How Bougie Are You?

By: Alex Wittman
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Bougie Are You?
Image: Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images

About This Quiz

We all want to be woke people of the people, but these days, our personal levels of realness aren't always evident. My dude, from time to time, it's only human to wonder: How bougie am I? It should be an easy enough thing to know, but tbh, it's not.

Just think about it: Not only do we have actual Uber, but we have Uber Eats as well! So, when we can't be bothered to have someone drive us to get something to eat, we can just order food to be delivered right to our doors. Oh, you thought that was normal? Then you def need to take our quiz!

Lol, no shade on the Uber Eats thing, though. We're totally addicted to getting tacos (and pizza and, occasionally, smoothie bowls) brought to us. It's the 2019 version of getting fanned by a palm leaf, so DUH, it's life.

Are you finna find out how bougie you really are? Take our quiz to reveal the truth! You might think you're down-to-earth AF, but your results very well might leave you shook. When you're finished, pass this quiz along to everyone in your crew. Mirror mirror, on the wall: Who is the bougiest one of all?!

Sparkling water
Boris SV / Moment / Getty Images
What kind of water are you most likely to drink?
Sparkling all the way!
Flavored is nice sometimes.
Filtered usually tastes best.
I'm fine with tap water.
Susana J. Toledo / Moment/ Getty Images
No cap, how much would you spend on a pair of kicks?
Price doesn't matter to me.
No more than $200
No more than $100
OMG, even $50 seems like a lot.
Woman buying clothes
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you care about the brands you wear?
Of course, doesn't everyone?
For some things, I do.
Generally speaking, not really.


Friends camping
Vesnaandjic / E+/ Getty Images
Could your BFF talk you into a camping trip?
Only if it's glamping
Maybe, but I don't do tents.
Sure, for a night or two.
Well dressed girls
4FR / E+ / Getty Images
Would you ever repeat an outfit in the same week?
Tbh, I'd rather die.
If I knew for sure no one would know.
If I had to.
Lol, I do that on the reg.
Private school
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Have you ever attended a private school?
Duh, and it was lit!
No, but I wish I had.
Yes, but I didn't really like it.
Nope, and I'm glad I didn't.


Women drinking cocktails
Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
No cap, has anyone ever called you bougie?
All the time
Only as a joke ... I think.
Never to my face
Lol, that will be the day.
Couple in restaurant
Koron / Moment / Getty Images
Bae has something special planned. What's your ideal date night?
Dinner at a trendy restaurant
Movie at the cinema
Picnic in the park
Netflix at home
Photographing breakfast
Alexander Spatari / Moment / Getty Images
Have you ever done it for the 'Gram?
Every day of my life!
Yes, and with some regularity.
Yes, but I'm not proud of it.
What does that even mean?


Friends brunching
electravk / Moment / Getty Images
You have no plans to speak of. How are you going to spend your day?
Shopping for all the things
Brunch with my BFFs
Running errands
Chilling at home
Teens at thrift store
RUSS ROHDE / Cultura / Getty Images
Would you ever shop at a thrift store?
Ew, gross!
Only if it's genuine vintage ...
Sure, that could be fun.
I always shop at thrift stores!
Woman shopping
andresr / E+ / Getty Images
Of the following, what do you spend the most money on?
I prefer to save my money.


Food delivery
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How often do you order Uber Eats?
Like, almost every day ...
More than a few times a week
Maybe once in a great while
I never do.
Kseniya Ovchinnikova / Moment / Getty Images
We want to buy you a present. Which of the following is on your wish list?
Gucci belt
Latest iPhone
Nike tennis shoes
There's no need to get me a present!
Kylie Jenner
Hayu via WikiCommons
Which of these celebrities would you most like to trade lives with?
Kylie Jenner
Ariana Grande
Chris Pratt
I actually like my life just fine, thanks.


Girl putting on makeup
Bounce / Cultura / Getty Images
Do you ever leave the house without makeup on?
No, and I never would.
Not usually, if I can help it.
Sometimes, if I'm having a good skin day.
I leave the house without makeup all the time.
Pexels / Pixabay
If we gave you keys to one of these cars, which would you want it to be?
Mercedes-Benz Maybach
Land Rover Range Rover
Jeep Wrangler
I'll take whatever as long as it's free!
JESHOOTS-com / Pixabay
You stop into Starbucks for a pick-me-up. What do you order?
Unicorn frappuccino
Pumpkin spice latte
Cold brew
Regular black coffee


fotostorm / E+ / Getty Images
How often do you brunch?
Every single weekend
A couple times a month
Just for special occasions
Lol, brunch is overrated AF.
Girl holding credit card
GrapeImages / E+ / Getty Images
Do you have a credit card?
Yes, multiple!
Yes, and it comes in handy.
No, but I want one.
No, and I don't want one.
Woman waiting Uber
Carlina Teteris / Moment / Getty Images
How often do you Uber?
All the time (even places I could walk)
Mostly just on the weekends
Almost never; I'd rather drive myself.
I always walk, bike or use public transportation.


Woman doing exercise
Halfpoint Images / Moment / Getty Images
When you work out, what do you like to do to get your sweat on?
Yuck, I don't sweat.
Tennis or golf
Yoga or another exercise class
Run, bike or lift weights
Caiaimage/Martin Barraud / OJO+ / Getty Images
Let's imagine you're house hunting. How many bathrooms would your ideal place have?
At least four
Three, for sure
Two is fine.
I don't need more than one.
Bought too much
hundreddays / E+ / Getty Images
Have you ever bought something even though you couldn't really afford it?
That's what credit cards are for!
I'm not gonna lie. It's happened.
It's happened only once that I can remember.
OMG, never would I ever.


Girl buying food
MattoMatteo / E+ / Getty Images
Time to grocery shop! Where do you buy your food?
Farmer's market
Whole Foods
Trader Joe's
Idk, a normal supermarket?
Fabric thread count
Adrienne Bresnahan / Moment / Getty Images
Is thread count important to you?
Yes, I deserve to be comfortable.
Yes, but only if it's not too expensive.
Only for sheets
Wtf is a thread count?
Girl checking phone
William Perugini / Image Source / Getty Images
How often do you check social media?
I'm constantly glued to my phone.
Tbh, more than I should.
Idk, a few times a day.
I don't have social media.


Digital influencer
filadendron / E+ / Getty Images
Do you consider yourself an influencer?
Yes, I could (or do) make a career out of it.
I set the trends for my social circle.
Not really, but maybe to someone.
Am I supposed to know what that is?
Girl eating organic food
Greg Conlon / Moment / Getty Images
Do you eat organic?
Duh, pesticides are bad.
Yes, for most things.
I try as long as it's affordable.
Lol, I just buy whatever.
Woman thinking
Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Has any ever called you down-to-earth?
Lol, no. I would definitely remember that.
Um, maybe once, but I'm not sure.
Some people would describe me that way.
Yes, that's def my overall vibe.
