How Many Bird Species Can You Identify?

By: Daniel Yetman
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
How Many Bird Species Can You Identify?
Image: Paul Souders / Stone / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Do you know how many types of birds there are? Scientists believe there are more than 10,000 different species. We're not going to quiz you on all of them, but do you think you can at least name the 40 we compiled for this quiz?

There's so much variation between birds, that it's interesting to think they all share a common ancestor. The pigeons you see pecking around at your local park and the ostriches you see running around on television aren't as unlike as you may initially think. They may look drastically different, but they both lay eggs and have wings and have feathers covering their bodies. 

No matter where you go in the world, you'll find birds living there. If you travel to the remote areas of Antarctica, you'll find the emperor penguin. On the remote ocean cliffs in northern Canada, you'll find gannets, terns, and puffins. Even if you washed ashore in Papua New Guinea, you would be met with birds of paradise and cassowary.

We think this quiz is pretty eggs-sighting, so it's time for you to pay the piper and quack the case of the names of these 40 feathered friends. Are you up for it? Good. Then let's get started!

Arctic tern
Daniel A. Leifheit / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these birds has an almost unbelievable migratory route?
Arctic tern
Northern gannet
European storm petrel
Emperor penguin
Martin Ruegner / Stone / Getty Images
There are few animals in Antarctica, however, one of these species thrives there. Which one is it?
Emperor penguin
Little penguin
Adelie penguin
Gentoo penguin
Peregrine falcon
Mike Warburton Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Which of the following birds can fly over 200 mph?
Peregrine falcon
Golden eagle
Eurasian hobby


King of Saxony bird-of-paradise
Wiki Commons by markaharper1
Can you name this tropical bird?
Magnificent frigatebird
King of Saxony bird of paradise
Oliver Strewe / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Do you know what to call this flightless bird?
Polish chicken
Marcia Straub / Moment / Getty Images
What's the name of this show bird?
Polish chicken
Rhode Island red chicken
Brahma chicken


Golden-headed quetzal
Wiki Commons by Lip Kee
This bright-colored creature goes by what name?
Gold-headed quetzal
Golden pheasant
Bleeding heart pigeon
Photography by Alexandra Rudge / Moment / Getty Images
What's the name of this pigeon that looks like it has a spot of blood on its chest?
Bleeding heart pidgeon
Mourning dove
Rock dove
Nicobar pigeon
Green jay
Diana Robinson Photography / Moment Open / Getty Images
Do you recognize this jay?
Green jay
Blue jay
Eurasian jay
Steller jay


Formosan magpie
Frank Chen / Moment Open / Getty Images
Which of these birds might you see in Taiwan?
Common magpie
Formosan magpie
Eurasian magpie
Black-billed magpie
Alex Hibbert / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Can you tell us the name of this common species of duck?
American black duck
Whistling duck
European starling
Susan Walker / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these birds was introduced to North America in 1980 and is now one of the most widespread North American birds?
Chipping sparrow
American robin
European starling


Mourning dove
Ed Reschke / Stone / Getty Images
What name does this common dove go by?
Mourning dove
Blue ground dove
Collared dove
Brown cuckoo dove
Red-winged blackbird
KenCanning / E+ / Getty Images
You often find which of these birds around swamps and wetlands?
Red-winged blackbird
Dark-eyed junco
American robin
European starling
Wiki Commons by Alastair Rae
This nocturnal bird spends most of its life in caves. What's it called?
Violet-crowned woodnymph


Arne Hodalic / Corbis Documentary / Getty Images
What's the name of this bird with special nasal corns?
Lady Gouldian finch
Turquoise-browed motmot
Karen Brodie / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these birds is the national bird of El Salvador?
Crimson rosella
Turquoise-browed motmot
Violet-crowned woodnymph
Violet-crowned woodnymph
Nature Images by Keith Bowers / Moment / Getty Images
Do you have any idea what to name this cute bird?
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Violet-crowned woodnymph
Bee hummingbird
Anna's hummingbird


