Which Cat Breed Are You?

By: Ian Fortey
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Which Cat Breed Are You?
Image: Agency Animal Picture / Photographer's Choice RF / Getty Images

About This Quiz

You have to wonder how it came to be that cats were domesticated in the first place. If you've ever experienced an angry, wild cat, you know they're not the most pleasant creatures to be around. It must have been one of those super friendly cats that you run across every now and then that first got the ball rolling. It wandered by some farmer, rubbed against his leg, maybe rolled over to play with something and get a belly rub. Once that happens, they're hard to resist.

Now that we have cats all around the world, and there are so many different breeds, you can really see how some cats have personality traits that set them apart from others. They're a lot like people - some can be playful, some standoffish, and some are just wacky. Our pets really are a reflection of ourselves. So maybe that means you have a little bit of cat inside you. Maybe your inner cat is just meowing to get out right this very minute. One way to find out for sure is to take this quiz! Tell us a bit about yourself, and we'll figure out precisely what breed best represents your inner self. Go on an try it; it'll be purr-fect.  See what we did there?  

If your friends invite you to a party, what are you going to do?
I'm all over it!
Sure, I can go.
I'll be in there schmoozing it up.
If I have time I'll go.
When you're hungry at 2 a.m., what are you likely to make for yourself?
What's the best time of day to go and see a movie?
Any time!
A weekend matinee
When's everyone else going?
I prefer to stay home and watch by myself after work.


Would you rather read the book or see the movie?
I prefer movies.
Read. The book is always better.
Both, so I can compare.
Probably depends on what book we're talking about.
What do you like to do to stay in shape?
I go to the gym.
I don't really do much.
I'm always going out and discovering new things.
I work out at home sometimes.
How do you like to relax after a long day at work?
Whatever sounds fun.
Nap time!
I'll see what my friends are up to.
Maybe dinner and a movie


If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Las Vegas
A cruise sounds good.
New York City
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
What is your favorite genre of movie?


Do you keep a clean house?
It gets dirty, then I clean, then it gets dirty again.
It's a bit messy.
I know where everything is.
I keep it very neat.
If you're heading out to breakfast, how are you going to order your eggs?
In McMuffin form
An omelet
Sunnyside up
If you go out with your friends and they want you to hit up the dance floor, how do you respond?
I'm on the dance floor before anyone.
If that's what everyone is doing, I'm in.
I will sneak off when no one's looking.


What do you think is the best part of going to the beach?
Swimming, having fun, whatever
Lying out on a towel
Having a cookout
Getting a chance to read and relax
What's the most fun way you can travel?
Does party bus count?
A luxurious cruise
Road trip!
What happens if you're outside doing something and it suddenly starts pouring rain?
Have fun with it!
Run for cover.
Guess it depends on what I'm doing outside.
This is why I check the weather in advance.


Are you easily entertained or do you need something that goes above and beyond to hold your interest?
I can have a good time doing anything.
Hey, I'm happy just napping.
I like to have a lot going on.
I can keep myself busy if nothing's going on.
If you're having a big family gathering, how likely are you to be the host?
Definitely going to be me.
I'd rather someone else does it.
I'd want to at least be in there helping out.
Hosting isn't my thing.
How would you describe your ability to make friends?
I have more friends than I can count.
It takes me a while to warm up to people, but then we get pretty close.
I have different levels of friends - some close, some just acquaintances.
I have a few really close friends.


What would you do if you discovered a mouse problem in your house?
Try to catch them in humane traps.
Ignore it as long as I could.
Start feeding them.
Don't I have a cat for this?
Which fictional cat is your all-time favorite?
The Cat in the Hat
The Cheshire Cat
What's the best sport you can play?
Do e-sports count?


Which one of these is your favorite meal?
Roast chicken
Roast beef
Pork chops
If it's late at night and you're having trouble sleeping, what will you do?
Listen to music
Take a relaxing bath
A glass of warm milk
Read for a while
What would be your dream job?


If you're going out on a date, where are you most likely to go?
Someplace exciting
Dinner and a movie
Depends on where the other person wants to go
Maybe a drink and a walk somewhere
What is the best cat movie of the bunch?
"The Adventures of Milo and Otis"
"Puss in Boots"
"Pet Sematary"
What's the best part about going on vacation?
All the fun you can have
Going someplace new and exciting
Not having any responsibilities for a while


If you get some seriously heavy news, how do you react?
I'll try to keep it light.
I'll shut down.
Depends what kind of serious you mean.
I'll probably have to process it alone.
Do friends often come to you for advice?
All the time!
Not often
It happens, yeah.
I'm not big on giving advice.
Can you sleep anywhere or does it need to be in your own bed?
You know, I've never really thought about it.
I could sleep standing up.
If it's comfy, I'll sleep.
I prefer my own bed.
