What Are Your Stress Triggers?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
7 min
What Are Your Stress Triggers?
Image: GoodLifeStudio / E+ / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Imagine that you've got a giant pile of laundry sitting on your unmade bed, the kids are screaming for their dinner and your boss wants you to take on some extra holiday work. How does this scenario make you feel? If it actually happened to you, which one of these problems would upset you the most? Which issue would you handle first?

Your answers to those questions reveal a lot about your stress triggers. For instance, some people aren't daunted at all by the prospect of dealing with multiple crises at once, while others would rather jump in a lake than attempt to multitask. High-strung people find doing household tasks relaxing, while others feel overwhelmed by the eternal daily need to cook and clean. Some personalities thrive when dealing with big changes, while more introverted folks take months (or even years) to adjust to changes that less sensitive people see as minor.

So, what's triggering your stress? If you're feeling overextended lately but aren't sure why, this quiz can help. We're going to ask you about a number of common stressors. By the end of the quiz, we'll be able to tell you what your triggers are, as well as recommend some ways to make your life lighter and easier. Ready to learn more? It's time to take this quiz!

Benjamin Torode / Moment / Getty Images
When you're trying to fall asleep at night, what kind of worries occupy your mind?
I obsess about issues at work.
Random undone chores float through my mind.
I wonder whether certain people are mad at me.
Questions about the future plague me.
Woman relax at home
Hillary Kladke / Moment / Getty Images
How much personal time do you take for yourself after work?
15 minutes, on a good day
"Personal time"? What's that?
An hour or so
30 minutes
RUSS ROHDE / Cultura / Getty Images
Who does the majority of chores in your household?
No one. We never vacuum and live on take-out.
I do (and I'm sick of it.)
It's evenly split.
The partner who doesn't work does all the housework.


Woman pensive-ish
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
You and your partner have a fight in the morning. How does that impact the rest of your day?
It's annoying, but I brush it off.
I'm very upset, but I pull together for the sake of my coworkers.
The entire day is ruined now.
I'm extra irritable, but otherwise fine.
Woman moving boxes
Nick White / Cultura / Getty Images
Have you moved in the last six months?
Nope. But I did move last year.
Yes, but it wasn't a long distance away.
No. I live in the same town I grew up in.
Yes. I still haven't adjusted.
Woman sick in bed
Roos Koole / Moment / Getty Images
Let's say you're ill and need to stay in bed for a few days. What are you most concerned about?
The longer I'm out, the more unmanageable my workload will become.
Without me to clean up after them, my family will trash the house.
I'm going to have to miss some important social occasions.
My life is already chaotic. What if I become even more sick?


Team work
Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How would you describe your manager?
A demanding perfectionist
Cold but fair
Supportive (although I wish they'd mentor me more)
Kind of a jerk, but aren't most managers?
Woman working
John Lamb / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you only get four hours of sleep, how does the next day go?
I feel totally loopy!
I'm exhausted, so I drink too much coffee and have an unpleasantly wakeful night.
To be honest, I'm not particularly competent, but it's not too bad.
Every little thing makes me feel anxious.
Woman at work
Tom Merton / OJO Images / Getty Images
How would you rate your level of job satisfaction?
Medium. I like my title but the actual work is really hard.
Low. I dislike my job but am afraid to try something else.
N/A. I don't have a job.
I'm not sure whether I like my job or not (it's new!)


Mom and daughter
shapecharge / E+ / Getty Images
Your partner unexpectedly announces that their parents are coming over to spend the weekend in your home. How do you feel?
Angry. How dare my partner agree to that without asking me?
Resigned. You can't say no to family.
Happy. I get along well with his parents.
Filled with dread. I'm not prepared for this!
Family gathering
mihailomilovanovic / E+ / Getty Images
On a scale of 1 to 10, how calm is your home environment?
6. My home environment isn't too bad.
1. My house is pure chaos!
8. My home is pretty nice, actually.
4. My home is never quite as calm as I wish I was.
Morsa Images / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Your toddler spills water on your laptop. How big of a disaster is this?
The end of the world
A minor catastrophe
An inconvenience, but not a big deal
A financial Titanic


Lucy Lambriex / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you're down, who can you talk to about your feelings?
My therapist
No one
My best friend
My partner
Woman presentation
Kate_sept2004 / E+ / Getty Images
You have to give a presentation at your company's corporate retreat. This makes you feel ...?
Thrilled! I know I'm going to wow them if I can just get it together in time.
Terrified. I'm not the "presentation" type.
Anxious. I want my coworkers to think well of me.
Annoyed. I've done those things before and nobody actually listens.
Woman bath
PhotoTalk / E+ / Getty Images
If you tried to take a long, hot bath, what would happen?
I'd inevitably use that time to think about work problems.
My family would pound on the door, asking questions and pretty much ruining it.
I'd feel reinvented!
I wouldn't be able to relax and enjoy it.


