See If You Can Identify These Birds From an Image!

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
13 min
See If You Can Identify These Birds From an Image!
Image: Hillary Kladke/Moment/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Birds are an important part of our ecosystem, and they come in all different shapes, colors and sizes. Some birds are native to certain countries and continents, while others like to migrate to different parts of the world. Some eat fish and some eat mammals and others eat amphibians, insects, fruits or seeds. Today, we've compiled a list of 40 amazing birds for you to test your knowledge on.

From the domestic duck to the northern cardinal, some birds are probably very familiar to Americans. Other types of birds, like the fulmar and the fieldfare, might not be so obvious, as they live in other parts of the world. Some birds are extinct, like the upland moa and the dodo, while others are endangered. Despite this, there are still many friendly birds that fly around to this day. Some of these include the finch, the American coot and the sparrow.

Think you can tell the differences among 40 different birds? We'll give you the picture - and a hint if you need it - and all you have to do is guess the type of bird it is. Don't wait - take this bird identification quiz now to put your wits to the test!

Artic tern
Sandra Standbridge/Moment/Getty Images
Starts with an "A." Also known as the sea swallow, the Arctic tern migrates to places like Antarctica, South Africa and the Irish coasts, depending on the season. Arctic terns also love to munch on marine fish. This white and grey bird belongs to the Laridae family. Can you name it?
Arctic tern
© Santiago Urquijo/Moment/Getty Images
Look at the bird's color. The blackbird lives throughout Europe, plus parts of Asia and North Africa, and loves to eat insects and earthworms. The scientific name for the blackbird is Turdus merula. Despite its common name, the female blackbird is brown. This bird has the scientific name "Turdus merula," which is otherwise known as...
Blue jay
Northern cardinal
Mourning dove
Bean Goose
Copyright (C) Arto Hakola. All rights reserverd./Moment/Getty Images
First word rhymes with "lean." The bean goose, whether taiga bean goose or tundra bean goose, lives in northern Europe and Asia. This bird also loves to munch on grass and fruit and has the scientific name "Anser fabalis." Which of these birds has been divided into two subspecies and can be found in Asia and Europe?
Bean goose
American robin
Song thrush
House sparrow


Grant Glendinning Photography/Moment/Getty Images
Belongs to the Turdidae family. You can find the fieldfare primarily munching on fruit, earthworms and insects in Central and West Eurasia. These birds also love to travel in large flocks, as they hate to fly alone. You'll find this chipper bird munching on earthworms throughout Europe and Asia.
American robin
American crow
Common grackle
Sandra Standbridge/Moment/Getty Images
It's also related to shearwaters. The fulmar is white and gray in color and is similar to the gull. You'll also find them over the open ocean where they dive for prey. These birds are divided into two categories: northern and southern fulmars, which love to make their nests alongside cliffs. This bird is similar to a gull and is related to albatrosses. What's it called?
Blue jay
Northern cardinal
American goldfinch
Bald Eagle
Feng Wei Photography/Moment/Getty Images
Scientific name is "Haliaeetus leucocephalus." The bald eagle, called "bald" for its contrasting white head, is found in the United States. These national birds of the U.S. also eats other birds and fresh fish, with salmon and catfish as some of their favorites. You'll find this bird making its nests in trees and can primarily be found throughout forests.
Bald eagle


Augur Buzzard
Doug Cheeseman/Photodisc/Getty Images
They also eat chickens. The augur buzzard is found in Africa and loves to eat birds, chickens, lizards and other types of reptiles. You'll also find unique white and grey colors on this bird, as well as a small (but sharp) beak. Which of these birds is native to Africa and loves to munch on lizards as a snack?
Augur buzzard
Gray catbird
Whooping crane
Northern mockingbird
Andean Condor
Alvis Upitis/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
Found in South America. The flag of Ecuador features the Andean condor above a coat of arms. This bird can also be found in the Andes Mountains, and features a "puffy" white neck and large jet black feathers. Look closely at the flag of Ecuador and you'll find which of these dark birds on it?
Andean condor
Northern cardinal
Asian Fairy-Bluebird
simonlong/Moment Open/Getty Images
Found in Asia. Coffee berries are a staple in the diet of the Asian fairy-bluebird, which is black and blue in color. This bird also lives in tropical forests throughout Asia, as well as the Philippines and the Greater Sunda Islands. You'll find this black and blue bird munching on tasty fruits in forest environments. Are you familiar with it?
Asian fairy-bluebird


