Can You Successfully Name These Historic Figures?

By: Mark Laufgraben
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can You Successfully Name These Historic Figures?
Image: Pete Souza, Official White House photographer

About This Quiz

Most people go through their lives trying to survive in the face of the challenges of everyday existence. Only a few ever try to rise above their lot, and fewer still actually make changes that impact the course of human civilization. What is it about these men and women? Were they brilliant? Audacious? Connected?  Destined? Or were they simply more lucky than everyone else, a case of being in the right place at the right time?

Surely the reality is a mix of all of these things and more. One thing they all had, however, was a tireless dedication to their chosen causes: whether the creation of great or the commanding of mighty nations, they left their marks on the manifold peoples and cultures of the globe. Here you will find extraordinary artists, brilliant leaders of men and women, scientists and philosophers of dizzying intellect, each of them unique and each of them having enormous impact upon the fate of the world. 

Seize the day! Now is the time to prove your knowledge of these incredible men and women, and rise to face the challenges of our quiz. We have hints to aid you as necessary, but does a master of the extraordinary such as yourself even need them? Take a breath and get ready to face your fate!

Ada Lovelace
Can you name this historic figure?
Clara Barton.
Ada Lovelace.
Elizabeth Blackwell.
Pearl Buck.
Which historic woman is this?
Grace Kelly.
Sally Ride.
Elizabeth I.
John F. Kennedy
Do you recognize this historic figure?
Ronald Reagan.
John F. Kennedy.
Teddy Roosevelt.
Herbert Hoover.


Queen Victoria
Wiki Commons
Which historic figure do you see here?
Queen Elizabeth.
Queen Victoria.
Queen Isabella.
Queen Mary.
Mahatma Gandhi
Wiki Commons
Which historic figure do you see here?
Subhas Chandra Bose.
Jawaharlal Nehru.
Nelson Mandela.
Mahatma Gandhi.
Marie Curie
Which historic personage is this?
Rosa Luxemberg.
Marie Curie.
Helen Keller.
Simone de Beauvoir.


Ludwig van Beethoven
Which historic person is this?
Ludwig Beethoven.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
George Handel.
Joseph Haydn.
Thomas Edison
Wiki Commons
Which historic figure is this?
Orville Wright.
Nikolai Tesla.
Thomas Edison.
Peter Sellers.
John Lennon
Wiki Commons
Which historic person is here?
Ringo Starr.
John Lennon.
Paul McCartney.
Billy Idol.


Amelia Earhart
Which historic personage do you see in this picture?
Audrey Hepburn.
Mata Hari.
Amelia Earhart.
Florence Nightingale.
C.S. Lewis
Which historically important person is this?
C.S. Lewis.
J.R. Tolkien.
Steven King.
J.K. Rowling.
Vladimir Lenin
Which historic figure do you see here?
Joseph Stalin.
Mao Zedong.
Mikhail Gorbachev.
Vladimir Lenin.


Michael Jordan
Which person from history is this?
Tiger Woods.
Michael Jordan.
Shaquille O'Neil.
Larry Bird.
Martin Luther King, Jr
Which historic figure is proudly shown here?
Elijah Muhammad.
Marcus Garvey.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Roy Wilkins.
Charles V
Juan Pantoja de la Cruz
Which historic ruler is this?
Ferdinand I.
Henry VIII.
Louis XVI.
Charles V.


Napoleon Bonaparte
Wiki Commons Public Domain
Which historical figure is here?
Richard III.
Napoleon Bonaparte.
Francis II.
Simon Bolivar.
Charles Darwin
Which historic person do you see here?
Charles Darwin.
Albert Einstein.
Leonardo da Vinci.
Henry Ford.
Neil Armstrong
Wiki Commons
Which historic person is this?
Yuri Gagarin.
Buzz Aldrin.
Neil Armstrong.
Chris Hadfield.


Winston Churchill
Wiki Commons
Which historic figure is pictured here?
Charles De Gaulle.
Franklin Roosevelt.
Joseph Stalin.
Winston Churchill.
George Orwell
Which famous figure from history is this?
Mark Twain.
George Orwell.
Fyodor Dostoevsky.
Leo Tolstoy.
Bill Gates
Which historic figure is this?
Steve Jobs.
Richard Branson.
George Washington Carver.
Bill Gates.


Julius caesar
Which historic figure is this?
Julius Caesar.
Marcus Auerelius.
Pliny the Elder.
Which historic personage is this?
Lao Tzu.
Mo Tzu.
Miyamoto Musashi.
Alexander the Great
Which historic person is this?
Alexander the Great.


Genghis Khan
Which historic person is this?
Hideaki Tojo.
Genghis Khan.
Horatio Nelson
Henry William Beechey
Which famous historic person do you see here?
Henry Hull.
Francisco Pizarro.
Christopher Columbus.
Horatio Nelson.
Martin Luther
Wiki Commons
Which important historic person is portrayed here?
Martin Luther.
Jan Hus.
John Calvin.
Innocent III.


Abraham Lincoln
Which famed historic person is this?
Teddy Roosevelt.
Abraham Lincoln.
George Washington.
John Adams.
Karl Marx
Wiki Commons
Which famed historic man is this?
William Wilberforce.
Oscar Wilde.
Charles Darwin.
Karl Marx.
George Washington
Wiki Commons
Which historic person is this?
King George III.
George Washington.
Benedict Arnold.
Thomas Paine.


Oliver Cromwell
Wiki Commons
What historic person is shown here?
Oliver Cromwell.
Charles II.
Leon Trotsky.
Thomas Fairfax.
Isaac Newton
Wiki Commons
What important person from history is this?
Francis Bacon.
Gottlieb Leibniz.
Rene Descartes.
Isaac Newton.
Elizabeth I
Which major figure do you see here?
Jeanne of Arc.
Mary II.
Elizabeth I.
Eleanor of Aquitaine.


Adam Smith
Who is this person of historic significance?
Adam Smith.
John Hume.
Albert Schlesinger.
Henry Kissinger.
Georgia O'Keeffee
Wiki Commons
Which historic person is pictured?
Clara Peeters.
Mary Beale.
Georgia O'Keeffe.
Carmen Herrera.
Susan B. Anthony
Which historic individual is shown here?
Victoria Woodhull.
Dolores Huerta.
Clara Barton.
Susan B. Anthony.


Margaret Thatcher
Which person from history do you see?
Eleanor Roosevelt.
Margaret Thatcher.
Margaret Mead.
Grace Kelly.
J.K. Rowling
Which historic individual is here portrayed?
Jane Austen.
Emily Dickinson.
Harriet Beecher Stowe.
J.K. Rowling.
Helen Keller
Can you name this person from history?
Helen Keller.
Anne Frank.
Edith Piaf.
Katherine Hepburn.


Rosa Parks
Identify this historic person!
Ella Fitzgerald.
Indira Gandhi.
Rosa Luxembourg.
Rosa Parks.