Rapid Fire Quiz: Car Symptoms and Solutions Edition

By: Dave Davis
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
Rapid Fire Quiz: Car Symptoms and Solutions Edition
Image: Pixabay by Peter H

About This Quiz

We take our cars and trucks for granted while everything is working the way it should. Because the automobile is an extremely complex machine, however, with little tolerance for error, problems can quickly capture our attention. While novice - or uneducated - drivers might wonder what's making that knocking sound, however, those experienced in the ways of the internal combustion engine can pinpoint the problem and come up with a solution (Hint: Knocking sounds generally aren't good signs).

So, which are you? Are you the person people come to when they have automotive questions or are you the kind who immediately looks to a higher mechanical power for answers? This quiz will test your knowledge and deductive powers. Those in the know will be able to quickly make their way through this without breaking a sweat. Those whose automotive knowledge is lacking, however, are about to learn some valuable (yet free) lessons.

Every problem has a solution. Sometimes those solutions are simple, easy and cheap. Sometimes, well, you might have to shift some things around in your budget to start things back up. But knowing what the problem is, or could be, is the first step in getting the matter corrected and getting you back out on the road.

We think you've got what it takes to ace this quiz. Prove us right by showing us that you know what to look for (and listen for and, in some cases, smell for) to diagnose an automotive problem. Put your mechanic cap on, and let's go!

Unsplash by Tristan Billet
Which of these problems could cause your car to stall?
Cracked vacuum hose
Fouled spark plugs
Bad gasoline
All the above
Pixabay by engin akyurt
It's been harder to get your manual transmission into gear, but today it finally became impossible. What could be the issue?
Damaged camshaft
Low transmission fluid
Slipping differential
Worn clutch plate
Pixabay by S. Hermann & F. Richter
You hear a grinding sound when you apply the brakes. Which of these parts probably needs replacing?
Brake pads
Brake rotors
Brake calipers


autodoc.co.uk via YouTube
When it goes bad, which of these can cause your engine to overheat?
Oil pump
Heater core
Pixabay by Ryan Doka
Which of these could be a sign of a bad EGR valve?
The "Check Engine" light pops on
Rough idle
A fuel odor in the car's cabin
All the above
Steering wheel
Unsplash by Nicolai Berntsen
When you let go of the steering wheel while moving (slowly!), the vehicle veers to one side. What's the probable cause?
Bent steering column
Bad steering pulley
Low power steering fluid
The wheels are out of alignment.


Pixabay by Oldiefan
When you start to hear a chirping sound coming from your vehicle, what should you suspect?
A bird is trapped under the hood.
A wheel bearing is failing.
You're using fuel with too high of an octane rating.
Your muffler is about to fail.
Pixabay by RJA1988
What can cause a knocking sound that gets louder as the engine's RPMs rise?
A blown head gasket
A nail in the tire
A failing radiator fan
A problem with a piston
O2 Sensor
Wikimedia Commons by dave_7
Which of these will happen when your car's oxygen sensor goes bad?
There will be a lack of oxygen in the passenger compartment.
The car will run quieter.
The car will overheat.
Your gas mileage will get worse.


Pixabay by Skica911
Because we know you check your oil regularly, what color should the oil be on the dipstick?
Black as night
Bright yellow
Golden with metal flakes
Golden brown
Manifold Absolute Pressure MAP Sensor
Kansow Vehicle Engineering via YouTube
The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor will cause what to happen when it fails?
A drop in fuel mileage
A failed emissions test
A lack of power
All the above
Black smoke
Wikimedia Commons by Daniel Case
There's dark smoke coming out of the tailpipe and you swear you smell brimstone. What's going on?
Your car is possessed.
The car is overheating.
Your catalytic converter is failing.
You've gotten bad gasoline.


Driver stuck
Unsplash by Bruchin Noeka
When the engine misfires, isn't getting the power it needs and finally just won't start, which of these could be the problem?
Dirty cabin filter
Dirty air filter
Dirty fuel filter
Dirty oil filter
Pexels by Pixabay
Brrr! It's a cold day and the defroster isn't working. Which of these could be the culprit?
Bad windshield wipers
Low coolant level
Low windshield washer fluid level
Faulty ECU module
Pixabay by Z1
When a car is blowing thick white smoke out of its tailpipe, what could this be a sign of?
The water pump is malfunctioning.
The car is overheating.
Too much fuel in the air/fuel mix
A blown head gasket


Air filter
Pixabay by Bruno Glätsch
A dirty air filter can cause which of these symptoms?
Your car overheats
Your car shakes at idle
The A/C won't work properly
The car runs louder
brake pedal
Peter Finn the Car Doctor via YouTube
When you apply the brakes, you feel a vibration running through the pedal. What does this tell you?
The axle is warped.
The brake pads are worn.
The brake rotor is warped.
The tires are out of alignment.
Oil can
Pixabay by Rudy and Peter Skitterians
You've ignored the oil leak in your engine and the warning light on your dash. What's about to happen?
The engine will run rough.
The engine will seize.
The engine will run more noisily.
Nothing happens. Modern engines don't need oil.


