Jane Austen was known for writing incredibly empowering female characters. Even the women in the Harry Potter series kick some serious butt. One thing they all have in common is they do not cower in the face of man. Sure, no woman is perfect, and even your most admired heroines slip up and show weakness. But that's the thing. Being able to show vulnerability is actually a strength. It shows that you are comfortable and confident in your shortcomings, and recognizing them allows you to overcome them. Letting others into your life to help you is just another thing that is often seen as a weakness that powerful women have turned the tables on.
When you read books, do you ever find yourself connecting with and relating to a certain female character? If so, why? What is it about that particular character that you see yourself in? It could be a lot of things. Maybe it's the gumption, or perhaps it's one of the things listed above. One thing that most literary heroines have in common is they stay true to themselves, lend their ears and support to others when they need it and work every day to know their own worth. Does any of that sound like you? If so, take this quiz to find out which classic literary heroine you are!
Is there another time period you think you'd do really well in?