Can We Guess If You Prefer Vanilla or Chocolate?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Can We Guess If You Prefer Vanilla or Chocolate?
Image: Jacobs Stock Photography Ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Choosing between vanilla and chocolate is like choosing between the sun and the moon. Or HBO and Netflix. Or maybe two of your own children. It's two great but different things that are equally awesome across the board, but maybe not so in your eyes. There has to be some kind of an edge somewhere, something that makes one stand out over the other in your mind.

Maybe you're a chocolate fan, enamored with the flavor's versatility. There are three main types of chocolate - milk, dark, and white. But then there is so much beyond that from pure cocoa nibs to ruby chocolate. If you're a true chocolate fan, you've probably indulged in everything from chocolate ice cream, which was actually invented before vanilla way back in 1692, to chocolate brownies, which appeared in a cookbook for the first time in 1896.

On the other hand, maybe you're a vanilla purist and enjoy the flavor that we owe to Cortes when he started shipping some back home to Spain in 1519. As the only edible member of the orchid family, there are actually about 150 kinds of vanilla even though most people have probably only tried two.

Whichever flavor floats your boat, we're here to find out. Take the tastiest quiz we have and we'll see which flavor reigns supreme for you.

1 birthday
Floresco Productions / OJO Images / Getty Images
What's your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?
I love a big party.
Just some close friends
Hey, I can do whatever.
Surprise me!
2 dessert
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Would you ever throw caution to the wind and eat dessert before dinner?
Nope, I like to save the best for last.
Of course not!
If it was a tasty dessert.
You better believe it!
3 sweet person
Yagi Studio / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do people tell you that you have a sweet temperament?
All the time
Not often, but sometimes!
It's come up.
Not really


4 sunrise
buchsammy / Moment/ Getty Images
Sometimes you need a sugar rush to get energized and sometimes it's all-natural. When do you feel the most energized in the day?
Late night
All day long
High noon
5 stressed at work
LaylaBird / E+ / Getty Images
Ice cream will help freeze out your stress. What in life overwhelms you?
My love life
6 relaxing bath
ROBERTO PERI / Cultura / Getty Images
Vanilla is considered pretty simple by some people. What simple pleasure do you enjoy most?
A relaxing bath
Reading a book
Playing with my pet
Taking a walk outside


7 thinking with your heart
Chris Tobin / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you tend to lead with your heart or with your head?
My heart every time
Definitely my head
I can do both!
I'm all gut instinct.
8 playing video games
adamkaz / E+ / Getty Images
Chocolate can be very indulgent. What's something you overdo sometimes?
Junk food
Video games
Working out
9 leader
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When it comes time to getting work done with others, will you take the lead or just follow along?
I'll lead if no one else does.
I'm happy to let someone else lead.
I'll take the lead.
I'll go do my own thing.


10 nightmares
D-Keine / E+ / Getty Images
Generally speaking, do you have a lot of nightmares or not?
Not really
I can't remember my dreams.
I haven't had a nightmare in forever.
11 guilt
Darren Boucher / Moment / Getty Images
Dessert is often considered a guilty pleasure. What makes you feel guilty?
Missed opportunities
Wrong decisions I've made
People I've hurt in the past
12 trying something new
gustavo ramierez / Moment / Getty Images
Chocolate and vanilla are always sure things, but some flavors are a risk. Are you willing to try a weird new flavor?
I'll stick my neck out a little bit.
I don't like weird stuff if I can avoid it.
I love new stuff!
Trying something new is never a risk.


13 hands
Cecilie_Arcurs / E+ / Getty Images
Do people in your life rely on you in times of stress and turmoil?
For serious stuff, yes
Not at all
14 facts
Towfiqu Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Some people say chocolate is healthy. Are you willing to take claims on faith or do you need hard science?
I go by faith.
I prefer science.
Depends on the subject
I'm all instinct.
15 failure
Paul Bradbury / OJO Images / Getty Images
When you fail at something, does it take you long to get back in the saddle?
I'm always ready to try again.
It can take me a while sometimes.
Failure is just a learning opportunity.
I don't fail.


16 variety
Jenner Images / Moment / Getty Images
Do you believe variety is the spice of life or do you like to stick with what you know?
Variety is only good if it's better than what I already like.
I like what I know.
I like a little variety now and then.
You should always try new things.
17 motivation
Justin Paget / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Aside from rewarding yourself with dessert, how do you stay motivated?
My friends and family keep me going.
It's a struggle some days.
The world around me is pretty amazing.
I don't really need much motivation.
19 positive attitude
Tim Robberts / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you lean more toward the positive or the negative in life?
I try to go positive whenever I can.
I guess I can be a litle negative sometimes.
You have to take the good with the bad, day to day.
Keeping it neutral right here.


19 shortcomings
Image Source / DIgitalVision / Getty Images
Are you honest with yourself about your own shortcomings?
Yeah, no.
I think might be overly critical of them.
I think so!
What shortcomings?
20 laid back person
We Are / Photodisc / Getty Images
If you're with a group who all want one thing, will you go along with the majority even if you don't agree?
I'll probaby get the group to go along with me, so yes.
It depends on what we're talking about.
Yeah, I like harmony.
Heck no!
21 moving foward
Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How likely are you to make the best of a bad situation?
I'm pretty good at that.
It's not easy.
I always do.
I try to avoid bad situations from the start.


22 hope
Melinda Podor / Moment / Getty Images
Are you more likely to go into a new situation with high hopes or low expectations?
Always high hopes
Keep 'em low and then you can be surprised if it turns out well.
That all depends on the situation.
I'm just open to whatever comes.
23 laughing
HalfpointImages / Moment / Getty Images
How would you describe your sense of humor?
Pretty good
24 adventurous
Buena Vista Images / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Are you adventurous enough to try a new flavor you've never even heard of before?
I'd probably rather not.
Unless it's clearly awful


25 living best life
Anton Petrus / Moment / Getty Images
All things being equal, are you living the best life you can right now?
I'm mostly satisfied, I think.
Things could be better.
Well, it's the only life I have so I must be.
26 eating
d3sign / Moment / Getty Images
Do you eat for pleasure or just because you need to?
I'm all about eating for pleasure.
Mostly just because I have to
I eat for all kinds of reasons.
27 gift of food
Linda Raymond / Moment / Getty Images
How likely are you to give food to someone as a gift?
I always do that!
Terrible idea
I guess it depends on the food.
As a last resort, maybe


28 retro
Juana Mari Moya / Moment / Getty Images
Are you more into old-school and retro things or super-advanced futuristic stuff?
I like newish stuff.
I'm pretty old-school.
The future is now!
I like retro-futurism!
29 eating your feelings
Monkey Business Images / Monkey Business / Getty Images Plus / Getty Images
Any chance you've ever eaten a pint of ice cream to get over feeling down about something?
More than one pint
Once or twice
I don't really feel down about things, so no.
30 regrets
PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Some people try to live life with no regrets. How about you?
I guess everyone has one or two regrets.
I have my share of regrets.
I'm mostly good.
Regret free right here!
