Image: Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Animation Studios
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What is it about a song that transports us to another place and time? Music seems to be the backdrop to so many of our memories. It could be a song playing in a car when we went on a first date or set out for family vacation, or a tune we'd play with friends any time we got together. Maybe even a song that makes you remember where you were when you first heard it because it became an immediate favorite.
Song lyrics are no different. It's often easier to remember the lyrics to a song we've heard once or twice than it is to remember something important, like the answers to that quiz you spent hours studying for. Why is that? Why can we remember song lyrics from years ago, but we can't remember what we told someone last week? Some music psychologists say it has to do with where song lyrics are processed in our brains - that is, separately from the tune itself. We remember lyrics because of those memories attached to them or because we've heard them more than we realize. Those 87 times your niece watched "The Little Mermaid?" Your brain was secretly storing those song lyrics each and every time.
So, let's see how well you remember the lyrics to the famous Disney songs in this quiz. Complete the phrases with the missing word. You'll probably be surprised that you remember what goes in these blanks: "Someday my _________ will come" and "_________ as old as time." "Be our guest" and see how good your memory is. Let's get singing!
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation / Silver Screen Partners IV
Fill in these lyrics from "The Little Mermaid" song: "Darling, it's better down where it's __________."
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Of course, it's "wetter." It's "The Little Mermaid," where Ariel lived "Under The Sea" ... until she didn't. The song was her underwater friends' attempt to remind her that everything she needed was right there on the ocean floor.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Animation Studios
Disney's "Frozen" included this song with these lyrics: "The _________ never bothered me anyway." What word completes the phrase?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"The cold never bothered me anyway" is the correct phrase from the super-popular song, "Let It Go," that accompanied Disney's Frozen. Frozen tells the tale of Anna trying to break the spell cast by her sister, Elsa.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
Simba "just can't wait to be __________" in this catchy tune. What word is missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Simba "just can't wait to be king" in this catchy tune from "The Lion King." Simba is dreaming of the day when he'll be in charge of the kingdom in this song, which was originally written for the 1994 cartoon by Elton John.
Pinocchio was told, "When you wish upon a ______" that "anything your heart desires will come to you." What needs to be added to these lyrics?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Though it was originally released in the 1940 movie, "Pinocchio," the Walt Disney Company has since adopted the song as a type of "theme song" for its entire company. You can even hear it playing aboard Disney Cruise Lines as the ships' sounding horn.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
Aladdin promised to take Jasmine "over, sideways and under on a magic __________." What's missing?
Bicycle ride
Carpet ride
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Aladdin and Jasmine were going on a "magic carpet ride" in the 1992 cartoon release of this now-classic. A live-action version of "Aladdin" was released in 2019, starring Will Smith.
Which word is missing from this Disney classic: "Just a spoon full of __________ helps the medicine go down?"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Mary Poppins sings this ditty in the movie of the same name to encourage the Banks' children to clean up their room. A little bit of fun, she says, can make any tedious job easier to manage.
"I've got no __________ to hold me down" is a line from this Pinocchio classic. What's missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Seeing as how Pinocchio was a puppet come to life, he was pretty happy to sing about having no "strings" to hold him down. In this movie, Pinocchio becomes a real boy after his creator, Geppetto, wished for it to be so.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation / Silver Screen Partners IV
It's a "__________ as old as time" from "Beauty and the Beast." What's the missing word?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"Tale as old as time" is the start of the song by the same name from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast." In the cartoon version, released in 1991, Belle and Beast dance to this song before the villagers arrive at the castle to wreak havoc.
"Put 'em together and what have you got, __________" is a line from this "Cinderella" song. What belongs in the blank?
Salagadoola mechicka
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The title of this nonsense song is also the phrase missing from its lyrics. Cinderella's Fairy Godmother sings this song as she transforms Cinderella (and her surroundings) into the perfect ball-appropriate finishings.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Animation Studios
In a song from "Frozen," the singer asks, "Do you want to build a __________?" What is it?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
In this popular song from "Frozen," Anna is trying to entice Elsa to go outside and play. One of her ideas is to build a snowman, which annoys Elsa. Anna also suggests riding bikes, but that doesn't have quite as catchy of a ring to it.
King Louie sings this song in "The Jungle Book:" "I wanna be like _________." What belongs in the blank?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
King Louie is an ape, and all he wants is to "be like you," a song he sings to Mowlgi, a human child raised in the jungle. Louie goes on to say he wants to "walk like you" and "talk like you," in the way that humans do.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
Identify the missing lyric from this Pocahontas song: "Can you paint with all the colors of the __________?"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
This song, "Colors of the Wind," includes the following question: "Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?" It is sung by Pocahontas in the movie of the same name, released in 1995.
