Are You More Cat or Dog?

By: Raj Chander
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Are You More Cat or Dog?
Image: skynesher/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Cats vs. dogs is considered one of the biggest rivalries in the world, right up there with Yankees vs. Red Sox, soda vs. pop, and Yanny vs. Laurel. But do they really dislike each other that much?

In fact, research about the relationships between cats and dogs shows that many of them live amicably together. The key variable is the age at which they were introduced to each other-cats and dogs who grow up together from birth typically form a close relationship. Even in households where a dog and cat were introduced to each other later in life, there is still a chance they can get along. As you might expect, both species have separate approaches to the relationship: cats are typically more aggressive and threatening towards their canine counterparts.

On the other hand, dogs tend to be more obedient and outwardly affectionate. They are better suited for strenuous physical activity like climbing hills or running long distances. The question is, which animal matches up with your personality? Are you reserved and complex, or lovable and active? Just choose your best answers to the questions below and we'll tell you which animal companion is most like you.

It's been a long work week: Which of these scenarios describes the perfect weekend evening to unwind?
Hanging out with friends all night until early in the morning, then going to breakfast with everyone!
Staying home alone and reading a book or watching an engrossing movie.
Going out for a bit to see a group of friends, but coming home to chill out alone for the rest of the night.
Thoroughly cleaning my house or apartment.
Which of these common meals would hit the spot and satisfy your hunger?
A quinoa and kale salad.
Surf and turf.
What do you think of naps?
They are great-I take a nap almost every day, in different parts of the house.
I don't nap. It's a waste of time I could spend being productive.
I enjoy them, especially when there is sunlight I can sleep under.
I love taking naps on couches the most.


You need to pick up some new duds-what's your view on clothes shopping?
I'm not going to enjoy it, but I get it done.
I prefer people gifting me clothes.
I buy clothes for utility-I only wear what I need.
I love thinking about fashion and putting together outfits.
Which of these best describes the way you progress from being a stranger to friends with someone?
Civilized discussions about viewpoints on life and philosophy.
Quickly running up and talking to someone while seeing what they are all about.
In the right setting I make friends easily, but there are other times when it's a struggle.
I hang back a little, waiting for the right time to establish a connection with a person.
If you had fur, what color would it be?
Light blue.


How well do you interact with new people, socially and professionally?
There are times when it comes easy, but I can't deal with it all the time.
It's a little difficult for me. I take some time to open up.
It's very easy for me to chat up anyone.
I am polite and sophisticated each time I meet someone new.
What do you think about vacuum cleaners?
They are an enemy that needs to be taken out.
They are terrifying-I run away at the sound.
Overall, not a fan.
I love them-they are a wonderful tool for keeping a clean home.
How good are you at physical work that involves your muscles?
I usually hire someone to do it for me.
I'm slightly above-average at it.
I can do physical work intermittently, but my endurance isn't the greatest, so I don't like it that much.
I'm naturally athletic, so it's pretty easy for me.


How do you act in relationships with your best friends and immediate family?
I wait for them to initiate conversations and planned hangouts.
There are times when I take active steps to move the relationship forward, but I don't always.
I'm open about my feelings and getting together with people.
I carefully select the friends and family members I want to stay in touch with.
Do you enjoy going in the water for a refreshing swim?
Sometimes, but I don't do it often.
No way!
Yes, it's extremely enjoyable and relaxing for me.
It's cool to jump in every once in a while, especially in summer, but I don't need to do it every day.
What kind of tunes are you listening to while relaxing?


What's your favorite sport to play?
Which equipment would provide you with the most recreational enjoyment?
Tennis ball.
Climbing obstacles.
A computer.
What traits do you look for in a life partner?
Caring yet challenging.
Loving, physically affectionate, and feeds me often.
Intelligence and sophistication.
Patience and a willingness to initiate a lot of the work in the relationship.


Which of these people is your celebrity spirit animal?
Mindy Kaling.
George Clooney.
Rob Gronkowski.
Carlos Santana.
How neat are you?
I need 48 hours notice before anyone can visit me.
About average-I'm not a neat freak, but I'm not a total slob either.
Extremely-I love organization and order.
I like my things to be somewhat in order, but I'm not too rigid about it.
You just spent time preparing a big meal-how are you enjoying it?
Moving everything around my plate and sniffing it for a while before I decide to eat.
I carefully eat one part of the food at a time, making sure not to spill.
I might bat it around for a second or two, but I'm going to eat it sooner rather than later.
I just dig in!


How do you feel about being alone?
I'm equally comfortable being alone as I am with people.
Love it-I'm totally fine when left to my own devices.
Only when I'm tired and need to recharge.
From time to time I need to be alone, but I also don't mind company.
What's an ideal date night with your significant other?
Cuddling with my partner and eating as much as possible, followed by a long nap.
Long, intellectually stimulating conversations over a few glasses of wine.
A delicious dinner together followed by a massage.
Anything where I am pampered and taken care of.
How do you celebrate holidays?
Reading a novel or playing a board game with close friends or family.
I like to enjoy some quiet alone time where I can reflect and think.
I recharge, take care of myself, and eat plenty of great holiday snacks.
One word: food.


How is your relationship with your parents and siblings?
Great: we are loving and openly affectionate towards one another.
Not the greatest, we don't talk very much.
It's average-good with some members, not so great with others.
We can be a little distant, but at the end of the day we love each other.
Do you tend to worry a lot?
I probably worry more than the average person.
No, I'm about average when it comes to stress and anxiety.
Not unless there is an external reason to.
I think about things rationally and logically, and if there is a reason to worry, I do.
How would you describe your political leanings?
Relatively conservative, though not extremely.
More progressive and left-leaning.
Independent-I prefer to take a logical look at each issue and decide for myself.
Moderate and centrist.


Do you like to spend time in nature hunting?
Yes, but it has to be the right setting and season.
Heck yeah!
Not really-it's a bit brutal for my tastes.
Yes, but I prefer smaller prey.
Which animal (besides cats and dogs) is your favorite?
Are you more of a lover or a fighter?
Neither-I'm more about avoiding emotion and using logic.
I can be either one when I have to be.


What's your favorite hangout spot, either alone or with friends?
The outdoors.
A comfortable chair on a deck or patio.
A local bar.
Somewhere soft and comfortable.
How do you express affection?
I occasionally nuzzle or cuddle up to the people I love, but mostly I just spend time around them quietly.
Verbal communication through compliments.
Lots of hugs, cuddles, and kisses.
Equal parts intellectual communication and physical affection.
You're feeling a little blue-how do you pull yourself out of a funk?
I like to have alone time and then be comforted by friends.
Hang out with friends and family.
Try to use reason to make myself feel better.
Spend time alone and sulk.
