How Well Do You Know American Myths and Legends?

By: Weston Whitener
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Well Do You Know American Myths and Legends?
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About This Quiz

Each question tests your knowledge of American myths, legends, tall tales and even some historical icons, with four possible answers. Do you think you know American mythology?
Who was the giant logging man who could carry a pine tree over his shoulder?
Captain Ahab
Paul Bunyan
Pecos Bill
Burt Lancaster
What was the name of Paul Bunyan's bovine companion?
Honey the Yellow Cow
Darling the Green Bull
Babe the Blue Ox
Sweetie the Pale Buffalo
Who was Butch Cassidy's fast companion?
The Canne Ranger
The Sundance Kid
Toronto Jay
Wild Bill


What was Butch Cassidy's gang called?
The Lincoln Boys
The Rough Riders
The Tucker County Hooligans
The Wild Bunch
Which president refused to shoot a bound bear?
Theodore Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson
Gerald Ford
How would Paul Revere know if the British were coming by land or sea?
One light in the church tower if by land, two lights if by sea
Two bells tolls from the church tower if by land, three if by sea
Three puffs of chimney smoke if by land, four if by sea
Four cows hitched to a post if by land, five if by sea


What did Johnny Appleseed wear for a hat?
A boot
A corn cob
A cooking pot
Two little hats
What did Johnny Appleseed wear for shoes?
buckskin moccasins
mismatched leather boots
apple seed bags
Johnny Appleseed didn't wear shoes
What were Revolutionary War spy Nathan Hale's last words?
"If I die, I die an American."
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."
"You may hang me today, but you cannot hang us all."
"King George's last tyranny, my final liberty."


What did Hester Prynne have to wear for committing adultery?
A scarlet letter "A"
A harlot's rouge
A black palm mark
What was Tom Sawyer's scolding aunt's name?
Auntie Thatcher
Aunt Carrie
Aunt Polly
Aunt Widdow
Who were the two con artists who joined Huckleberry Finn and Jim on their journey?
The duke & The king
The dane & The lord
The prince & the pauper
The barron & the tycoon


Who was the last of the Patuxet Wampanoag natives, who helped the Pilgrims survive in the New World?
Who is said to have sewed the first American Flag?
Betsy Ross
Deborah Michael
Rachael Mulligan
Joanne Taylor
What was Mike Fink's famous occupation?
A buffalo rancher
A gunsmith
A keelboatman
A lawyer


What prompted George Washington to say, "I cannot tell a lie"?
His father asked George if he had chopped down a cherry tree (which he had).
Benjamin Franklin asked if he was happy to leave the presidency.
Alexander Hamilton asked if he was scared at Valley Forge.
Martha asked if her dress was unflattering.
How did "Wild Bill" Hickok meet his demise?
He was shot in a saloon
He was gored by a buffalo
He was ambushed by Cheyenne
He died of tuberculosis
Who led Lewis and Clark across America?


What king of the wild frontier killed a bear when he was only three?
Johnny Socket
Davy Crockett
Joey Pickett
Franky Rachet
What pinch hitter didn't pull through for the Mudville 9 when he went to bat?
The Great Bambino
The Mighty Casey
Shoeless Joe
Jimmy Blake
How did General William Travis supposedly ask his men to stay at the Alamo with him?
He offered each a sip of whiskey; if they accepted, they stayed.
He challenged each to a fist fight; if they won, they stayed.
He drew a line in the sand with his sword; if they stepped across, they stayed.
He cast lots; the men with the short straws stayed.


Other cowboys broke horses, but what did Pecos Bill ride?
A tornado
A whale
A thunderbolt
A crocodile
What trickster animal matches wits with Br'er Fox, and almost always bests him?
Br'er Rabbit
Br'er Mouse
Br'er Cat
Br'er Dog
Who was the "Little Sure Shot" who starred in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show?
Martha Howard
Dakota Jane
Annie Oakley
Felicity Winchester


What famously secret government base is known for UFO sightings?
Area 51
Bunker 52
Charlie 53
Door 54
What Chicago gangster was famous for orchestrating the St. Valentine's Day Massacre?
Al Capone
Buddy Holiday
Johnny Torturro
Fats McFadden
What spooky ghoul drove Ichabod Crane out of Sleepy Hollow?
The Night Rider
The Dark Hussar
The Headless Horseman
The Grim Ripper


What are antlered jackrabbits called?
Who beat a steam hammer at laying railroad track, but died doing it?
John Paul
Jack Tiller
Tom Hopper
John Henry
What are the ape-like creatures who walk on two big feet in the Pacific Northwest called?


Which legendary outlaw went by William H. Bonney?
Pat Garrett
Doc Holiday
Billy the Kid
Butch Cassidy
What "gentleman bandit" famously dressed in a white duster and a flour sack with holes cut out for his eyes, and robbed Wells Fargo wagons?
Dapper Dan
Black Bart
White Willy
Dusty Bottoms
Who was a legendary guerilla leader in the Apache Wars, eluding armies of thousands in the American Southwest?
Sitting Bull
Crazy Horse


Who combed his hair with a wagon wheel and died of a toothache in his heel?
Davy Crockett
Old Dan Tucker
Fee Fiddley
Little Higginbottom
Who fell asleep for a little too long, then woke up with a long beard in a new era?
Ichabod Crane
John Snowbeard
Rip Van Winkle
Dopey Dinkle