"You've got a __________ in me" is a line from a "Toy Story" song. What word is missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"You've got a friend in me" is a line from one of the most well-known Disney songs of all, a song of the same name from the original "Toy Story," which was released in 1995. Disney is now on its fourth movie in that series.
"Someday my __________ will come" is the opening line from this song in "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." Which of these words belongs?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Snow White sings this song to the seven dwarfs in the oldest of the Disney "Princess" movies released in 1938. She is describing her ideal beau to the dwarfs and answering their questions when she begins singing this classic Disney song.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation / Silver Screen Partners IV
This song and dance from "Beauty and the Beast" invites you to "be our __________." Can you fill in the blank?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
How could you forget singing and dancing tableware? This song, "Be Our Guest," features the line "be our guest" repeatedly throughout, as Belle is learning to acclimate to the Beast's castle.
"Everybody wants to be a _________" is a line from a 1970 Disney classic. What word is missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We couldn't tell you this song came from "The Aristocats" without giving away the answer! "Everybody wants to be a cat" is a line from the song of the same name, which also claims that "A cat's the only cat who knows where it's at."
A touching song from "Dumbo" features this line, "Rest your head close to my _________, never to part, baby of mine." What belongs in the blank?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"Baby Mine" is a touching lullaby of sorts from Disney's "Dumbo," first released in 1941. In the movie, Dumbo's mother sings this song to her child when they are in one of the circus wagons.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation / Silver Screen Partners IV
A song in "The Little Mermaid" contains this line: "But you're dying to try, you wanna kiss the __________." What word completes this line?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Prince Eric and Ariel are having a romantic moment in a boat when this song is being played, encouraging him to "kiss the girl." The song is also titled "Kiss The Girl," and is sung in the film by Ariel's friend, Sebastian.
"Remember me, though I have to say __________" is a line from a song featured in "Coco." What word is missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
In "Coco," a 2017 Disney release, this song is used periodically. One of the most touching scenes in the movie where it is sung is when a young Miguel performs it for his great-grandmother.
A sing-along of this song from "The Jungle Book" would need a few words added. What's missing here: "Forget about your worries and your strife, I mean the bare ____________?"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
A beloved and timeless song from "The Jungle Book," "The Bare Necessities" encourages you to "forget about your worries and your strife." We need a daily reminder of that from this catchy little tune.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
"It's the __________, and it moves us all through despair and hope" is heard in "The Lion King." What phrase needs to be added?
Hakuna matata
Circle of life
Path unwinding
Way to be king
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
It's the "circle of life" that fits into this phrase from the song of the same name. "The Lion King" was originally released in 1994 and its highly-anticipated live-action version hit theaters in the summer of 2019.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Animation Studios
"Moana" features a song with this line: "See the line where the sky meets the __________?" What belongs in the blank?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Moana is an adventurer and she is drawn to the "line where the sky meets the sea," adding that it "calls her." "Moana" was a wildly popular movie when Disney released it in 2016.
The seven dwarfs sing a tune that goes, "__________, it's home from work we go." What are they missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Repeated throughout the song known as "The Dwarfs' Marching Song," is the phrase "heigh-ho." There's no real significance to this particular phrase except that it happens to rhyme nicely with the rest of the phrases.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
This ballad from "Mulan" features the lyric, "When will my __________show who I am inside?" What word is missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"When will my reflection show who I am inside" is a line from the song "Reflection," sung by Mulan in the Disney movie of the same name. Christina Aguilera recorded this song as a single for the movie released in 1998.
"A __________ is a wish your heart makes" is the opening line of a song from "Cinderella." What belongs in the blank?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
An iconic Disney song, "A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes," was first introduced in "Cinderella" in its 1950 release. Cinderella won't tell her bird friends what her dream is because, she says, it won't come true if she divulges it.
"If she doesn't scare you, no __________ will" is a line from this "101 Dalmatians" song. Can you fill in the blank?
Other woman
Evil thing
Scary thing
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
This song, titled "Cruella de Vil," is about the villain in the Disney movie, "101 Dalmatians." She's an "evil thing" partly due to her desire to make a coat out of the puppies she kidnaps. Cruel, indeed!
Two cats introduce themselves to Lady in "The Lady and the Tramp" with these lyrics: "We are Siamese if ___________." What's missing from the song?
