In Which Century Do You Belong?

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
In Which Century Do You Belong?
Image: Steve Debenport/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Human progress has certainly not been a linear affair. For generations, it was generally the case that people would live very similar lives to those of their parents. Things didn't change quickly, including the number of people out there. Indeed, the human population didn't even break a billion until the 1800s, so slow was population growth.

A change didn't really get going until the 1700s. The century prior, the Age of Exploration, was probably the last in which the world ever felt very large or static. After that, as the Industrial Revolution kicked off and railways and then aviation shrank the world, it was no longer possible to disappear over a faraway horizon and never return. The adventures grew less mysterious, even as the tragedies grew larger - with ever-bigger wars - and simultaneously fewer, as humanity fought back at last against disease and illiteracy that hampered us from living free and prosperous lives.

Where would you fit into this history, if you were not alive now? We children of the 21st century enjoy many advantages, but some of us might be temperamentally more suited to other times. Take this quiz, and we'll figure out which century of human history would suit you down to the ground!

Could you live without your car?
Yes, there's Uber and biking!
No, my car is my life.
I'd handle it fine.
I hate cars.
Are you a rebel?
In some ways
Only intellectually
Yes, entirely
Do you love risk?
Not really
Only for a good reason
I love it!


How do you feel about monarchy?
It's so stupid.
It's fine if it has no real power.
It's fine.
It's really great.
Are you someone who likes a quiet life?
Yes - but if it's going to be loud, it should be very loud.
Yes, I hate all the noises of the modern age.
I like it tempestuous as heck!
Were things better in the good old days?
LOL no
Generally no
Maybe in some ways
Absolutely not


What person NOT currently living do you wish you could meet?
Ada Lovelace
Rosalind Franklin
Frederick Douglass
William Shakespeare
How well do you think the modern world was set up?
Horribly - all those fossil fuels.
Quite badly - it was designed in ways that are oppressive.
Quite well - it has shown the capacity for reform.
Very well - it has all the comfort and opportunity in the world.
How many languages do you speak?
All of them, thanks to my phone
Five or more


What sort of clothing would you like to wear most days?
Something that cools me when I'm too hot
Jeans and a shirt
A big puffy gown
Swashbuckler boots and a super cool frock coat
Besides your phone, what gadget could you not do without?
All of them
How strong is your bodily constitution?
Very strong
Impervious to all diseases


Could you live without your phone?
If I must
I might prefer it.
What thing do we all do today that you think our grandkids (rightly or wrongly) will say we were very wrong to do?
Burning fossil fuels
Eating meat
Not showing up to vote when we can
I don't care what they think.
Do you have any allergies?
No, I had shots that fixed them.
Yes, they're really annoying and dangerous.
Just mild ones
No, nothing bothers me.


Do you know anything about the medicinal properties of plants?
I know a couple of little tricks.
I know enough to be safe.
How fast should society change?
As fast as possible - it's terrible now!
As fast as people can adapt to it
As fast as necessary
It shouldn't.
How's your handwriting?
What is "handwriting"?


How curious are you?
About average
More than average
I may accidentally kill the proverbial cat.
Do you like to travel?
I love it!
It depends where I'm going.
Only in first class
Yes, and I am not at all fussy about how.
Are you afraid of flying?
No, I love it.
Only when it is bumpy
I can do it if I meditate and possibly take medication!
I'm too scared to even try.


Can you sleep through anything?
Yes, noise doesn't bother me.
Only if it's not too loud
I'm a fairly light sleeper.
It has to be silent for me to sleep.
Do you mind not knowing what's going on?
I can't stand it!
I check the news a lot, but I can handle it if I'm out of touch a little.
I prefer it actually.
I never know what's up, and I love it!
How many books is enough for a two-week vacation?
I don't really read much.


How worried are you about the future?
Not at all!
I can't even talk about it.
How often do you like to go to church?
A few times a year
Weekly or more
How much meat do you like to eat?
A little
As much as I can!
I can't afford a lot, but I wish I could!


How do you feel about all the things that are made of plastic?
I hate them!
I love them! Plastic is a blessing!
I think they are OK.
Some are good; some are bad.
What do you think about humanity settling other planets?
It's inevitable and great!
It's exciting.
It's interesting.
It's impossible.
Do you ever dream of being a pirate?
Yes, but never seriously
Only of music
All the time
I actually am one.
