Which Animal Do You Resemble, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?

By: Teresa McGlothlin
Estimated Completion Time
6 min
Which Animal Do You Resemble, Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
Image: Chris McLoughlin/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz


Are you ready to discover which animal best matches your Myers-Briggs personality type? Dive into our quiz and uncover whether you're a lion, a wolf, a sloth, or a squirrel. With each question, you'll uncover more about yourself and the creature that you resemble the most. Are you more like a Labrador retriever, eager to please, or a calico cat, independent and aloof?

Travel through the animal kingdom as you answer our fun and insightful questions. Lions, wolves, sloths, and squirrels all have unique traits that may align with your own. Whether you enjoy lounging in the sun like a lion or scampering through trees like a squirrel, our quiz will reveal your animal alter ego.

Unleash your inner animal and uncover the creature that best represents your Myers-Briggs personality. Are you a lone wolf or a social butterfly like a Labrador retriever? Take the what animal do i resemble quiz and find out if you're a master of the jungle or a creature of comfort in the animal kingdom!

Which of these traits do you have in common with an elephant?
I have a good memory.
I have thick thighs.
I am also afraid of mice.
Peanuts are my favorite treat.
I'm close with my family.
I'm going prematurely grey.
If someone unexpectedly rang your doorbell, how would you react?
I would yell and run to the door.
I would hide.
I would peek out the window.
I would ignore them until they went away.
I would talk to them through the door.
I would invite them in for coffee or tea.
Fun quiz Would you rather adopt a puppy or a kitten?
I really don't want more pets.
I would love to have a new puppy.
I would rather have a pet bunny.
I would rather adopt a couple of kittens.
I would prefer an older dog.
I'd rather just visit animals at a shelter.


Which of a lion's abilities would you like to have?
I would love to be able to run that fast.
Sleeping wherever I pleased would be a bonus.
Having others be afraid of me would be cool.
I would love to be able to catch my own dinner.
I'd love to be able to defend myself with my bare hands.
I'd love to be able to hunt big game.
If you were a farmer, what kind of animals would you like to raise?
Miniature goats
Would you say that your bark is worse than your bite?
I don't have a bark really.
My bite is worse than my bark.
I've never bitten anything.
My bark is much worse than my bite.
My bite is only bad if I mistake your finger for a tasty carrot.
I only bite.


What kind of food should dogs eat?
Dogs should eat people food.
Raw meat is the best food for dogs.
Dogs should only have canned food.
Dogs should have a balance of wet and dry food.
Dogs should eat dry kibble.
Dogs should have to hunt for their dinner.
If you had a parrot, which word or phrase would you teach it first?
What the fork?
I'm hungry
Which political issue ruffles your feathers?
I don't pay attention to politics.
The aging infrastructure
Social services


Do you feel claustrophobic in elevators?
It makes me want to run.
I've never really thought about it.
I like the feeling of moving up and down.
If there are too many people on it, it does.
I love talking to lots of people, so no.
I just close my eyes, and it's fine.
Are you vocal about your ideas at work?
I always let people know what I'm thinking.
I prefer to talk it over with my boss in private.
I like to let my ideas brew for a while before saying anything.
If I'm excited, I blurt them out.
I like to let others do the talking.
I prefer to support other people's ideas.
If we sent you back to prehistoric times, would you be a hunter or a gatherer?
I would be a hunter.
I would die without the grocery store.
I would be a gatherer.
I would take turns hunting with my pack.
I'd just prep whatever food found its way back to me.
Does grazing out in nature count as gathering?


Which part of your body do you like the most?
My ears
My legs
My arms
My smile
My curves
My eyes
How would you rather spend a Friday evening?
Fridays are for going out with friends.
I like to have people over.
I tend to work on Fridays.
I prefer to stay at home and watch TV.
I like to go for night walks to look at stars.
I like to get in my pajamas and go to bed early.
Which animal would you consider the smartest?
Blue whale


How would you rate your level of self-discipline?
I get distracted easily.
I am always on task.
I could use a few lessons.
I do the things I need to do.
As long as there's a reward at the end, I'm very focused.
I tend to forget what I'm supposed to do.
Fun quiz If you could work with animals, which job would you prefer?
Zoo nutritionist
Lion tamer
Cattle rancher
Exotic animal trainer
Pet groomer
Are you an extravagant or frugal gift giver?
I'm a thoughtful gift giver.
I'm a frugal giver.
I do tend to get a little extravagant.
I think I'm a generous giver.
I'm frugal with people I don't know well.
I'm extravagant when it comes to my closest friends and family.


What is your favorite type of bird?
Bald eagles are great because they're majestic.
Flamingos are really funny, so I like them.
Parrots are cool because you can talk to them.
Birds kind of freak me out.
I think hummingbirds are pretty.
I like chickens because they taste good.
Which critter do you find most frightening?
Great white shark
Do you tend to think with your heart or with your head?
I always use my brain.
I try to listen to both of them.
I listen to my stomach more.
I am all heart.
I mostly go with my heart.
I mostly go with my head.


What are you like when you first meet new people?
I'm always friendly to new people.
I'm a little reserved until I can get to know someone.
I come off as being a little shy.
I think I seem bizarre to new people.
I'm a bit aloof with new people.
I feel energized when I meet new people.
Which cartoon animal do you think is funniest?
Mickey Mouse
Bugs Bunny
Do you enjoy working in teams?
I like working alone more.
I love leading teams.
I enjoy working in teams.
I really don't like working.
I prefer working with just a partner.
I don't care.


What do you think hippos dream about when they sleep?
How would I know?
Hippos dream about mating.
I think they dream about food.
Hippos are not smart enough to dream.
Hippos dream about other hippos.
Hippos dream about sleeping.
Would you like a week at the beach or a week in the mountains?
I would like a week at the beach.
Sign me up for a week of each.
I'll take the mountain views.
A week at a desert spa is more my style.
I like all types of nature.
I'd prefer a week in a luxury hotel.
Which of these snakes has the nicest markings?
Milk snake
Monocled cobra


Why are dogs so happy all the time?
Dogs really don't know better.
Dogs are full of love.
Dogs know how to get their way.
Dogs are happy to be around others.
Dogs are fed and housed without having to work.
Dogs get to play with balls and squeaky toys all day.
How many naps do you take during the week?
I take as many naps as I can.
I rarely ever nap during the week.
I nap a couple of times a week.
I live a little between continuous naps.
I nap after every meal.
I nap when it's too hot to function.
What is a raccoon's cutest feature?
Teeny teeth
