands-off?
I've been known to be clingy.
I'm fairly hands-off.
I'm somewhere in the middle.
I'm overprotective sometimes.
Q 18 Kitchen
Maria Rueger / Moment / Getty Images
The kitchen is the hub of Randall and Beth's house; which room is your favorite?
The living room
Your bedroom
It's the kitchen, too.
Somewhere else


Q 19 Secrets
Michael Haegele / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Have you ever kept a secret from someone you love?
I think everyone does that.
I try to avoid it.
I'm terrible at keeping secrets.
Sometimes, it's necessary.
Q 20 Family
20th Century Fox
When you hang out with your family, what do you do most often?
Watch movies
Catch up
Eat food
Go to a game
Q 21 Christmas hat
20th Century Fox
Are you a stickler for following traditions like the Christmas hat?
Traditions keep a family together.
I like making new traditions more.
I could do without some of them.
We don't have enough traditions.


Q 22 Parents
20th Century Fox
What was your teenage relationship with your parents like?
Q 23 Family and friends
The Good Brigade / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If your brother invited friends to a family only weekend, would you be upset?
The more, the merrier!
Ugh! That's so annoying.
I would be furious.
I'm sure he had a reason for doing that.
Q 24 Childhood friends
20th Century Fox
Thinking back, what was your favorite part of being a kid?
The holidays
My grandparents
My childhood friends


Q 25 Young bros
Sally Anscombe / Stone / Getty Images
What member of your family were you closest to when you were young?
My mom or dad
My grandmother or grandfather
My brother or sister
My cousin
Q 26 William
20th Century Fox
How did you feel when you found out that William is Randall's dad?
You ruined it!
I knew it!
I was utterly shocked.
It wasn't really a surprise.
Q 27 Help move
Portra Images / Stone / Getty Images
Would you rather lend a family member money or help them move?
I'm broke, and I'll be out of the country.
I have no problem doing either.
You never lend money to family.
I have a few bucks to spare for a loved one.


Q 28 Rebecca
20th Century Fox
If you were a parent to three, would you be more like Jack or Rebecca?
I'm a little like both.
Rebecca share's more of my style.
Jack has more of my traits.
I would want to be more like my parents.
Q 29 Family fun
Klaus Vedfelt / Digital Vision / Getty Images
What is it about your family that makes you proud to be a part of it?
We're a unique bunch.
We're always there for each other.
I think we're a resilient group of people.
We're fun to be around.
Q 30 Alone
Rehulian Yevhen / Image Source / Getty Images
How did you get over your last breakup?
I turned to my family.
I met someone new.
I spent some time alone.
I don't want to talk about it.
