We'll Be Impressed If You Can Name Even 11 of These Trees From Their Leaves

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
We'll Be Impressed If You Can Name Even 11 of These Trees From Their Leaves
Image: Wiki Commons by Herman, D.E., et al. 1996. North Dakota tree handbook. USDA NRCS ND State Soil Conservation Committee; NDSU Extension and Western Area Power Administration, Bismarck. Courtesy of ND State Soil Conservation Committee. Provided by USDA NRCS ND State Office. United States, ND.

About This Quiz

An acre of trees can remove nearly 3 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every single year. It can also produce enough oxygen for 18 people in that same time period. That's just a single acre. The Amazon rainforest is the largest forest in the world and covers about 1.7 billion acres. That's a lot of oxygen and a lot of CO2 being cleaned up. So if you haven't done it before, take a minute to appreciate just how incredible trees are and what they do for the world we live in.

In the world of nature, we tend to focus most often on the animals around us as they seem the most interesting in many ways. Of course, even in the plant world, it's often fruits and vegetables and flowers that get all the attention because they look fancier in most people's eyes. But the beauty of trees is not to be underestimated. From lilacs to tulip trees to cherries and apples, there are countless trees that offer both beauty and sustenance. Not to mention all the things we rely on trees to produce, from wood to paper to things like flavoring for barbecue sauces. Trees deserve some respect and recognition. The question is how many can you identify? It's time to find out!

Scarlet Oak
Wiki Commons by Katja Schulz
Do you know this tree, which is often planted throughout North America and Europe for its shade and bright foliage?
Scarlet Oak
Paper Birch
Red Alder
Wiki Commons by BetacommandBot
Tell us the name of this tree that you'll often find covered in lichen or moss.
Royal Paulownia
Red Alder
Green Ash
Wiki Commons by Keith Kanoti, Maine Forest Service, USA
Thanks to Dutch elm disease, this tree became the most widely planted tree in North America. What is it?
Green Ash
Flowering Dogwood


Wiki Commons by Miya.m
Sometimes the wood of this tree is used to make pool cues. Any idea what it is?
Norwegian Maple
American Beech
Wiki Commons by Dcrjsr
Because the wood from this tree is easily bent it's good for certain kinds of furniture. Can you name it?
Slippery Elm
American Beech
American Basswood
Wiki Commons by Schzmo
Can you name this tree that attracts so many insects it's sometimes called a "humming tree?"
American Basswood
Paper Birch
Nuttall Oak


Yellow Birch
Wiki Commons by Plant Image Library
What is the name of the provincial tree of Quebec in Canada?
Post Oak
Red Maple
Black Tupelo
Yellow Birch
Boxelder Maple
Wiki Commons by Karduelis
Thanks to the fact that the trunk of this tree can rot fairly quickly, most people won't plant it. Can you name it?
Silver Maple
Boxelder Maple
Blue Ash
Black Walnut
Butternut Tree
Wiki Commons by Kristjan
This tree shares its name with a kind of squash. What is it?
Butternut Tree
American Holly
Bottlebrush Tree
Chinese Tallow


Black Cherry
Wiki Commons by Rasbak
Can you name this tree that produces fruit whose seeds contain cyanide?
Red Alder
Black Cherry
Geiger Tree
Nagi Tree
California Poplar
Wiki Commons by Siebrand
Do you know which tree had the first tree genome ever to be sequenced?
Monkey Puzzle Tree
Grand Juniper
California Poplar
Eastern Cottonwood
Wiki Commons by Nadiatalent
Kansas made this their official state tree back in 1937. What is it?
American Sycamore
European Pear
Sitka Spruce
Eastern Cottonwood


Giant Redwood
Wiki Commons by Willow
What is this tree that some people will just call "big tree?"
Giant Redwood
Rocky Mountain Juniper
Southern Magnolia
Post Oak
Cucumber Magnolia
Wiki Commons by Pleple2000
Canada has listed this tree as an endangered species. Do you recognize it?
Cucumber Magnolia
Sweet Chestnut
Saw Palmetto
Wiki Commons by Michael Rivera
This kind of tree is usually fairly small, rarely getting taller than 10 feet. Can you tell us what it's called?
Oleander Tree
Saw Palmetto


