What Part of the World Do These Lethal Snakes Live In?
By: Gavin Thagard
3 min
Image: Mark Kostich/E+/Getty Images
About This Quiz
Are you ready to test your knowledge on the most lethal snakes in the world? These slithery creatures have struck fear into the hearts of humans for centuries, with their venomous snakes bites causing hundreds of deaths each year. Discover which regions on this planet these deadly snakes like "peron's sea snake" and eyelash sea snake call home in this exciting quiz!
From the jungles of South America to the deserts of Australia, venomous sea snakes or snakes have adapted to various environments and are still a threat to humans today. As urban settlements expand, encounters with these lethal creatures become more common. Are you prepared to face off against one of these deadly serpents? Take the quiz and find out!
Challenge yourself with questions about the most feared snakes and sea snakes on Earth and see if you have what it takes to survive an encounter. Test your knowledge and learn more about these fascinating yet dangerous creatures. Don't let their deadly reputation scare you away, dive into the quiz and see if you're ready to face the world of lethal snakes!
Where else is the Taiwan cobra located other than Taiwan?
Middle East
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Taiwan cobra is not picky when it comes to food. These snakes will swallow anything that will go down their throats from fish to birds to other snakes.
One of the most deadly snakes each year, where is the saw-scaled viper located?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Part of the danger of a saw-scaled viper is that they live in areas near human settlements. They are also ambush predators who will camouflage themselves while waiting on prey.
Where can you find the eastern diamondback rattlesnake?
Southeast Asia
South Africa
United States
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is the largest known species of rattlesnake. These snakes are most common in the southeastern region of the United States.
Known for its nasal horns, where is the rhinoceros viper located?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The rhinoceros viper lives in wet environments such as rainforests and swamps. These snakes can be identified by their triangular heads and the hornlike scales on their nose.
Common adders are the most dangerous snakes found in Europe. Since these snakes travel so far north, they will often hibernate during the winter when food is scarce.
Common in urban areas, where is the red-bellied black snake found?
United States
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The red-bellied black snake is not an aggressive snake. However, they often encounter humans living on the east coast of Australia, resulting in multiple snakebites per year.
The Samar cobra is a venomous spitting cobra. Where is it located?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Samar cobra is dangerous both for its venomous bite and for spraying venom. The venom from these snakes can cause paralysis and respiratory failure.
The mamushi is the most common snake in Japan. These snakes bite a few thousand people in Japan each year, resulting in several deaths if medical treatment is not received.
Known for their long tails, where is the Jameson's mamba located?
United States
South America
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The tail of a Jameson's mamba can stretch a quarter of the snake's length. That's quite significant considering these snakes can grow to over eight feet long.
Where is the hundred pacer, a venomous pit viper, located?
South Africa
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The hundred pacer gets its name from the belief that a person can only walk a hundred steps after being bitten by this snake. That may be a little exaggerated, but it is true that antivenom is usually required after being bitten by a hundred pacer.
With color bands similar to tigers, where is the tiger snake found?
South America
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Tiger snakes have to face multiple predators, which includes humans and loss of habitat. They are vulnerable when it comes to being endangered if their population continues to decline.
Where in South America is the golden lancehead found?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The golden lancehead is only located on Ilha da Queimada Grande, an island off the coast of Brazil. Because they have such a small geographical range, these snakes are considered critically endangered.
Growing to as much as five feet long, where in Africa can you find the Cape cobra?
South Africa
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Cape cobra has a very small geographic range compared to other cobras in Africa. However, they can be found in a variety of environments from the savanna to deserts.
Known for eating other snakes, where is the king cobra found?
Southeast Asia
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
King cobras are an important symbol in the culture of India. They are often associated with snake charmers, though charmers use various types of cobras and other snakes.
Where can you find a copperhead, a member of the pit viper family?
United States
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Copperheads are known to pursue small prey such as insects. However, when it comes to larger prey, they are ambush predators which will find a good position to attack from.
With an appetite for their own, where can you find the common krait?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Common krait bites are known for their lack of pain. This can be deceiving, however, because muscle paralysis and respiratory failure can eventually set in.
Native to the United States, where in the country will you find the Mojave rattlesnake?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Mojave rattlesnakes choose to live in areas with limited vegetation such as deserts. These snakes are extremely deadly with some of the most potent venom of any rattlesnake.