Look at watch
Halfpoint Images / Moment / Getty Images
What's your biggest time-management challenge?
I take on too much.
I don't notice when I'm burning out.
Other people distract me from my goals (and I let them.)
I have a hard time adjusting to changes, which costs me a lot of time.
Mom and daughter
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Do you get along well with your kids?
I don't have children.
Yes. We're close, because I work hard to make it that way.
To be honest, they don't treat me with enough respect.
Our relationship is decent, but not great.
Nora Carol Photography / Moment / Getty Images
How would you feel if your landlord tells you that he's raising your rent?
Neutral, as long as it's a fair increase


Woman working
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
How heavy is your workload?
I'm constantly struggling to catch up.
It's fine. The issue is juggling work stuff, home stuff, social stuff ...
I'd say it's manageable!
To be honest, it goes up and down.
Woman looking at phone
Guido Mieth / DigitalVision / Getty Images
On a typical day, which one of these minor irritations would upset you the most?
Being placed on hold for 40 minutes
A coworker stealing your lunch
Discovering you're being gossiped about
A malfunctioning software program
Woman on treadmill
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you unexpectedly gain weight, how does it make you feel?
Frustrated. Guess I have to pencil in time for exercise on top of everything else!
Disappointed in myself. Why does this keep happening to me?
Neutral. My body is my body, and I accept it.
Anxious. What if it's a sign of another health problem?


Woman at beach
Roberto Moiola / Sysaworld / Moment / Getty Images
If you needed to take a personal day, would you be able to do that?
No. Nope! No way. I have too much to do.
I would, but I can't remember the last time that I did take a personal day.
Yes. My manager is really supportive that way.
I don't have the kind of job that allows personal days.
Phil Boorman / Cultura / Getty Images
When's the last time you had a moment to daydream?
I can't waste time on stuff like that!
Lately, I'm so worn out that I find myself staring into space. Does that count?
I take a few moments to daydream every day.
My daydreams tend to turn into anxiety nightmares.
Work meeting
10'000 Hours / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What would be your reaction if your manager announces that they'd like you to become your department's lead?
Like I'm on a rollercoaster. I want this, but can I handle it?
Depressed. I can't say no, but I don't want this responsibility.
Intrigued. Why do they think that I'd be good at this?
Frustrated. Just when I get used to my job, something else changes!


Luis Alvarez / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What do you do when you want to break a sweat?
Play my favorite sport
Take the dog for a walk
Hit up a Zumba class
Think about my finances (just kidding, kind of)
Quit job
Jon Feingersh Photography Inc / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Your company is in the middle of a hostile takeover and you're getting demoted. How will you cope?
By attempting to impress corporate leadership
I guess I'd just buckle down and try to get used to the new status quo.
Through networking with the new higher-ups
I'd be incredibly worried, then I'd apply for some new jobs.
Woman eat pizza
Karl Tapales / Moment / Getty Images
What's your go-to self-care move?
Jumping on a treadmill
Planting my face in a pizza
Talking about my problems to anyone who will listen
Hiding in my bedroom and watching TV


PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
If your daughter unexpectedly found herself pregnant, how would you adjust to this change?
I'd make a to-do list regarding the baby.
Well, I'd promise to raise the child as if it were my own, of course.
The first thing I'd do would be to ask my daughter what she wanted.
I'd freak out, because my daughter's future would be irreparably changed.
Fix sink
deepblue4you / E+ / Getty Images
Your partner breaks the garbage disposal while trying to fix it, taking your sink out of commission for three days. How do you feel?
Enraged. What an idiot!
Sad. The dishes are really going to pile up, aren't they?
Concerned. Failing to fix the disposal has probably embarrassed my partner.
Worried. What if when the plumber fixes it, they discover another problem?
Friends having coffee
Peter Muller / Cultura / Getty Images
If an old friend asked you to get coffee, would you have time to see them?
No. My job doesn't leave me with much bandwidth for socializing.
Yes ... but I wouldn't want to go, because I'm not feeling good about myself right now.
Yes, of course! I love seeing old friends.
No. I'm too tired to socialize.


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