What Big Cat Am I?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Big Cat Am I?
Image: Unsplash by Roberta Doyle

About This Quiz

Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years, and it looks like they actually domesticated themselves. Unlike horses, which humans would have tried to tame, the popular theory with cats is that they chose to be near humans. See, early humans would have had food stores, just like today, and that would have attracted mice and rats. Those mice and rats in turn would have attracted the wild ancestors of our modern cats. So, for many generations, smaller wild cats chose to live among humans because it was beneficial to them. And in time, those cats became domesticated by virtue of living with humans for so long.

The difference between the small domestic cats we have today and the big wild cats of the African savannah is just one small thing - those cats didn't choose us. We didn't have the right kind of prey for them, and, likely, our ancestors were as intimidated by them back then as we are today. Big cats and humans have always had a bit of a gap between them.

But, if you're a real cat lover, that probably doesn't matter to you. Big cats are cool, no matter how they want to live. So, let's find out which one you're meant to be. Take the quiz and see!

two cats
Unsplash by Raul Varzar
Sometimes cat people get a bad reputation if they have too many cats. So how many cats is too many?
No such thing
Maybe five
I think two cats is plenty.
Three or four
Siamese cat
Unsplash by Alex Bertman
What's your favorite breed of domestic cat?
Savannah cat
Cornish Rex
Maine coon
cat and dog
Unsplash by Ancaro Project
Should cats and dogs be hanging out together?
Sure, the more the merrier!
If they can get along, sure
One or the other


Unsplash by Max van den Oetelaar
Word is there are more tigers in American homes than in the wild. Would you ever get a big cat as a pet?
I'd visit one.
Maybe medium-sized, but not a big one
I'm going to say no.
Three cats
Unsplash by Jerry Wang
Some cats are very social, and some are not. What about you?
I'm a social butterfly.
Depends on the day.
I like my space.
Depends on the people.
Big tiger
Unsplash by Nick Karvounis
How big does a cat have to be for it to be considered a big cat?
Like, really big
Wait, they come in different sizes?
At least 40 pounds
Bigger than a house cat


Lion fangs
Unsplash by jean wimmerlin
What's more dangerous, the claws or the fangs?
Fangs, for sure
Those claws will get you every time.
I'd rather not find out.
They both seem harsh.
Unsplash by Paula Borowska
Is your bark, or maybe roar in this case, worse than your bite?
They're both intense.
I'd say so.
My bite is pretty harsh.
Neither one is that bad.
Unsplash by jonathan riley
Cats can live pretty much anywhere on Earth. What's your ideal landscape?
A big city
The woods
The country
The mountains


Woman stretch workout
Unsplash by Matthew LeJune
Are you full of energy, or would you rather have someone else do the work for you?
I do like other people doing things for me.
Depends on the day.
Nothing but energy over here
I get things done eventually.
Cards Against Humanity
Unsplash by Brett Jordan
Even big cats like to play. What's your favorite board game?
Cards Against Humanity
Woman pensive
Unsplash by Max Ilienerwise
Would you describe yourelf as nocturnal?
I do my best work at night.
Call me crepuscular!
I'm more of a 24/7 kind of person.
I kind of like the daytime.


"Cat Scratch Fever" by Ted Nugent
Cats are nothing if not inspirational - just look at music! Pick the best song with "cat" in the title!
"Cats in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin
"Black Cat" by Ziggy Marley
"Cat People" by David Bowie
"Cat Scratch Fever" by Ted Nugent
Unsplash by Fynn schmidt
Many cats are named for their country of origin. Which cat land would you want to visit?
Puss in Boots
DreamWorks Animation
Do you have a favorite fictional cat?
The Cat in the Hat
The Cheshire Cat
Puss in Boots


Cat tree
Image Source / Image Source / Getty Images
Some cats are pretty adept at climbing trees. Are you good with heights?
Not at all
I'm kind of amazing.
I do all right.
I'd prefer to stay on the ground.
Cat meat
Jill Ferry Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Most cats are carnivores. Pick your meat!
A big, juicy steak
Pulled pork
BBQ chicken
Cats purr
michellegibson / E+ / Getty Images
Cats purr when they're happy. Are you good at showing your emotions?
Yeah, I lay it all out.
I keep my feelings hidden.
Only with people I trust


Cats swim
simonlong / Moment / Getty Images
Most big cats hate water, but not all of them. What are your thoughts on swimming?
I love it!
I hate water.
Not my cup of tea
I like baths. Does that count?
race car
avid_creative / E+ / Getty Images
Do you feel more fast or furious?
Maybe a little of each
Definitely fast
Mostly just furry
Female get together
Lucy Lambriex / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Some cats love it when company comes over, and others hide in the shadows. Do you like having people over?
I throw parties all the time.
No thanks
I'd rather go out.
Just a few friends now and then


Cat hiss
Igor Novakovic Copyright Reserved, www.ignphotography.com / Moment / Getty Images
From hissing to growling to furious tail waving, cats really let you know when they're angry. What do you do when your temper rises?
Have a little meltdown
Go off alone
I try to work out and burn some energy.
I'm usually pretty chill.
Unsplash by Tran Mau Tri Tam
Which of these is the absolute worst cliche cat name?
Unsplash by Uriel Soberanes
They say a leopard can't change its spots, but do you think people can change?
Not really
I like to think so.
Not most people
If they put in the effort


Sneaky cat
Unsplash by Danny Trujillo
Cats are known for their hunting prowess. Are you sneaky enough to creep up on anyone without being caught?
Not by a long shot
You better believe it.
If I try
I have no idea.
cat in litter box
Unsplash by Pedro Candeias
What's the worst part about owning a cat?
Scratched furniture
Nothing, they're pretty great.
Cat next to vase
Unsplash by Josh Couch
In your experience, can cats learn tricks like dogs?
Not that I have seen
It'd take an exceptional cat.
I doubt it.
Some can.


Junk food
Unsplash by sk
Catnip even works on big cats. What do you like to indulge in when you want to unwind?
I might have some chocolate.
Junk food
I'm not one for indulging in much.
Does napping count?
Unsplash by Kaitlyn Baker
Some cats never make a peep, and others can't stay quiet. What about you?
I'm super chatty.
I keep to myself.
Depends what we're talking about.
I'll speak up if I have something to say.
Cat sleep
Unsplash by Stef Versoza
Where should your cat sleep at night?
Wherever it wants
In its own bed
On my bed
No clue
