Can We Actually Guess Your Cat's Name in Only 30 Questions?!

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Actually Guess Your Cat's Name in Only 30 Questions?!
Image: Olivia ZZ/Moment/GettyImages

About This Quiz

Humans and cats have been hanging out together for literally thousands of years. In that time, there have been some pretty famous kitties.  Abraham Lincoln once had a cat named Tabby. Ernest Hemingway had a 6-toed cat named Snowball whose descendants still live around Hemingway's old home.  Grumpy Cat is a grumpy-looking cat.  It's a rich and varied feline world out there.

If you want to share your life with a cat, and of course you do because they purr, chase lasers and have toe beans, then you need to pick the proper name.  No one gets through life nameless except villainous movie characters or loner heroes, and while your cat could be either, it still seems wrong.  Cats need names!  from Garfield to Heathcliff to Socks to Mr. Bigglesworth, we need something to express not just that cat's personality but our own.  After all, naming the cat is the job of the owner and you can tell a lot about a person by what they name their cat.  But do you think you can learn so much about a person you can guess what they named their cat?  That's what we're proposing here!  30 simple questions about you and we'll totally guess your cat's name.  Try it and see!

To get into the mind of your cat, we need to know what we're dealing with. What kind of cat do you have?
Just a short-haired cat
A long-haired cat
A Maine Coon
A Persian
Where do you and your cat call home?
Arizona, New Jersey, Kentucky, Maine, Alaska, Hawaii
California, Michigan, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Colorado, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, West Virginia, Wyoming
New York, New Hampshire, Idaho, Virginia
Oregon, Utah, Tennessee, Vermont, Iowa or anywhere else in the US!
How does your cat respond to a little dash of the catnip?
He goes crazy!
She enjoys it sometimes.
It's my cat's favorite treat.
Doesn't actually care for it that much


What's your cat's absolute favorite place to sleep in the whole house?
On my bed
On the cat tree
In the cat bed
Any place and every place
Cats are known to be finicky eaters from time to time. What's your cat's favorite food?
Traditionally, cats and dogs do not get along. Does your cat like pups?
Not in the slightest
My cat couldn't care less.
My cat is terrified.
My cat's never met a dog.


Cats are known to be good hunters. Has your cat ever tracked down any prey for you?
The odd mouse or two
Just cat toys
My cat has brought me birds.
My cat couldn't hunt anything.
If you've been out of the house all day, how does your cat greet you when you finally get home?
Lots of meowing
My cat will rub against my legs.
My cat usually stays asleep.
My cat demands food.
There's a lot of perks to owning a cat, but let's be honest, there are a few drawbacks. What's the worst part about owning a cat?
My cat sprays sometimes.
Scratched furniture
Changing the litter
Late night meowing sessions


Where did you get your cat from?
It was a stray.
From a shelter
From a store
There's a stereotype for "crazy cat ladies" out there, but if you love one cat there's a good chance you've had others. How many cats have you had in your life?
3 or 4
Just one
A couple
Lots of 'em!
Does your cat ever share a meal with you? What do you feed the cat that you probably shouldn't?


What does your cat think of a trip to see the veterinarian?
Hates it!
Seems OK with it for the most part
Goes into freakout mode
My cat will shun me for the rest of the day.
If your cat needs some medication like a pill, how do you have to administer it?
I have to hide it in food.
I just pop it in the cat's mouth.
Crush it up to dissolve it in water
It's a struggle.
Cats have some different ways to express their feelings. How can you tell your cat is happy?
My cat kneads me.
My cat purrs.
My cat gets playful.
My cat snuggles with me.


Even an old cat likes to play sometimes. What toy is your cat's favorite?
A little crinkly ball
Anything with a bell
Laser pointer
A feathery toy
If you couldn't have a cat, what kind of pet do you think you'd have?
A dog
A hamster
A fish
A bird
You can find a lot of cats in pop culture. Which fictional kitty do you like the most?
Hello Kitty
The Cheshire Cat


Cats are considered pretty low-maintenance pets that are fun to relax with. How do you like to relax at home?
Do some light housework
Spend time with friends
Read a book
There's a massive industry of pet products out there. Have you ever bought clothes for your cat?
Just as a joke
You know it.
I wouldn't do that.
One thing. Maybe two.
Dogs are all about doing tricks like rolling over or playing fetch. Does your cat know any tricks?
Not a single one
It can sleep for almost a whole day.
Never even tried to train my cat.
It always knows when food is being made.


Do you leave food out for the cat or do you feed it at a specific time?
My cat has dry food all day and wet food at a certain time.
There's food in a bowl all day.
I feed the cat a couple of times a day.
My cat eats at a specific time.
Cats seem to like music sometimes. What kind of music do you listen to with your cat?
Hip Hop
Cats have a range of personalities, but how would you describe your cat in one word?


How into grooming your cat are you?
I brush my cat sometimes.
I'm all about grooming my cat.
I don't really do much grooming.
I groom my cat if I have to.
Cats sleep a lot but they do spend a few hours a day awake. What does your cat seem to like to do with its day?
Play around the house
Prowl outside
Eat. A lot.
My cat likes to check out the world through the window.
If you're having friends or family over to visit, how does your cat respond?
My cat will be a little skittish.
My cat loves company.
My cat will keep its distance.
Everyone must greet my cat or else.


If someone tries to pick up your cat, how do you respond?
As long as the cat likes it
I don't mind.
I can't let that happen.
I need to tell them how my cat likes to be held.
An angry cat is a fearsome sight to behold. What horror movie villain is your cat most like?
Jason Vorhees
Freddy Krueger
Hannibal Lecter
How does your cat let you know it needs some time by itself?
My cat growls.
My cat's tail starts flicking.
My cat will leave.
My cat bites.