Pixabay by Free-Photos
You're driving along and all of a sudden, the A/C quits and your car now steers like a tank. What just happened?
Your serpentine belt broke.
Your fan belt broke.
Your power steering unit is faulty.
The head gasket just blew.
Pexels by Matheus Gomes
The smell of syrup is usually a good thing, but not when it's coming from your car. What's the cause of that sweet smell?
Bad brake pads
Coolant leak
Malfunctioning heater core
Transmission leak
Overactive engine
Pexels by George Sultan
When your car is at idle, it sounds like it's about to run away. What could cause a high idle?
A vacuum leak
Mis-gapped spark plugs
Clogged fuel injectors
A faulty fuel pump


Pexels by Gerd Altmann
Which of these conditions can affect the pressure in your tires?
Uneven pavement/rough roads
Pexels by Mike
You notice that the center of your tire is wearing excessively. What could be causing that?
Bad camber
Pixabay by Karolina Grabowska
This is a strange problem. The air blower in the cabin will work on "high" but not at lower speeds. What could cause this?
A bad blower motor
A bad blower motor relay
A problem with the A/C compressor
A blown fuse


Man in Car
Unsplash by Mubariz Mehdizadeh
Your "Check Engine" light is flashing, there's a loss of power and there are noises coming from the engine. What gives?
Dirty spark plugs
Loose oil filter
Failing timing belt
Slipped differential
Pexels by Tobi
You turn the car off, but it doesn't seem to want to stop. What can cause a car to "diesel"?
Running too lean of a fuel/air mix
Running too rich of a fuel/air mix
Misfiring spark plugs
Spark plug
Pixabay by jpj2000nl
When you take your spark plugs out to change, you notice the old ones appear light tan. What does this tell you?
You're burning oil.
All is well.
The spark plug was mis-gapped.
The engine is running too lean.


Pixabay by Andreas Lischka
Which of these is the most common cause of your car's Evaporative Emission Control System to throw an error?
Loose or broken gas cap
Failing fuel pump
Blown muffler
Bad catalytic converter
Pexels by moein moradi
You're driving along and suddenly something smells like burning carpet. What's the first thing to check?
Your emergency brake
Your tailpipe
Your oil level
Your coolant level
Pixabay by Thanks for your Like donations welcome
Which of these symptoms will tell you it's time for a new muffler?
Your mild-mannered vehicle suddenly sounds like a muscle car
You smell exhaust fumes in the cabin
Your gas mileage will suddenly bottom out
Your car won't accelerate as well as it has in the past


proclaimliberty2000 via YouTube
Which of these symptoms could be caused by a bad alternator?
The "Check Engine" light comes on
The car overheats
The headlights dim
All the above
Mustang Engine
Unsplash by Alison Ivansek
The engine is misfiring, idling rough, won't accelerate easily and is drinking gas. What could be the culprit?
Worn spark plugs
Clogged fuel line
Bad fuel pump
Slipping serpentine belt
Pixabay by Igor Schubin
Your car hesitates when you accelerate, surges in speed at times and is hard to start. What could be the issue?
Clogged oil filter
Faulty alternator
Bad gasoline
Faulty ECU


Pixabay by Vigan Hajdari
You notice that your car is making an odd humming sound when in neutral, and the "Check Engine" light is on. What should you suspect?
The transmission
The fan belt
The solenoid
The alternator
Unsplash by Hosea Georgeson
You've got intermittent white smoke coming out of the tailpipe, a rough idle and a lack of power. The spark plugs seem fine. What else could it be?
A faulty ignition coil
Bad gasoline
A faulty radiator
A slipping serpentine belt
Wikimedia Commons by EvelynGiggles
What can happen if you mix different types of radiator antifreeze?
It can cause a fire.
They can neutralize each other.
It can turn into a gel.
Nothing happens. It's all the same substance.


Unsplash by Jan Laugesen
If your car starts to emit the subtle smell of a locker room in the passenger compartment, what could be the issue?
You need to clean out the back seat, pronto!
You should change the cabin air filter.
You have mold in the A/C evaporator.
You have an oil leak.
VW Bus
Pixabay by Pexels
Your high-mileage car is running rough and every now and then, it stalls when idling. What's the problem?
Bad thermostat
Low cylinder compression
Dirty air filter
Low transmission fluid
Pixabay by arimedia
You put the key into the ignition, try to turn it and ... nothing! The key won't turn at all! What's the first thing to check?
What's the condition of the key?
Is there a foreign body lodged in the key slot?
Is the car on level ground?
Is the car in park or neutral?


Pixabay by Vigan Hajdari
Which of these could be a cause of "jerky" acceleration (and by that, we mean "uneven," not driving like a jerk)?
Too rich of a fuel mixture
Worn out acceleration cable
Worn fuel injectors
Dirty air filter