Crimson rosella
Byronsdad / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these parrots can you find Down Under?
Crimson rosella
Scarlet macaw
Red-bearded bee-eater
Whitworth Images / Moment / Getty Images
It's easy to guess what this bird eats by its name, but what is its name?
Red-bearded bee-eater
Little bee-eater
White-throated bee-eater
Swallow-tailed bee-eater
John Carnemolla / Corbis Documentary / Getty Images
What's the name of this famous Australian bird?
Common kingfisher
Oriental dwarf kingfisher
Forest kingfisher


Lady Gouldian finch
Melinda Moore / Moment Open / Getty Images
This small but colorful bird is known as what?
European goldfinch
Lady Gouldian finch
Atlantic canary
American goldfinch
Blue-crowned pigeon
Wiki Commons by Bernard Dupont
What's the name of this unique New Guinea bird?
Blue-crowned pigeon
Mourning dove
Eurasian collared dove
European turtle dove
©Juan Carlos Vindas / Moment / Getty Images
This long-billed bird goes by what name?


Red-necked tanager
Douglas Baker / Moment Open / Getty Images
This brightly colored bird goes by what name?
North American Cardinal
Red-necked tanager
Baltimore Oriole
Shoebill stork
Mark Newman / The Image Bank / Getty Images
Can you name this smiling bird?
Wood stork
Marabou stork
White stork
Shoebill stork
Ribbon tailed astrapia
Wiki Commons by gailhampshire
What's the name of this bird native to New Guinea?
Ribbon tailed astrapia
Bird of paradise


Burrowing owls
Copyright (C) Arto Hakola. All rights reserverd. / Moment / Getty Images
Which one of these unique birds lives underground?
Barn owl
Burrowing owls
Great-horned owl
Scarlet i'iwi
Sami Sarkis / Photographer's Choice RF / Getty Images
If you're lucky, you might see one of these the next time you're in Hawaii. What's it called?
Ruby-throated hummingbird
Buff-bellied Hummingbird
Scarlet hummingbird
Scarlet i'iwi
Tawny frogmouth
Traceydee Photography / Moment / Getty Images
What's the name of this bird that looks like the child of a hawk and eagle?
Rufous potoo
Tawny frogmouth


Richard McManus / Moment / Getty Images
Can you recognize the "skunk bird"?
Common magpie
Northern Mockingbird
Magnificent frigatebird
Rosemary Calvert / Stone / Getty Images
What bird is best known for its red air sac?
Golden pheasant
Andean cock-of-the-rock
Magnificent frigatebird
Vulturine guineafowl
Golden pheasant
Piero M. Bianchi / Moment Open / Getty Images
In Chinese culture, seeing this bird is thought to be lucky. What's it called?
Golden pheasant
Jungle fowl
Bar-tailed pheasant
Copper pheasant


Spectacled eider
Patrick J. Endres / Corbis Documentary / Getty Images
What do you call this saltwater duck?
Tufted puffin
Spectacled eider
Mandarin duck
Bonaparte's gull
Vulturine guineafowl
Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these colourful birds is found in Africa?
Vulturine guineafowl
Atlantic puffin
Feifei Cui-Paoluzzo / Moment / Getty Images
What's the name of this bird found in Eastern Canada?
Atlantic puffin
Great Auk
Common Cormorant
Herring gull


North American cardinal
KeithSzafranski / E+ / Getty Images
Which of these birds is found on the front of several sports jerseys?
Baltimore oriole
North American cardinal
American robin
Common magpie
Philippine Eagle
© 2011 Voltaire Malazarte / Moment / Getty Images
What's the name of this bird that looks like it has the head of a griffin?
California condor
Philippine Eagle
Bald eagle
Wiki Commons by Department of Conservation
Can you tell us the name of this flightless bird from New Zealand?
New Zealand parrot


California Condor
Vicki Jauron, Babylon and Beyond Photography / Moment / Getty Images
Which of these was once considered extinct in the wild?
American eagle
Black vulture
Turkey vulture
California condor