If You Were Born After 1964, You'll Have a Hard Time Passing This Food Quiz

By: Lauren Lubas
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
If You Were Born After 1964, You'll Have a Hard Time Passing This Food Quiz
Image: The Stay At Home Chef via YouTube

About This Quiz

Growing up in the '50s, '60s and '70s meant you had to eat meals that were ... How do we put this? Jell-O-fied. It's incredible what people jellied, put in a Jell-O mold and simply mixed with powdered gelatin. We found some amazing foods that are guaranteed to pull up some nostalgic feelings for the loaves, salads and rolls that sat on your dinner table back in the day. You probably remember that plating was important back then, especially for foods that were prepared for parties. To make plating easier on those who cooked dinner, everything was pretty much slammed together, stuffed or Jell-O-fied (kind of like how everything in the '90s was pizza-fied). 

You're going to wish you had a scratch and sniff monitor when you see these vintage foods. In this quiz, you'll find 40 foods and recipes that will bring you back to the days when you knew it was time to come home when the street lights turned on. Do you think you can name them all? Don't worry; we aren't going to hold anything back. Take this quiz to see the foods we found from the '50s, '60s and '70s. Fair warning: Most of these foods contain SPAM, hot dogs and ground meats..

1. salmon canapes
HealthyRecipes via YouTube
You may have spotted these hors d'oeuvres at a garden party when you were young. What are they?
Salmon mousse canapes
Twice-baked crakers
Salmon Jell-O bites
2. tuna casserole
The Stay At Home Chef via YouTube
This hot dish was often made with crunched up crackers on top. Can you name it?
Chicken stuffing casserole
Tuna noodle casserole
Salmon nut casserole
Crunchy cracker casserole
3. swedish meatball
Coop Can Cook via YouTube
In the '60s, this was the perfect dish for cocktail parties. Do you remember what it's called?
Candied cobs
Corn fritters
Swedish meatballs
Dippin' balls


4. pineapple upside down
Pixabay by cote62
Can you name this interesting-looking cake with fruit on it?
Coconut cream cake
Pina colada cake
Mixer cake
Pineapple upside-down cake
5. Chicken a la king
The Stay At Home Chef via YouTube
Do you remember this dish that included chicken, cream sauce and vegetables?
Chicken a la king
Super chicken
Chicken mix
6. Ambrosia salad
Sugar Spun Run via YouTube
What is the name of this "salad" that includes marshmallows?
Fruity salad
Ambrosia salad
Cream of fruit salad
Cherry topper salad


7. meatloaf
The Stay At Home Chef via YouTube
Everyone's mom had a secret recipe for this classic dinner that included ground meat. What is it?
Stuffed loaf
Pimento loaf
Bologna loaf
8. Tunnel of fudge cake
Cast Iron Chaos via YouTube
You might be able to get a taste of this cake if you try a chocolate lava cake, but what did they call this bundt back in the '60s?
Chocolate explosion cake
Explosive chocolate cake
Ring o' fudge
Tunnel of fudge cake
9. Swanson TV dinner
Pinnacle Foods/ Campbell Soup Co.
Which packaged meal had everything you needed?
Swanson TV dinner
Tyson chicken legs
Frozen tray dinner
Schwann's frozen meal


10. Tomato aspic
Southern Living via YouTube
Do you recognize this tomato-based Jell-O loaf?
Salsa loaf
Tomato aspic
Tomato gel
11. spam
Mashed via YouTube
Home cooks prepared this meat in many creative ways. What is it?
Canned ham
Milner pressed meat
Canned tuna
12. pigsinablanket
Wyse Guide via YouTube
These little dogs made the best finger foods at parties. Can you tell us what they're called?
Smokie Goods
Lil' Smokies
Pigs in a blanket


13. 7upfloat_revised
Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Green sherbet plus a clear fizzy drink makes what kind of sugary snack for kids?
7-Up float
Root beer float
Trivia punch
Inside scoop
14. Astronaut ice cream
Wikicommons by Ruth Hartnup
If you grew up in the '60s you probably begged your parents to buy this frozen treat. Do you remember what it was called?
Bricks and bucks
Astronaut ice cream
Neapolitan shards
Triple threat
15. Chicken in a biskit
JLNRaw via YouTube
Can you name these crackers that were found at every party in the '60 and '70s?
Chirpy crackers
Egg biscuits
Chicken in a Biskit
Whiz crackers


16. Dippy Canoes
Quaker Oats Company
Do you remember these chips that rivaled modern-day Fritos Scoops?
Native Feathers
Corn Salines
Dippy Canoes
17. French onion dip
Divas Can Cook via YouTube
This simple dip gave cooks the ability to add flavor to every party. Do you know what it is?
French onion dip
Ranch dip
Cheese dip
Sour dip
18. Quake
Quaker Oats Company
Which cereal offered a toy and was distributed by Quaker?


