Which "Gurren Lagann" Character Are You?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which "Gurren Lagann" Character Are You?
Image: TXN (TV Tokyo) / BS Japan / AT-X / Syfy / Adult Swim (Toonami)

About This Quiz

Remember "Gurren Lagann"? Of course you do. This anime, which used to run on the SyFy Channel, was so addictive that you couldn't tear your eyes away from it! The story of Simon, a shy kid who learns to fight, "Gurren Lagann" is set in an evil version of the future, where most humans are forced to live underground. When Simon and his best friend Kamina travel to the earth's surface, they have to contend with the wicked Beastmen and their mecha, who are under orders from the Spiral King to mercilessly fight them.

Luckily, Simon and Kamina have allies: feisty warrior Yoko, sweet Nia and the mecha they create together, Gurren Lagann. We'd tell you more, but just talking about this show is making us want to watch it again! If you're as big a fan of "Gurren Lagann" as we are, you're going to be into this quiz. We've come up with a "Gurren Lagann"-themed personality test that will tell you - beyond a shadow of a doubt - which of these amazing characters you're most similar to. Don't worry if you haven't watched the show in a few years. This quiz is designed to work for "Gurren Lagann" stans and casual fans alike.Are you ready to experience your favorite show all over again? If so, don't hesitate - play this quiz right now!

Spiral King
TXN (TV Tokyo) / BS Japan / AT-X / Syfy / Adult Swim (Toonami)
How would you behave if you had to live life under the Spiral King?
I'd be miserable ... and I'd keep to myself.
I'd join the resistance movement.
I'd LEAD a resistance movement.
I'd try to understand why the Spiral King was doing this.
Teacher asking question
Image Source / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When your teacher asks the class a question, what do you do?
Look at my desk and hope I don't get called on
Raise my hand
Ignore her while doodling
Stare out the window and daydream
Couple eating ice cream
AleksandarGeorgiev / E+ / Getty Images
If you could only eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Mashed potatoes
Salted peanuts
Ice cream


18 Outfit
William Perugini / Cultura / Getty Images
How do you usually dress?
I wear whatever most people are wearing.
I like steampunk styles.
In crazy boho styles
Like a VSCO girl
Gurren Lagann - scene
TXN (TV Tokyo) / BS Japan / AT-X / Syfy / Adult Swim (Toonami)
Which "Gurren Lagann" quote resonates most with you?
"We evolve, beyond the person that we were a minute before. Little by little, we advance with each turn."
"Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!”
"The dreams we left behind will open the door!"
"The human spirit is infinite!”
Gurren Lagann - Mecha
TXN (TV Tokyo) / BS Japan / AT-X / Syfy / Adult Swim (Toonami)
If you had the ability to control a giant mecha, what would you use it to do?
Build castles
Save whales
Fight my enemies
Plant trees


PeopleImages / E+ / Getty Images
Your bully trips you in front of the whole class. Everyone laughs. What do you do?
Run away
Mock my bully
Start fighting my bully
Ask for sympathy
Towfiqu Photography / Moment / Getty Images
In your opinion, technology is ... ?
A fantastic tool
Crucial for our future
A necessary evil
A negative force in society
Loud girl
Francesco Carta fotografo / Moment / Getty Images
If someone else called you "loud," how would you react?
By never speaking up again
By saying, "So what?"
By acting twice as "loud" as I was before
By apologizing very sincerely


RapidEye / E+ / Getty Images
The only way you could ever get over your anxiety is if ...?
I did exposure therapy.
I convinced myself that it was irrational.
I accomplished something that made me feel truly confident.
I learned to really love myself.
TXN (TV Tokyo) / BS Japan / AT-X / Syfy / Adult Swim (Toonami)
Be honest: How do you feel about Kamina?
Simply put, he's the greatest person in the world.
I like him. How can you not?
He's a darn dreamboat. 😻
He's a cool guy, I guess.
David Madison / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Imagine that you're on a baseball team. It's the ninth inning, and your team is losing badly. What do you do?
Dig in my heels and try my best
Give my teammates a killer speech
Play as well as I can
Accept that we'll probably lose but try to act cheerful


