Can We Guess Where You'll Live in 5 Years?

By: Ashley Ehman
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can We Guess Where You'll Live in 5 Years?
Image: chee gin tan / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

The world is a pretty big place. With so many countries to choose from, how does a person even decide where they should live? Does it come down to where their job takes them? Or perhaps they're drawn to a certain area, all for the promise of local cuisine? Does the idea of moving to a completely foreign place excite you? Or would you rather make a home in one place and one place only? Let's see what the future holds for you by finishing this quiz!
A short 30-question quiz stands between you and your destiny. Will you be moving to haggis-filled Scotland, where tartan will be around every corner you pass? Or will you find yourself in the home of anime, with all the bright lights of Japan? Perhaps you'll even be drawn in by the warmth and coast that Australia has to offer! If none of those sound appealing, then maybe basing your homestead in the United States would be more your speed. Before you start packing your bags to set out on your new life, let's figure out which location we're setting the GPS for. Let's answer the question: Where will you live in 5 years? 

What season ranks higher than any other season for you?
What is your preferred mode of transportation?
What kind of living situation would you be happiest in?
A flat
A house
An apartment
Wherever, as long as my pets are allowed


Which meal would you devour first?
Steak and potatoes
A pig roast
Whatever delivers to me the quickest
Which statement about you is most true?
I don't mind tourists.
I don't mind the heat.
I don't mind crowded spaces.
I don't mind entertaining guests.
What do you value most in a city?
That there's plenty to do
That I'm able to relax.
That I'm able to meet people easily.
That I'm familiar with my surroundings.


How much do you value having your family in your life?
I would be OK with phone calls every now and then, we aren't super close.
I like when they're able to visit every so often, but I don't need to see them all the time.
I'm not close with anyone in my family.
Family is the most important thing to me.
What is the most important goal you have for your summer?
I want some new food hangouts!
A good tan
I just want to relax.
What do you like to do most on your days off?
Explore a nearby city
Do something outside
Binge a new TV show
Tidy up around the house


How do you make new friends?
I talk to strangers.
I try to connect with people who like the activities I like.
I make most of my friends online.
I already have enough friends.
Of the following, which dog breed do you like the most?
Cocker spaniel
French bulldog
Shiba Inu
Labrador retriever
What's one thing you don't leave the house without?
An umbrella
Your sunglasses
Your headphones
Your water bottle


Out of the ones listed, which sport do you like the most?
How much do you enjoy traveling?
I'm always down for a short flight somewhere.
I like long, extensive road trips that span days or weeks.
I love traveling, so I'm down for whatever!
I like doing small road trips to nearby towns.
Of the following, which franchise do you enjoy the most?
The Harry Potter franchise
I'm not a huge movie person.
The Pokemon franchise
The Marvel franchise


When it comes to diet, what do you most identify with?
I don't follow any restrictions.
Of the ones listed, which destination would you most want to travel to?
Hong Kong
Washington, D.C.
What would you dress up as for Halloween?
A king or queen
A lifeguard
A ghost
A witch or wizard


How much did you move as a kid?
We moved more than most people, but no more than five times.
We moved once or twice.
We moved too many times to count.
I was in the same place for all of my childhood.
What's your preferred method of communication?
Phone call
In person
If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
Go on vacation
Buy a bigger house
Buy a new video game console
Invest it


Of the following, which phobia would you never be diagnosed with?
Fear of heights
Fear of small spaces
Fear of people
Fear of not belonging
Of the four listed, which is your favorite Disney movie?
"Mary Poppins"
"Toy Story"
Which element do you like the most?


Which type of shoe would be your go-to pair to wear out of the house?
Velcro sandals
Athletic tennis shoes
Fashion sneakers, like Converse
Pillows and blankets aside, what mattress size gives you the best night's sleep?
Twin/ I don't own a bed.
Where do guests sleep when they visit you?
They sleep on the couch.
They sleep in my spare bedroom/office.
They sleep on the floor.
They sleep in my guest bedroom.


What industry would you most like to work in?
I already like my job.
What's your go-to morning drink?
Fruit smoothie
Matcha latte
Of the following, which animal would you most like to see in real life?
Scottish wildcat
Sea turtle
Giant salamander
Whatever comes through my backyard
