Which Big Cat Are You Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?

By: Jaleel Tapper-Gray
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Big Cat Are You Based on Your Myers-Briggs Personality?
Image: Brian Mckay Photographyy / Moment / Getty Images

About This Quiz

Do you think your personality is completely unique? Think again! Research into psychological theory has shown that every person falls into one of just 16 different personality types. But which are you? And more importantly, which big cat does your personality most reflect? Are you a proud lion, strong-willed tiger, quiet leopard or strategic jaguar? This might not seem important, but we humans have always found patterns in ourselves and nature. This quiz might just reveal the wild, untamed side that you didn't realize you had in you. After all, big cats are usually apex predators who rule their territory and the animals around them. You have the potential to do the same if you take the quiz and unlock it!

The research on personality comes from psychologist Isabel Briggs Myers in the 1940s and '50s. Today, this idea is well-recognized and well-developed, and you can learn more about yourself than you probably thought was possible. People often claim to finally be 'understood' after reading about their personality type, and there's plenty of advice on how to manage your strengths and weaknesses, family, careers, romantic relationships and more. To begin your personal journey, sink your teeth into the quiz and see how your personality would translate in the world of the big cats!

You're starving and you have to eat one of these exotic meats, which one do you choose?
Wild boar
Where can you be found at a large party?
On the dance floor making a fool of myself
In the center of the conversation
In charge of the music
On the outskirts by myself
How would you describe your dreams at night?
Like a vivid fantasy movie
Weird and jumbled
I often dream about real-life events.
I don't really remember my dreams.


You're home alone and it's raining outside. What do you do?
Arrange to meet someone for coffee
Call a friend for a chat
Play video games
Read a book
You've unlocked the secrets of time travel. In which era do you choose to live?
The distant future, where space travel is common
The age of discovery (and pirates)
Maybe a few years in the future
I'd stick to the present
You can pick one of these kingdoms to rule over. Which one do you choose?
A desert
A snowy forest
A mountain
A jungle


It's Friday night and it has been a long week. How do you unwind?
Hang out with a few friends
Zone out to a TV show
Go to bed early
Of the following options, where would you prefer to sleep?
Draped over a tree branch
At the water's edge
At the base of a tree, in the shade
Amongst the tall grass
A colleague won't stop talking about their latest vacation. What do you do?
Zone out after a while and answer with nods and smiles
Find an excuse to leave
Let them finish and say how jealous you are
Engage with them and talk about your own vacation


How many people would you prefer to invite to your wedding?
Nobody, I don't want a wedding
A handful of close friends and family
All of my friends and extended family
Everybody I can think of! The more the merrier!
Which of these cat-inspired fashion accessories would you be most likely to buy?
A black designer coat
A diamond chain
Gold teeth
Leopard skin underwear
You want to find out how a camera works. What is your approach?
Take it apart to see what's inside
Ask a friend who loves cameras
Read a book about the history of cameras
Watch a video explaining it


How often do you worry about your future?
All the time
Most weeks
Not very often
Almost never
What are you likely to do at the end of an intense networking event?
Leave early and recover alone
Leave after saying goodbye to everyone
Stay a little longer to make as many contacts as possible
Stick around for a while to hang out with the people you met
You're at a magic show and the magician needs a volunteer. What do you do?
Volunteer yourself
Volunteer your shy friend for a laugh
Stay quiet
Stay quiet and force yourself to avoid eye contact


If you could have any of these big cat super powers, which would you choose?
The power to jump incredibly far
The power to swim for hours without tiring
A roar that can be heard for miles
The power to climb any tree in the jungle
Who do you take care of first?
My family and significant other
My close friends
I put the needs of society first
Would you ever consider living in a different country?
Yes, I think there are much better places to live.
Yes, but I'd rather not learn a new language.
Maybe, but only if I could bring my family with me
No, there's no place like home.


What is your approach to solving a problem you've never faced before?
Try the first thing that comes into your head
Come up with a list of solutions and try them one by one
Think about the options for a while and write out a detailed plan before you start
Consider the options and put a team together to solve it
Which of these do you enjoy talking about most?
Juicy gossip
The latest Oscar winners
Advances in space exploration
My family and their achievements
If you had awesome fur, what pattern would you want?
No pattern
Stripes, obviously
Small polka dots
Large spots


How far in the future have you planned your career?
I've planned everything up to and after retirement.
I know where I see myself in 10 years.
I know what job I would like right now.
I prefer not to plan ahead.
A stranger sits down opposite you at a coffee shop. What's your initial instinct?
Say hello and start chatting
Say hello but then keep to yourself
Look away and ignore them
Move to a different seat so you can be alone
You order a meal at an expensive restaurant but it tastes terrible. What do you do?
Send it back and demand another meal for free
Tell the waiter you're disappointed with the meal
Admit you don't like it, but finish the meal anyway and don't make a fuss
Keep quiet about it and pretend you enjoyed it


If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
I'd make the whole world bigger.
I'd give everyone equal wealth.
I'd end diseases, like cancer.
Nothing, the world is like this for a reason.
You win a vacation to explore one of these big cat hunting grounds. Where do you go?
The Indian jungle
The Russian forests
The Brazilian wetlands
The African savannah
You're cooking a dinner for your significant other and their family. What's your approach?
Follow a recipe from a cookbook
Cook something you've cooked lots of times before from memory
Wing it and improvise a meal on the spot
Plan out the meal several days before and practice it before the big day


How would you spend a day in a big city?
Find a quiet park or courtyard and relax
Go to the famous library
Watch talented street performers
Spend the entire day at a busy mall
If 'small talk' was a subject at school, what grade would you get?
What's your life motto?
Life is about the journey, not the destination.
No regrets
Rules are made to be broken.
You only live once.
