What Would Your “His Dark Materials” Daemon Be?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
What Would Your “His Dark Materials” Daemon Be?
Image: BBC One/HBO

About This Quiz

One of the coolest parts of HBO's "His Dark Materials" is being able to see all of those daemons come to life on screen — they're animal representations of each character's soul, companions that can speak and give advice to their human partners. It's a very cool and unique idea. The best part, though, is just seeing each new creature as more characters come into play. How did Asriel get a terrifying, yet cool and sleek snow leopard, while his wife, Mrs.Coulter, ended up with that super creepy and mischievous monkey? What form will Lyra's Pantalaimon take when he finally settles? And why the heck do some men have female daemons, and some women have ones that are male? 

Hopefully, the show will answer those questions in the long run if the books didn't already, but that's a concern for another time. What the show — nor the books they're based on — can't answer is: What daemon would you have if you lived in that world? If your soul was outside of your body as a beastly little friend running along at your side, would it be a pine marten? A hawk? A hamster? A scorpion? Grab your alethiometer and take the quiz to find out!

1 - dog
PPAMPicture/E+/Getty Images
What type of pet do you have right now?
A dog
A cat
Something small, like a hamster or fish
I don't have a pet.
2 - talk to yourself
CliqueImages/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Do you ever talk to yourself?
All the time
Now and then
Not often
3 - time alone
Eva Katalin Kondoros/E+/Getty Images
Do you like having time alone, or would you rather be with others?
I'm good on my own.
I'd rather be with a friend.
Either way
I like company.


4 - strange and exotic land
© Marco Bottigelli/Moment/Getty Images
If someone wanted to whisk you away to a strange and exotic land, what would you do?
My bags are already packed!
Can my friends and family come?
I'd ask if I could help plan the trip.
I'd be nervous to visit somewhere new.
5 - nightmares
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Do you ever have nightmares?
All the time
Not really
Now and then
6 - fantasy author
FernandoAH/E+/Getty Images
Which of these is your favorite fantasy author?
C. S.Lewis
J.K. Rowling
J.R.R. Tolkien
George R. R.Martin


7 - best of a bad situation
Darrin Klimek/DigitalVision/Getty Images
Are you able to make the best of a bad situation?
I'll take off if I can't.
You bet!
Not always
I'm not really sure.
8 - soulmates
D-Keine/E+/Getty Images
Do you believe in soulmates?
I want to believe in them.
For some people, sure
9 - glass half-empty person
NickS/E+/Getty Images
Are you a glass half-empty person or a glass half-full person?
Half empty
Half full!
Depends on the day
I'm a person who wants two glasses.


10 - handle conflict
ciricvelibor/E+/Getty Images
How do you handle conflict?
I avoid it
Who has time for conflict?
Try to talk my way out
Meet it head on
11 - leader
andresr/E+/Getty Images
Can you take the lead, or would you rather follow?
I'm the leader.
I'm happy to follow.
I can do both.
What if I do neither?
12 -tell a lie to someone
JAG IMAGES/Image Source/Getty Images
Is it easy for you to tell a lie?
When I need to
I don't need to lie.


13 - Life advice
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
How are you when it comes to giving life advice to others?
I can offer some advice if I'm asked.
I give great advice.
I can share my thoughts, I guess.
I don't give advice.
14 - help make decisions
STEEX/E+/Getty Images
Do you need someone to help you make decisions?
Of course not!
It never hurts.
I like to discuss my decisions with others.
Not really
15 - recognize your own flaws
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Can you recognize your flaws?
I like to think so.
Not really
Who says I have flaws?


16 - live dangerously
Photo_Concepts/Cultura/Getty Images
Do you like to live dangerously?
Now and then
Not at all
As long as I know what I'm getting into
I love it!
17 - afraid of any animals
101cats/E+/Getty Images
Are you afraid of any animals?
Big cats
Anything wild and bitey, I guess
18 - center of attention
zoranm/E+/Getty Images
Do you want to be the center of attention, or would you rather fly under the radar?
I like to be unseen.
Oooh, I love attention!
Depends on my mood
I'm always the center of attention.


19 - work well in groups
pixelfit/E+/Getty Images
Do you work well in groups?
I can if I have to
Sometimes yes and sometimes no
I'm a loner.
20 -  spirit animals
Floridapfe from S.Korea Kim in cherl/Moment/Getty Images
Do you believe in spirit animals?
Very much
Not really
I have no opinion on it, really.
21 - summer's day walk
Jane Khomi/Moment/Getty Images
On a nice summer day, do you ever go for a walk just for the fun of it?
Not really my style
I love that!
I never have, but I could do that.
It doesn't t have to be a summer day.


22 - too much change from clerk
Juanmonino/E+/Getty Images
If you buy a few things at the store but the clerk gives you too much change, would you tell them?
if it was just a little, I wouldn't worry about it
Of course
Depends on how much change it is
Probably not
23 - board game
Mladen Zivkovic/E+/Getty Images
Would you rather play a board game with friends in person or a video game with friends online?
Probably online
Friends in person!
Either sounds fine
24 - controlling your temper
skynesher/E+/Getty Images
How good are you at controlling your temper?
I like to think I'm always in control.
Pretty good!
I get a little ragey sometimes.
Not good at all


25 - devil or angel on your shoulder
SDI Productions/E+/Getty Images
Are you more likely to listen to the little devil or the angel on your shoulder?
I'll get input from both.
26 - things that science can't explain
D-Keine/E+/Getty Images
Do you believe there are things that science can't explain?
Oh, yeah
I assume so.
Things it can't explain yet, maybe
I do not believe that.
27 - astrology
sarayut Thaneerat/Moment/Getty Images
Are you into astrology?
Very much
Not in a serious way
I'll check my horoscope once in a while, I guess.
Not at all


28 - cook a meal for someone
PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images
Would you rather cook a meal for someone you care about or take them to a restaurant?
It depends on the person.
I'd be happy to cook.
Both have their upsides.
I'd rather go out.
29 - risk your own safety
swissmediavision/E+/Getty Images
Would you risk your own safety to help out a friend?
Well, I'd have to consider everything.
Of course!
I might do that.
For a good friend, yes
30 - beastly sort of person
redhumv/E+/Getty Images
Are you a beastly type of person?
Not at all
Who, me?
I can be.
Very much


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