Which Video Game Should You Play Next?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Video Game Should You Play Next?
Image: SIE Santa Monica Studio/ Sony Interactive Entertainment

About This Quiz


Ready to take your gaming experience to the next level? Dive into the world of video games with our quiz and discover what game should i play next! Whether you're a fan of MMORPG's, action-adventures, or puzzles, we've got the perfect recommendation for you.

From building in ""Minecraft"" to strategizing in ""Starcraft,"" there's a game out there that's just waiting for you to explore. With so many options to choose from, let us help you find the game that suits your play style and preferences. Who knows, you might discover a new favorite that will keep you hooked for hours on end!

So, if you're looking for a fun and exciting way to escape reality, look no further than our quiz to guide you to your next gaming adventure. Get ready to level up and immerse yourself in a world of virtual entertainment like never before!

Question 1 - genre
Blizzard Entertainment
You have a whole day off to play video games. What genre do you turn to first?
Action role-playing
Question 2 - enemy
An enemy is approaching! What weapon would you use to stop them?
Baseball bat
Magical sword
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
I shall use my logical mind to defeat my enemies!
Question 3 - vacation
Rockstar Games
If you could take a vacation to one of these worlds below, which one would you choose?
Vespucci Beach
Parapa Palace
Stranglethorn Vale
Somewhere else


Question 4 - puzzles
What's your primary reason for playing your favorite video games?
I just wanna have fun!
I love nostalgia, so I prefer games that transports me back to my childhood.
I want to make new friends.
I love solving puzzles.
Question 5 - open-world
Rockstar Games
Do you prefer linear or open-world games?
Don't know, don't care!
Linear, it's just easier to navigate.
Open-world, I want to see what's out there!
A mix of both
Question 6 - console
Wikicommons by Evan-Amos
Certain consoles have their pros and cons, but which one is right for you?
I'm a PC gamer.


Question 7 -  underated
Core Design/ Eidos Interactive
Out of these four games, which one do you believe is underrated?
Call of Duty: WWII
Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
Half-Life 2
Question 8 - difficulty
Which mode of difficulty do you prefer when starting a brand new game?
Question 9 - gaming session
Blizzard Entertainment
Ideally, how many other players would you want to have a gaming session with?
Three or four other gamers is perfect for me.
I prefer solo gaming.
As many as possible
Pair me up with another gamer and I'm in heaven.


Question 10 - arcade
Wikicommons by Rob Boudon from New York City, USA
If you were at an arcade, which classic game would you make a beeline towards?
Dig Dug
Donkey Kong
Question 11 - long games
Some games take two hours to complete while others require 100+ hours of your time. Which one do you prefer?
I like games that are short and sweet.
I prefer super long games.
I want to play a game that never ends.
Somewhere in the middle is perfect for me.
Question 12 - strategy
Blizzard Entertainment
What's your typical strategy when playing a game for the first time?
Destroy everything in sight!
Figure out as much as I can, then use cheat codes.
I love getting lost in a new world.
I prefer sitting down and solving the game like a puzzle.


Question 13 - NPC
Rockstar Games
When an NPC is talking to you about a quest, what do you tend to do?
Scroll past all this useless text.
Listen very carefully, they might have clues!
If they're not giving me information about the story, then I don't care as much.
I never talk to NPCs.
Question 14 - glitches
What causes you to become bored with a particular video game?
I hate cut scenes, I want to play the game!
A game that's not well-made, or has tons of glitches
I hate playing games by myself, so that seems boring to me.
I never get bored, I love games!
Question 15 - 24 hours
Blizzard Entertainment
Have you ever played a video game for 24 hours straight?
No, but I've gotten close!
My longest gaming session was around 10 hours.
24 hours is nothing, try 48 hours!
Now that's just silly.


Question 16 - violence
Rockstar Games
Can you handle blood and violence, or does that stuff seem scary to you?
Bring on the blood and violence, I can handle it!
Sorry, that's not my scene.
As long as it's not excessive, I'm OK with it.
I can only handle a tiny bit of it.
Question 17 - great story
Which one matters more to you: sound, graphics, story or weapons?
I love a good variety of weapons.
Sound is an underrated aspect of video games.
I'm all about those cinematic graphics.
I love a great story.
Question 18 - Movie
TriStar Pictures/ Interscope Communications/ Teitler Film/ Sony Pictures Releasing
Some video games seem to be inspired by movies. Which flick would you want to watch with some friends?
"Ford v Ferrari"
"Alice in Wonderland"
"The Truman Show"


Question 19 - reward
Congrats! You've just completed your first quest! Which item will you choose as a reward?
A new weapon
Gold. Who doesn't love money?
A map. I like to know exactly where I'm going.
Question 20 - hard level
If you were stuck on a very hard level, you would probably ...
Look at a guide online
Use a cheat code
Ask a friend for help
Figure it out, I can do this!
Question 21 - dungeon
Blizzard Entertainment
Close your eyes and imagine a new world for a sec. What do you see?
Chaos everywhere
A mysterious forest
A dark dungeon with lots of enemies
A strange science lab


Question 22 - career
CBS News
Would you ever want to turn your passion for gaming into a career?
That would be a dream come true.
I'd love to become a pro gamer, but that's about it.
Sure, if it paid well.
No thanks, that's far too much gaming for me.
Question 23 - rules
Rockstar Games
Are rules meant to be broken?
Rules don't exist in my world.
It's probably best to stick to the rules.
Sure, only if you don't get caught.
Yes, but curiosity is welcomed sometimes.
Question 24 - songs
Warner Bros.
Which of these songs would you want to listen to while playing a game?
"I Can Make You Dance" by Zapp
"Dragon Roost Island" sounds epic.
"Song of Elune," because it sounds peaceful.
I prefer silence.


Question 25 - choosing a name
Blizzard Entertainment
One of the best parts about making a new character is choosing a name! Which one is perfect for you?
Question 26 - goal
So what's your ultimate goal here anyway?
Smash and destroy things
I need to rescue the princess ... again.
I need to defeat a boss to save the world!
To escape a prison
Question 27 - profession
Blizzard Entertainment
Some games let you pursue a profession. Which of these sounds fun to learn about?


Question 28 - gather
What do you like to do in-between quests?
Quests are for losers.
Gather supplies, I'll need them for the next dungeon!
Head to the auction house to sell stuff.
There's no time for resting, I must embark on the next quest!
Question 29 - time period
Rockstar Games
Which time period should a game be set in?
Medieval times
The future!
Question 30 - Ragnaros
Blizzard Entertainment
It's boss time! Who are you fighting against today?
The Boss
Helmet Head