African Grey Parrot
Nature's Gifts Captured/Moment/Getty Images
It's grey in color. The African grey parrot lives in the forested areas of West Africa, as well as some parts of Central Africa. It belongs to the Psittacidae family and when domesticated, it is an excellent talker. You could call this bird "Psittacus erithacus," but it'll probably be easier to identify it as...
African grey parrot
Green Aracari
Holly Hildreth/Moment Open/Getty Images
What color is grass? The green aracari lives in some parts of Venezuela and Brazil and loves to eat figs, crunchy insects and sweet fruits. It's also unique because of its colorful beak, as well as its black and green feathers. Can you name this tiny member of the toucan family, which also belongs to the Piciformes order?
Green aracari
Giant Cowbird
Wiki Commons by Alastair Rae
It's not really "small." The giant cowbird looks similar to a blackbird or a crow, and it's native to Mexico and Argentina. It also prefers deep forests and woodland areas, as well as arthropods for dinner. If you're traveling to Mexico, you might see this all-black bird munching on fruit and nectar.
Giant cowbird
Bald eagle
American coot


Guam Rail
Wiki Commons by Photo by Greg Hume
Also found in Guam. The island of Guam is home to the Guam rail bird, which thrives in forests, but doesn't like to fly that much. The diet of this bird also includes fruits, lizards and mammals since they are omnivorous creatures. The San Diego Zoo showcases this rare bird that doesn't really like to fly too much.
Upland sandpiper
Ruffled grouse
Guam rail
Lanner Falcon
Daniela Duncan/Moment Open/Getty Images
This is a type of falcon. Lanner falcons don't like to make nests, but they do love to take over nests from other larger birds. These falcons also have large wings and thrive in open terrain and on top of rocky cliffs. This bird loves to hunt in pairs throughout Africa, as well as parts of Europe and Asia. Can you name it?
Green heron
Common yellowthroat
Lanner falcon
Grasshopper sparrow
Orange Bishop
Wiki Commons by Ltshears
Think about a citrus fruit. Otherwise known as the northern red bishop, this orange and black bird belongs to the Ploceidae family and can be found in Africa. These are also very chatty birds who like to sing and talk in grassy environments. Head on over to Africa to locate this black and orange bird that loves snacking on insects and seeds.
Orange bishop


Martial Eagle
Franz Aberham/Stockbyte/Getty Images
It lives in Africa. The martial eagle hunts prey in the savanna in Africa and is unique for its golden eyes and light grey feathers. You could also say that these eagles have a strong work ethic, especially since they're constantly found flying through the air for prey. Take a trip to the savanna to find these large birds sitting on some sharp and thorny trees.
American pigeon
American black duck
Martial eagle
Keel-billed Toucan
©Juan Carlos Vindas/Moment/Getty Images
Can also be found in Mexico. The keel-billed toucan resides in the tropical environments of Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia. This bird also eats eggs and fruit, as well as small mammals when it becomes extra hungry. This national bird of Belize is known for its rainbow colors and cravings for seeds and fruits.
Keel-billed toucan
Northern cardinal
Rainbow Lorikeet
Vanessa Mylett/Moment/Getty Images
It's a type of parrot. No wonder it's called the "rainbow" lorikeet, just look at its blue, orange and green colors! You can also find this parrot snacking on fruit and pollen (from flowers) in Indonesia. When in Australia, you can't miss this colorful bird that resides in rainforests and woodland environments.
Rainbow lorikeet
Common grackle
Canada goose
Blue jay