American Elm
Wiki Commons by Homer Edward Price
Which trees, in the past, were planted in cities all over North America for shade?
American Elm
Silky Oak
Wingnut Tree
Bitternut Hickory
Wiki Commons by MPF
If you want to smoke some meat the wood of this tree would make a good choice. What is it?
Balsa Tree
Bitternut Hickory
Dove Tree
Lidflower Tree
Wiki Commons by Photo by David J. Stang
Which tree are you most likely to see around Christmas?
Canary Wood
Mesquite Tree


Black Locust
Wiki Commons by Wouter Hagens
What is this tree that is a major source of honey in the US and France?
Mayten Tree
Black Locust
Yellow Poplar
Bigleaf Maple
Wiki Commons by SuperFantastic
In the Pacific region, this tree is harvested for veneer. Can you name it?
Bigleaf Maple
Milk Tree
Pistachio Tree
Red Maple
Wiki Commons by Willow
Can you name this tree that, according to the U.S. Forest Service, is the most abundant native tree in eastern North America?
Cucumber Magnolia
Sorrell Tree
Red Maple


Black Oak
Wiki Commons by Willow
In California, these trees are actually resistant to wildfire. Do you know what they are?
Black Oak
River Birch
Weeping Willow
Wiki Commons by John Tann
Even though this tree is native to Asia it can be found all around the world now. What is it?
Bloodwood Tree
Water Oak
Weeping Willow
Black Locust
Princess Tree
Wiki Commons by Jean-Pol GRANDMONT
Which tree was named for Anna Pavlovna of Russia?
Princess Tree
Anise Tree
Angelica Tree
White Mangrove


Wiki Commons by Brad Haire, University of Georgia, USA
Do you know which tree famously grows in abundance in Georgia?
Bur Oak
Shellbark Hickory
Apricot Tree
Wiki Commons by Fanghong
After this tree flowers, it grows heart-shaped leaves. Do you know it?
Mustard Tree
Amborella Tree
Sassafras Tree
Wiki Commons by Photo by and (c)2007 Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man)
Root beer wouldn't exist if not for this tree. Can you tell us what it is?
Cypress tree
Sassafras Tree
Frangipani Tree


Wiki Commons by Lambique
Which tree can you find on just about every continent these days?
Cogwood Tree
Desert Willow
Black Walnut
Wiki Commons by MONGO
Thousand cankers disease has put this tree at risk. Do you know what it is?
Black Walnut
Black Locust
Shellbark Hickory
American Elm
Wiki Commons by Vassil
Another name for this tree is the satin walnut. What is it?
Water Tupelo
Oregon White Oak
Bigleaf Maple


Black Willow
Wiki Commons by Judy Gallagher
What is this tree that's often used for furniture, doors, and barrels?
Red Alder
Yellow Poplar
Black Willow
Silver Birch
Quaking Aspen
Wiki Commons by Walter Siegmund
Do you know the name of this tree, which is the state tree of Utah?
White Ash
Shagbark Hickory
Quaking Aspen
Sugar Maple
Flowering Dogwood
Wiki Commons by Wouter Hagens
Flowers of pink, red, white, yellow, and other colors grow on these tres. What are they?
Tulip Tree
Flowering Dogwood
Southern Magnolia
Quaking Aspen


Wiki Commons by GodeNehler
Do you know which tree you might confuse with a blackberry bush?
Green Ash
Wiki Commons by MLothhammer
Slats of this wood are spread at the bottom of Budweiser beer fermentation tanks. Can you tell us what it's called?
Slippery Elm
River Birch
Wiki Commons by Kenraiz, Krzysztof Ziarnek
Can you tell us the name of this tree that produces a fruit said to taste like custard?
Red Willow


Narrowleaf Cottonwood
Wiki Commons by HoHey22
You'd have the best luck of finding this tree in the Rocky Mountain area. What is it?
Ash-Leafed Maple
Narrowleaf Cottonwood
Grey Oak
Swamp Elm
Wiki Commons by Krzysztof Golik
Do you know this incredibly popular tree that originally comes from Asia?
Paper Birch
Mockernut Hickory
Douglas Fir
Tulip Tree
Wiki Commons by Plant Image Library
Can you name this tree that is sometimes simply called a yellow poplar?
Hybrid Tulip Tree
Hybrid Elderberry Tree
Hybrid Black Walnut
Hybrid Sugar Maple


Palm Tree
Wiki Commons by Photo by David J. Stang
Few trees are more associated with the tropics than this one. Do you know what it is?
Silver Alder
Yellow Birch
Willow Tree
Palm Tree