About This Quiz
We take our cars and trucks for granted while everything is working the way it should. Because the automobile is an extremely complex machine, however, with little tolerance for error, problems can quickly capture our attention. While novice - or uneducated - drivers might wonder what's making that knocking sound, however, those experienced in the ways of the internal combustion engine can pinpoint the problem and come up with a solution (Hint: Knocking sounds generally aren't good signs).
So, which are you? Are you the person people come to when they have automotive questions or are you the kind who immediately looks to a higher mechanical power for answers? This quiz will test your knowledge and deductive powers. Those in the know will be able to quickly make their way through this without breaking a sweat. Those whose automotive knowledge is lacking, however, are about to learn some valuable (yet free) lessons.
Every problem has a solution. Sometimes those solutions are simple, easy and cheap. Sometimes, well, you might have to shift some things around in your budget to start things back up. But knowing what the problem is, or could be, is the first step in getting the matter corrected and getting you back out on the road.
We think you've got what it takes to ace this quiz. Prove us right by showing us that you know what to look for (and listen for and, in some cases, smell for) to diagnose an automotive problem. Put your mechanic cap on, and let's go!