Nicobar Pigeon
CFKam/Moment/Getty Images
It's a type of pigeon. The blue and green Nicobar pigeon is related to the dodo bird, which is actually extinct! You could also call these birds protective since they care for a single egg until it hatches. The genus "Caloenus" is known for this type of bird that is also related to the dodo.
American goldfinch
Nicobar pigeon
Meyer's Parrot
Robert Muckley/Moment Open/Getty Images
They're very social birds. You'll find the Meyer's parrot residing in the grasslands of Botswana, as well as various parts of the savannas in Africa. For a quick snack, these birds also love to munch on berries and nuts. Another name for this brown and green bird is "Poicephalus meyeri," but we should probably just call it a...
Eurasian teal
Meyer's parrot
Palm Cockatoo
Floridapfe from S.Korea Kim in cherl/Moment Open/Getty Images
Also called a Goliath Cockatoo. The palm cockatoo, also known as the goliath cockatoo and the cape york cockatoo, thrives in Northern Australia and New Guinea. The scientific name of this bird is "Probosciger aterriumus." The "Black Macaw" is just one of several nicknames for this grey bird that has a large mohawk.
Palm cockatoo


Military Macaw
Ger Bosma/Moment/Getty Images
It was named by Carl Linnaeus. The military macaw primarily eats walnuts, figs and corn, and typically roosts on cliffs. It also loves tropical forests and lowland habitats and can be found in Colombia and Bolivia as well. You'll find this green parrot munching on leaves and seeds in Peru, Venezuela and Mexico. Are you familiar with it?
Trumpeter swan
Military macaw
Red Bishop Weaver
Natphotos/Stockbyte/Getty Images
One of the primary colors. You'll mainly find the red bishop weaver in grasslands, as well as throughout South Africa. The diet of this bird primarily consists of seeds and insects, and it's also known for its distinct black and orange colors. Depending on the season, this South African bird can make its home in either the savanna or environments that are close to water.
Red bishop weaver
Ringed Teal
Adam Jones/Stockbyte/Getty Images
They love water plants. You'll find the ringed teal duck perching in Argentina and Brazil. It also loves insects and seeds, as well as forests and swamps. But try not to go near them, since they have very sharp claws! This duck belongs to the Callonetta genus and can be found in South America. Want to try and guess the name of it?
Ringed teal


Roseate Spoonbill
James Hager/robertharding/Getty Images
There's a flower in the name. The roseate spoonbill lives along the coast of various regions, including Central America, Mexico and the U.S. Gulf Coast. Its pink color comes from the pigment of the crustaceans in its diet - much like the famous flamingo. It may look like a flamingo, but these white and pink birds have a very long beak that is used to catch fish from the water.
Roseate spoonbill
Scarlet Ibis
Hillary Kladke/Moment/Getty Images
It is "scarlet" in color. You'll find this bird in the wetland areas of South America and in the Caribbean. Its long black beak allows it to efficiently catch a variety of small insects and crustaceans for food. This red bird loves to munch on mollusks and frogs for food and can even live up to 20 years old!
Scarlet ibis
Screaming Piha
Wiki Commons by DickDaniels(
It's one of the noisiest birds. Known for its loud and piercing noises, the screaming piha thrives in humid rainforests of the Amazon. When it's not busy screaming, this small grey bird also loves to snack on insects. If you had this noisy bird as a pet, you would probably never get a good night's sleep again.
Screaming piha
Domestic canary


Upland Moa
Media Design School/Team 42 via Youtube
Opposite of "down." Once native to New Zealand, the upland moa was a thriving species that lived in mountainous terrain. This flightless bird became extinct during the 15th century due to human hunting. Ever heard of a flightless bird? Meet the __________, which belongs to the Aves class, but is now sadly extinct.
Upland moa
Ruddy Duck
James Hager/robertharding/Getty Images
It's not a rubber duck, but a...? The ruddy duck resides in parts of North and South America and mainly feeds on aquatic plant roots, insects and crustaceans. They are also nocturnal creatures that love marshes and lakes. This brown duck features a distinct blue beak and loves to snack on food at night. Try and guess what it is!
Marbled duck
Domestic duck
Ruddy duck
Spangled Cotinga
Kimberly Whitaker/Moment Open/Getty Images
Belongs to the Aves class. The spangled cotinga resides in the Amazon rainforest and lives on a diet of fruits and insects. It belongs to the Cotinga genus and can also be found at the Cincinnati Zoo in Cincinnati, Ohio. Travel to South America to find this small bird that has a purple-colored throat and distinct black and blue feathers.
Spangled cotinga
Lesser whistling duck