You please
You didn't know
You like
You care
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The lyrics, "We are Siamese if you please, We are %0DSiamese if you don't please," tell you everything you need to know about these bratty cats in "The Lady and the Tramp." They're here, whether you like it or not. Sounds like most cats we know.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
Genie in "Aladdin" sings this tune, but he's missing some words. "You ain't never had a __________ like me" is missing what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Genie tells Aladdin that he's never had a "friend" like him. Maybe it's his larger-than-life personality, or maybe it's the wishes that come along with finding a genie in a bottle. We're guessing the latter.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
"The Lion King" wants to know: "Can you feel the __________ tonight?" What's missing from this line?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"Can you feel the love tonight?" is a line from one of the most popular Disney songs of all time, a tune featured in "The Lion King." Elton John recorded this with the movie's original release, and Beyoncé and Donald Glover sing it in the live-action version of 2019.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
The movie "Hercules" isn't necessarily known for its music, but the lyric, "I can go the __________," is part of the movie. What word needs to be added?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Hercules sings this song, titled "I Can Go The Distance," in the Disney film of the same name released in 1997. The song continues, "I'll be there someday, If I can be strong, I know every mile, Will be worth my while, I would go most anywhere, To feel like I belong."
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation / Silver Screen Partners IV
Who does Ursula help in this line? "Those __________, So sad, so true, They come flocking to my cauldron, Crying, 'Spells, Ursula, please?''"
Sad lonely humans
Poor unfortunate souls
Terribly unhappy mermaids
Weak abysmal people
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
A great villainous song in "The Little Mermaid," this gradually-intensifying tune is sung by Ursula in an attempt to get Ariel to seek her help. Ursula called these individuals, "Poor Unfortunate Souls," which is also the name of the song.
"A heffalump or __________ is very confuzle" is a line from a song in the featurette "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day." What nonsense word is missing from this tune?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Nothing is worse in Pooh's world than heffalumps and woozles, with the "woozle" being the missing word from this song. The song goes on to say they come in "ones and twoozles," so you better watch out.
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation / Silver Screen Partners IV
Ariel laments her current state in the song with this line, "Flipping your __________, you don't get too far." Can you fill in the blank?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
It's Ariel's "fin" that is holding her back, as she sings in this song. She wants the legs of a human so that she can be on dry land, which just so happens to be where Prince Eric is hanging out. Coincidence?
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Animation Studios
A morning of chores followed by some time for hobbies precedes this line from Tangled: "Just wonder, when will my ___________?" What phrase completes this lyric?
Prince arrive
Life begin
Time arrive
Day really start
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Rapunzel sings, "I'll keep wonderin' and wonderin', And wonderin' and wonderin', When will my life begin?" in the "Tangled" take on this classic fairytale. The song is voiced by Mandy Moore.
"Robin Hood" and Mondays might have you singing, "Oo-de-lally, oo-de-lally, golly, what a __________." What word completes the lyric?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The song, "Oo-De-Lally," shows up in the 1973 Disney film, "Robin Hood." It is featured as Robin Hood and Little John are navigating the forest, being chased (unsuccessfully) by the Sheriff of Nottingham's men.
"Sleeping Beauty" has a song with this lyric: "I know you, I walked with you once upon a __________." What's missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Aurora sings this song in the woods while dancing with her owl friend when Prince Phillip shows up unexpectedly and joins in the fun. It's a romantic moment in the charming "Sleeping Beauty."
The Mad Hatter in "Alice in Wonderland" sings this tune: "A very merry __________ to us, to us." What's missing?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Mad Hatter is just a wee bit off in "Alice in Wonderland," singing about a "very merry unbirthday" at his tea party table. They explain to Alice that an "unbirthday" is the other 364 days of the year when you don't have a birthday. Sounds like extra presents to us!
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation
"Once again it's __________ Day" is a line from a song in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." Which of these completes the phrase?
Festival Celebration
Topsy Turvy
Notre Dame
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
It's a pretty big party in "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" that prompts these lyrics: "Once a year we throw a party here in town, Once a year we turn all Paris upside down, Ev'ry man's a king and ev'ry king's a clown, Once again it's Topsy Turvy Day."
What's missing from this "Peter Pan" song: "So, try the life of a thief, Just sample the life of a __________?"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The pirates aboard Captain Hook's ship sing this song after the Darling children have been kidnapped and tied up. They're trying to encourage them to sign up with Captain Hook and try the "life of a crook."
Walt Disney Pictures / Walt Disney Feature Animation / Silver Screen Partners IV
An ode to Gaston in "Beauty and the Beast" features this line: "In a wrestling match nobody __________ like Gaston." Which word completes the phrase?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Who bites in a wrestling match, anyway? Gaston, that's who. He's a pretty smarmy character from "Beauty and the Beast," but the villagers are impressed with his brawniness and sing about it to make him feel better about himself.