Hiroshi Watanabe / DigitalVision / Getty Images
To succeed in life, you have to do what?
Work hard
Make connections with others
Fight for what you need
Have a little faith
Boy with red hair
brusinski / E+ / Getty Images
If you could dye your hair any color, which one would you choose?
Inocent or evil
DrGrounds / E+ / Getty Images
On a scale of 1 to 10, how innocent are you?
7. I've got a lot to learn. 😊
4. I can be overly idealistic, but I'm pretty savvy.
1. I haven't been innocent since I was a baby.
10. I'm the most innocent person you've ever met!


Self-defense class
Alex Potemkin / E+ / Getty Images
If your parents ordered you to take a self-defense class, what would you say?
"Fine, if I have to."
"Heck yes! This is going to be fun."
"I can't wait. I want the power to defend myself."
"Eek, I don't know if I'm going to be good at this!"
Takao Shioguchi / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you feel embarrassed, how do you act?
I hunch my shoulders and look at the ground.
As I'm not a shy person, I have no idea!
I blush a little bit.
I ramble, ramble, ramble!
Shy girl
Francesco Carta fotografo / Moment / Getty Images
Let's say you have a very shy friend who needs a lot of encouragement. How would you treat them?
I'd be kind and patient. And I'd give them room to make their own mistake.
I'd give them tons of pep talks!
Um, why would I want to be friends with some boring shy person?
I'd show them I cared about them, every single day.


Irritated woman
Klaus Vedfelt / DigitalVision / Getty Images
What irritates you the most?
People who cut in line
People who mock others in order to make themselves feel more important
People who ask for help instead of figuring it out themselves
People who are dismissive of others' concerns
Naive man
RyanJLane / E+ / Getty Images
People who are naive and need a lot of guidance are ...?
Probably just young
Totally irritating
Jealous girl
borchee / E+ / Getty Images
You find out your crush actually likes your best friend. How will you deal with this?
By sulking!
By transferring my crush to someone else
By avoiding them both for a while
By trying to focus on how important our friendship is


NNS (ytv) / Adult Swim (Toonami) / Starz
Besides "Gurren Lagann," what other anime shows do you watch?
"Samurai Jack"
"Cowboy Bebop"
"Yu Yu Hakusho"
Cool guy
izusek / E+ / Getty Images
People often compliment you on your ...?
Hard-working ways
Cute face
Sweet personality
Friends with matching clothes
Mimi Haddon / DigitalVision / Getty Images
Have you ever had a friend who deeply influenced you?
Yes. My best friend was everything to me!
No. I'm my own biggest influence.
No. I don't get close to many people.
Yes. But I think we influenced each other equally.


Two men fighting
Thomas Barwick / DigitalVision / Getty Images
If someone insulted your mom, would you fight them?
No. But I would stand up for my mom verbally.
No. But I'd mock THEIR mom so they could see how it feels!
Yes, duh.
No. But I would cut that person right out of my life.
1001nights / E+ / Getty Images
Have you ever betrayed a friend?
No. Although I have been betrayed.
Yes, but it wasn't on purpose.
Yes ... but in their opinion, not mine.
No! And I would never do that.
TXN (TV Tokyo) / BS Japan / AT-X / Syfy / Adult Swim (Toonami)
Which "Gurren Lagann" character would you enjoy dating?


Depressed girl
Jessie Casson / DigitalVision / Getty Images
When you're depressed, what snaps you out of it?
Realizing that I'm needed by others
Actually, I'm never depressed!
Common sense. Being depressed is a waste of time.
Spirituality. It helps me to believe in something bigger than myself.
Couple breaking up
martin-dm / E+ / Getty Images
Have you ever broken up with someone else?
No. I'm usually the one who gets left.
Yes. Sometimes, you've just got to go.
Many times. What can I say? It's my way.
I've never had a relationship. Either way, break-ups sound terrible!
Hold grudges
Ian Ross Pettigrew / Moment / Getty Images
In your opinion, people who hold grudges are ...?
Wasting their own time
Totally understandable