19. Screaming Yellow Zonkers
Lincoln Snacks
Do you know which popcorn treat came in a black box?
Tripping Popcorn Balls
Sweet Glazed Corn
Screaming Yellow Zonkers
Maize Friends
20. Tab
esw01407 via YouTube
Before Diet Coke, the Coca-Cola company offered this diet drink that boasted only a single calorie per 16 ounces. What drink is it?
21. Quiche
Pixabay by RitaE
In the early '70s, this pie was found on many dinner tables. What is it?
Cob pie
Salad pie


22. Carrot cake
Pixabay by silviarite
Which popular vintage cake had loads of veggies in it?
German chocolate cake
Carrot cake
Baked Alaska
Trouble cake
Do you recognize this boxed cheese?
SPAM cheese
Government cheese
24. Oyster cheese appetizer log
MyRecipes via YouTube
Cream cheese, chili powder, nuts and smoked oysters are the ingredients in this classic party spread. Do you know what it's called?
Party log
Sour dip
Mix dip
Oyster cheese appetizer log


25. Cheesy cheddar broccoli casserole
MyRecipes via YouTube
Can you name this side dish that was covered in French fried onions?
Cheesy cheddar broccoli casserole
French fried onion casserole
Mixed greens casserole
Mean cheese casserole
26. Jellygrill
totikky tikky via YouTube
Do you remember what this grilled sandwich that included grape jelly and Velveeta cheese was called?
Grilled 'Veeta
Sweet Velveeta
27. Tiger--Tiger
Slightly Odd via YouTube
What was this orange ice cream with licorice "stripes" called?
Tiger Tasties
Tasty Tiger
Tiger Tiger
Stripes and Growls


28. Deviled ham
FoodslingerTV via YouTube
Somewhere between ham salad and ham pate is this gem that you probably tasted back in the day. Do you know what it's called?
Ham paste
Loaf ham
Mayo ham
Deviled ham
29. Ham banana rolls
CultMoo via YouTube
This dish was more popular than one might think. Do you know what it's called?
Ham banana rolls
Banana sausage
Fruit and ham roll-up
Short cut
30. Frozen Hawaiian pie
Amy Lynn's Kitchen via YouTube
Can you name this pie that looks very much like a fruitcake on the inside?
Jellied pie
Frozen Hawaiian pie
Candied pie
Fruit pie


31. Black forest cake
Pixabay by Couleur
Do you remember this cake that turned heads in the '60s and '70s?
German chocolate cake
Shipper's cake
Black Forest cake
Sweet love cake
32. Sardines
Pixabay by lola56
Which canned fish was used in recipes and as a quick snack?
33. Golden rabbit
RFC Group of Companies via YouTube
This dish was made by mixing two cans of soup and serving it over saltines. What is it called?
Golden rabbit
Cheesey chunks
Mixed millings


34. Popovers
dreamflight6000 via YouTube
What are these rolls that were a common side dish throughout the '50s and '60s?
Bread muffins
Hockey pucks
35. Orange cranberry relish mold
Two Old Crabs via YouTube
Can you name this gelatin that made its way to Thanksgiving tables across the country?
Cranberry sauce
Mulberry sauce
Orange cranberry relish mold
Cinnamon relish
36. SPAM and eggs
Mark 2kero via YouTube
This delicacy gave you a lot of protein and salt at the breakfast table. Do you know what it is?
Shaved ham and eggs
Chipped beef
Milner's breakfast bundle
SPAM and eggs


37. Derby tamales
Simply Mamá Cooks via YouTube
They came in a jar instead of a corn husk. Do you know what these are?
Derby tamales
Hash logs
Corned brisket
38. Meal in a mould
The Vintage Kitchen via YouTube
Any ground meat and vegetables mixed with gelatin had a catchy name. Do you remember what it was?
Meal in a mould
Jelled beef
39. E-Z Pop
stoppedsnoring via YouTube
Do you remember the name of this popcorn that came with its own pan?
Kernel Poppers
Kernel Top
E-Z Pop
Stove Poppers


40. Tang
Desi Mom via YouTube
Can you name the powered drink mix that was used in many recipes?