Which Wild Animal Are You?

By: Bri O.
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Wild Animal Are You?
Image: Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Since ancient time,s people have anthropomorphized, or ascribed human attributes to animals, plants or other objects. It's so common because humans have needed to interpret the world in a way they see and understand it.

In Egypt in the 13th century BCE, you'll note the "Tale of Two Brothers" features talking cows. Another example is in Rome in the second century CE, the west wind is anthropomorphized in the tale "Cupid and Psyche" and carries Psyche away. Later in the story an ant feels sorry for Psyche and helps her in her quest. For more recent examples, head to YouTube and you'll see people ascribing human emotions (shame, anger, joy) to cats and dogs. They even dress them in clothes and Halloween outfits to make them more people-like. 

Whether you can see yourself as a leader and King of the Jungle, or a fun, frolicking, sociable dolphin or a loyal and loving dog, take this quiz and learn more about how you truly see yourself. You'll be asked a series of questions about your outlook on life, your likes, dislikes and your social interactions. Your answers will help us match you with the kind, intelligent or domineering animal that is similar in personality to you. Everyone knows you have animal magnetism, but now you can find out the type of wild, attractive animal you are most like. Take the quiz now.

How would you describe where you live?
I live in the mountains or an otherwise hilly area.
I live in a desert-type area.
I live near water.
I live in a flat area.
Do you enjoy being around water?
Not particularly, no.
I wouldn't say I usually enjoy being around water, but it can be nice sometimes.
Yes, I'm practically a fish.
Sure, water is fun.
Are you social?
Not anymore than I have to be.
I can be, but I also like my solitude.
Yes, I thrive in social situations.
I'm kinda timid in social situations.


How do you feel about group work?
It depends on the work needing to be done.
It depends on the group.
The more the merrier!
I preform best when I'm on my own.
How's your memory?
It's pretty good.
I have the memory of an elephant!
I have a great memory about some things and a bad memory when it comes to others.
I can be forgetful.
Is it easy for you to see things from others' perspectives?
It's easy enough.
Sure, I have a strong sense of empathy.
Yeah, but it's hard to remember to look at situations that way.
It's not the easiest thing for me.


Are you any good at climbing trees?
I might as well be a monkey I'm so good at it.
Not at all.
I'm not sure, but I know I'm athletic.
I'm a decent climber.
What color is your hair?
Depends on my mood.
How are your swimming skills?
I prefer to stay in shallow water.
I'm not a strong swimmer.
I'm an excellent swimmer.
I'm about as good of a swimmer as anyone else.


How curious are you?
I'm mildly curious.
I'm cautiously curious about some things.
I'm driven by curiosity.
I'm curious as long as it's amusing.
Which would you rather eat?
I'll eat pretty much anything.
Granola bars with kelp.
Are you more introverted or extroverted?
An equal amount of both
It depends on who I'm with.
I'm extroverted.
I'm introverted.


Which climate would you prefer?
Hot and humid.
Hot and dry.
Cold and wet.
Warm and moist.
Are you afraid of heights?
Not at all.
Yes, I prefer to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground.
Only if I let myself start thinking about how high up I am and what getting close to the edge might mean.
Kinda, but not enough to prevent me from doing anything.
How would others describe you?
They'd say I'm quirky.
They'd say I'm humble.
They'd say I'm outgoing.
They'd say I'm unique.


Which sounds like a better hang out spot?
A treehouse.
A bonfire pit.
I don't like to stay in one place. I'd prefer to be out cruising on the town.
The safety and comfort of my own home.
How much energy do you have?
I'd say a normal amount of energy.
I have a very limited amount of energy that must be spent wisely.
I can power through no matter what, so infinite energy.
It depends on how much sleep I get and what I've been eating.
Are you good at following instructions?
Yes, I'm an excellent student and an even better listener.
As long as they're clear and to the point, I can follow most instructions.
Yes, but I don't like being told what to do.
Kinda of, but it's hard for me to pay attention sometimes.


Can you entertain yourself?
I'm not sure I'd say I entertain myself, but I can easily find entertainment in seemingly uninteresting things around me.
Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm not bored most of the time.
Sure, but it's not as rewarding if I'm alone. I prefer to be with other people.
Yeah, I'm always coming up with new ideas, games, and ways to keep myself busy.
Do you usually investigate your suspicions?
If the suspicion is strong enough and about something of relative importance.
I'm generally not a suspicious person, so no.
I usually start to but end up distracted by another thought or real time event.
Yes, my curiosity always gets the best of me.
Do you like to dance?
Yes, dancing is a fun and nice way to let loose after a long week.
I like to bob my head and tap my feet, but that's about the extent of it.
Yeah, it's fun to push your physical limits through dance.
I don't necessarily like to dance, but I do enjoy working with my body and hands.


How loud are you?
I'm generally a loud person.
I don't make much noise, but when I do, it's usually quite loud.
My voice fluctuates in volume as appropriate.
I'm quiet.
Which of the following animals which you be most scared to come face-to-face with?
A homicidal human.
A starving lion or tiger.
An agitated orca whale (killer whale).
A frenzied great white shark.
Which zoo animal exhibit do you find most exciting?
Anything about primates.
The largest land mammal alive: elephants of course!
The reptile exhibits are usually pretty cool.
It's always exciting to see all the different aquatic and sea creatures.


How are your communication skills?
I'd say I'm a good communicator.
They're enough to fulfill my needs and get me through my everyday life.
I'm great at picking up on how to communicate with anyone I meet.
Communication isn't one of my strengths.
Do you ever struggle with feelings of jealousy?
I can get kind of territorial over my things and people.
Every now and then, but I'm typically not jealous.
Yes, and I can be a bit competitive.
Not really. I have everything I need right here. *gestures vaguely*
What do people usually first notice about you?
My hair.
How tall I am.
My smile.
How little I am.


Which of the following is closet to your greatest strength?
My perseverance.
My strength.
My stamina.
My intellect.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
Somewhere with plenty of wildlife.
Somewhere with a lot of history.
Somewhere with beautiful lively beaches.
Somewhere with plenty of educational opportunities.
Do you have any weird or embarrassing talents?
I blow excellent raspberries (fart noises).
I can release bodily gas on cue.
I can balance food on my nose and propel it into my mouth without using my hands.
I have some dance moves that the public probably won't ever see.


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