Tell Us About Your Viewpoints and We'll Match You to a Prime Minister

By: Zoe Samuel
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Tell Us About Your Viewpoints and We'll Match You to a Prime Minister
Image: Wiki Commons by United Nations Information Office, New York, Shutterstock

About This Quiz

Many people feel these days that British politics has descended into farce, a view that is entirely fair no matter what outcome a person is seeking. Of course, the truth is that British politics has always had a rather absurd element to it. For example, Prime Ministers' Questions have always been a chance to yell ridiculous comments and jockey for the cameras. Ludicrous entities stand for Parliament, such as Screaming Lord Sutch and Lord Buckethead. There is literally a portion of the political calendar known as "Silly Season."

Still, the underlying business of politics is quite serious stuff, and even though most politicians are a disappointment, there does occasionally appear a man or woman of strong principle who then actually sticks to their guns (or lack of guns, as the case may be). Usually, these show up when the chips are down, as during a major crisis or war. Other times they appear in response to a deep and palpable need for change that they then fight very hard to enact. Some are more successful than others, but win or lose, agree or disagree, they all have something to teach us. Studying the ones who match our own views can help us figure out how to pursue our personal goals.

Which British Prime Minister matches your views the most closely? Let's find out!

Hands holding a budding plant growing out of soil
Cecilie_Arcurs/E+/Getty Images
How responsible are the strong to the weak?
Not very
London, United Kingdom
Alexander Spatari/Moment/Getty Images
What was the best thing about the Age Of Empire?
Railways for everyone!
Trade expanded.
Civilization spread further than before.
Pharmacist Measuring Mature Man's Blood Pressure
Tom Werner/DigitalVison/Getty Images
Should healthcare be free at the point of need?
Yes, but only because people want it to be.
Of course! We're not animals.
That'd be nice, but it's not really possible.
I honestly don't care either way.


Firefighters helping a man
vm/E+/Getty Images
Would you let millions of people die to save hundreds of millions?
I could never!
I would not make that decision for someone else.
RichVintage/E+/Getty Images
How do you feel about workers' unions?
They're good until they go too far and must be crushed.
They are a great thing.
They are mostly good.
Uppity little blighters! A pox on them.
Hand over symbolic pawn family
Guido Mieth/Moment/Getty Images
Welfare - yay or nay?
With conditions, OK
Some, sure


Gavel and law book on desk
Towfiqu Photography/Moment/Getty Images
What would you be willing to do to change a truly evil law?
Go to war
Anything legal
Anything, including die
Not a lot, honestly
Businessman celebrating with trophy
boonchai wedmakawand/Moment/Getty Images
Are you an early or a late bloomer?
Quite early
Very early
Quite late
Writing letters
Sasha Bell/Moment/Getty Images
Would you call yourself a traditionalist?
Only in very limited ways


Wiki Commons by Kittybrewster
If you were offered a hereditary title, would you take it?
Yes, to be polite
I was born with one.
Of course, if I earned it
Men and woman in bar
Digital VisionPhotodisc/Getty Images
What is your sartorial style?
Immaculate power suit
Scruffy intellectual
Proper gentleman
Upper class toff
Piccadilly Circus and Regent Street in London
Alexander Spatari/Moment/Getty Images
What is the key building block of society?
The social contract


People working in office
10'000 Hours/DigitalVison/Getty Images
How do you feel about working in a party-based political system?
It's great!
It's OK.
It's terrible.
It's no use during a war but otherwise OK.
Smiling professional standing at workstation
Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Would you call yourself a self-made man or woman?
Yes, totally
Yes, mostly
Not really
Not at all
British and E.U flags imposed over shipping containers
David Wall/Moment/Getty Images
If you could wave a magic wand to sort out Brexit, what would be the outcome?
Out with a deal
Stay in
Stay in but change the EU
Out with no deal


Soldiers marching in line
ilbusca/E+/Getty Images
Under what circumstances should one country send troops into another?
To keep the peace
No circumstances
To liberate it
Map of NATO
Image Source/Image Source/Getty Images
How do you feel about NATO?
I like it!
I get the necessity but do not love it.
I find it strange.
I think it is the best thing in the universe.
Puzzles of national flags holding hands in a row
Hiroshi Watanabe/DigitalVison/Getty Images
Who would you say is Britain's best friend?


National flag Badges
studiocasper/E+/Getty Images
Which country should Britain absolutely never trust?
Winston Churchill Statue, Parliament Square, London, UK
Wiki Commons by Jose L. Marin
How would you like to be remembered?
Extremely polarizing - it means I stood up for something.
As someone who made the world a bit fairer and kinder
I don't mind if I am remembered as long as my deeds warrant remembering.
Brave and strong, but flawed.
Sir Robert Walpole
Wiki Commons by Arthur Pond
How long is too long to be Prime Minister?
15 years
10 years
No amount of time
20 years


Man working in office
Luis Alvarez/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you have a lot of time for the nitty-gritty of administration and logistics?
I can do it but I do not love it.
I understand that the devil is in the details, and I like it.
Yes, and I am very good at it.
No, and I hate it!
Young shopping couple strolling past red phone boxes, London, UK
Ben Pipe Photography/Cultura/Getty Images
What do you admire most about the British?
Willingness to change
Women Walking to Racecourse
SolStock/E+/Getty Images
What is the worst element of the British class system?
It is not good enough at finding and empowering potential in those born into lower classes.
It accepts as natural a hierarchy that is constructed.
It permitted slavery, which is arguably a natural extension of it.
Nothing. It's perfect.


Woman praying
artpipi/E+/Getty Images
What role does faith play in your beliefs?
More than I typically let on
My faith is my lodestar.
Less than I think people imagine
Hand with Hammer
Would you call yourself a socialist?
LOL, never!
No, though my enemies would, and I wouldn't mind.
No, and I would smack anyone who did.
Stack of British pound coins falling on list of share prices
Adam Gault/OJO Images/Getty Images
What limits, if any, would you set on capitalism?
Some redistribution, regulation, and transparency. I'd let it exist, though.
Baseline rules of fair play
I agree there must be limits, but mostly I trust it to regulate itself.


Businessman walking in the city, talking on phone
10'000 Hours/DigitalVison/Getty Images
Your house falls down in the middle of the night. What time do you get to work the next morning?
5 a.m. No disaster will keep me from my calling.
I think I'd take the day off after that.
9.30 a.m., as my horse would be too upset to get in earlier.
11 a.m. I'm always late anyway, and I won't change that for anything.
Hands shaking
Yoshiyoshi Hirokawa/DigitalVison/Getty Images
What sort of people are your leading allies?
If you are a liberal democrat (small LD), you are my ally.
If you care about justice and fairness, you are my ally.
If you care about ending slavery and imperialism, you are my ally.
If you are against fascists, you are my ally.
Toasting beer
Witthaya Prasongsin/Moment/Getty Images
One for the road?
No, thanks
Only after 5 p.m., thanks
Depends on my mood
Ooh, yes, please! I can't be going through the day sober; I've got far too much to do.


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