Silver Gull
Josie Elias/Stockbyte/Getty Images
Starts with an "S." The silver gull typically catches fresh fish from open water environments and loves to hang out by the beach. As the silver gull gets older, its beak turns into a bright red color as well. You'll find plenty of these birds in Australia, especially if you'll be spending the day at the beach.
Silver gull
Snowy Owl
Floridapfe from S.Korea Kim in cherl/Moment/Getty Images
Found in Eurasia. Snowy owls love arctic areas, as well as lemmings and rodents for food. They typically breed during May and are unique for their golden yellow eyes and "puffy" white feathers with dark markings. Love the cold? Then you'll love hanging out with this white bird that loves arctic environments.
Snowy owl
Bill Raften/Stockbyte/Getty Images
It's a duck. The smew, otherwise known scientifically as the "Megellus albellus," can be found hunting for food near rivers and lakes. You'll also find this duck in Europe and Asia, particularly in the northern areas during breeding season. This bird dives into the water to catch its prey and can be found near rivers. Are you familiar with it?
Lilac breasted roller
Malachite kingfisher


Gabrielle Therin-Weise/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
Found in Venezuela. Troupial birds are known as nest pirates because of how often they steal nests from other birds. They are also found in Colombia and the Caribbean, and are considered to be the national bird of Venezuela. You could call this bird a "nest pirate," but it will probably feel better if you call it a...
Saddle-billed stork
Spectacled Owl
mlorenzphotography/Moment/Getty Images
It's an owl. The spectacled owl is known for its distinct facial markings and bright yellow eyes. This owl also lives in the rainforests of Central and South America and is considered to be a nocturnal creature. The ____________ is native to South America and belongs to the Strigidae family. Can you remind us what it's called?
Mourning dove
Spectacled owl
Bald eagle
White-crested Laughing Thrush
Andrew Dernie/Stockbyte/Getty Images
The longest answer. The white-crested laughing thrush is quite loud, with whistling noises that sometimes sounds like laughter! These birds can also be found in India, China and Vietnam, and belongs to the Aves class. This noisy bird lives in the southeastern parts of Asia and loves to fly with its friends.
White-crested laughing thrush


Wattled Curassow
Wiki Commons by Bill Price III
These birds are currently endangered. If you can imagine what a falling firecracker sounds like, that is the sound that the wattled curassow makes! Not much is known about the habits of this endangered bird, but they are unique for their orange beak. This bird's whistle is reminiscent of a falling firecracker and also belongs to the Cracidae family.
Spectacled owl
Violaceous euphonia
Wattled curassow
Violaceous Euphonia
Jaim Simoes Oliveira/Moment/Getty Images
They love fruit. Violaceous euphonias are found in forests, orchards and parks, and they feature blue and yellow plumage. They primarily munch on fruit, but when they're really hungry, they'll begin to hunt for some insects too. The _____________ belongs to the Fringillidae family and is native to Trinidad.
Lark sparrow
American coot
Violaceous euphonia
Superb Starling
Ryan Courson Photography/Moment/Getty Images
Look for two "S" letters. Superb starlings make their nests among deadly ants because they are a threat to other predators. This will allow the superb starlings to eat, breed and sleep in peace (primarily in the savanna). Which of these birds intentionally makes a nest among deadly ants?
Superb starling
Marbled duck


Black Kite
Arturo de Frias photography/Moment Open/Getty Images
Look for a color. The black kite bird features unique brown and white markings, and it often eats its prey "on the go" (in the air without landing). This bird can also adapt to almost any kind of terrain. If you've ever eaten food while walking, try doing this while flying, like the ____________ bird.
Black kite
Domestic duck
Spotted whistling duck