Which Character From the Bible Are You Most Like?

By: Tasha Moore
Estimated Completion Time
5 min
Which Character From the Bible Are You Most Like?
Image: Cecilie_Arcurs/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

Christians ought to strive to be like Jesus, the perfect example of living, but apparently, God has more nuanced plans in store for his believers. Consider that Jesus made it a point to choose 12 disciples with very distinct personalities to follow him. Toward the end of their relationship with Jesus, while he was on Earth, the disciples retained the essence of their personalities, which enhanced their missionary work. So never discount your attributes that God may choose to use to further his ministry among an assortment of people with various personalities.

Our personality quiz is set to help you nurture the characteristics that made the Bible heavyweights so great. Perhaps you're a rare personification of compassion, just as Jesus was. The prophets and Jesus played for the same "team," but the Old Testament prophets did not sugar-coat truth in the form of parables for easier consumption like Jesus did for the people. Many of the prophets were detested for delivering truth raw and uncensored unto elaborate kingdoms and mighty kings. Our religion personality challenge will help you to determine if you possess that level of focus paired with superhuman courage to face rulers who have the power to do with you as they will. But if you're like the prophets, you'll speak truth to power no matter what.

Give life to this challenge by providing your sincere answers to questions that'll help you filter out your traits once and for all.

Why would someone care to write your life story?
Because I'm worthy.
I have no problem doing that for myself.
My scandalous life story deserves the effort.
Because I serve a very important role.
Do you consider anyone as your bestie?
More like my "Beloved"
All friends are equal in my book.
Never. No one is equal to me.
My partner
Can you and your sibling get along?
My sibling has no choice in the matter.
I don't need to think about that.
Siblings are so passe.
I get along with everybody.


What's your take on Christian leadership?
I always set the leadership standard.
Leadership could use some help.
Who needs it? I do what I want.
The church needs more leaders like my children.
Is charity something that you value?
I write the charity rules.
Charity isn't my expertise.
Only if it benefits me
Do you assume the servant or master role in relationships?
I've been a servant for long enough. It's time for mastery.
I'm always a servant to those who are worthy of my devotion.


How strong is your ability to predict future events?
There are no words to describe my incredible prophetic ability.
I can hardly gauge how well I'm doing.
I don't have that ability.
I need a little help in that department.
Name the biblical figure that you are most like.
The Virgin Mary
If you were a container, which one would you be?
A communion cup
A wine glass
A goblet
A belly


Describe how you were freed from physical, emotional or financial bondage.
One prayer is all it took.
I simply let it all go in my pursuit of truth.
I snitched on someone.
I gave birth to the source of my help.
If you wanted to, could you buy property right now?
The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. That means all property is mine already.
Yes. I'm paid like that.
I can get someone else to buy it for me.
If you were to author a book, what would it be?
I author faith, not books.
A book of visions
I'm writing a book called "The Art of Snitching."
I'm not an author.


Which news do you prefer to deliver, good news or bad news?
Good news
I'm OK with delivering both.
I prefer to deliver bad news like it's good news.
I want to get the news, not give it.
Do authority figures admire you or fear you?
Authority figures fear me.
They take me for granted.
Authority figures don't notice me.
How's married life treating you?
It's not, thank goodness.
I'm single, no mingle.
I do my own thing. I'll never marry.


Is it true that people often confide in you?
So much so that I need a team of assistants to field requests.
People run the other way when I approach.
Not often-I have to work it out of them.
God's messengers confide in me.
What type of person is most attractive to you?
A righteous person
A receptive person
Strong and powerful
Anyone who works with their hands
Do you help to cultivate God's gifts in others?
More than anyone ever could
I mostly help to cultivate the gift of obedience.
I destroy "gifts" every chance I get.
I cultivate God's gifts in myself.


Describe how you react when you encounter the word "no."
I transcend "no."
I respond with "why."
After I throw a tantrum, I plot to get "yes."
I make peace with it.
Does loyalty mean anything to you?
Yes, but true loyalty doesn't exist.
Loyalty means everything to me.
Not much
Loyalty is the foundation of my faith in God.
How important is money to you?
It's a necessary thing that I don't let rule my life.
I have lots of money but it's such a nuisance.
It's more important than anyone's feelings or freedom.
I don't think about money.


Have you ever tried to correct a problem that you created?
No corrections needed here.
I'm usually the one who warns others about problems.
What's the point of that?
Thankfully, I've never had to do that.
Confess how you feel about your parents.
There's no one else like mom.
Memories of those two are faint.
I haven't heard too much about them.
My father is heavenly.
Explain the latest outrageous news that you received.
Nothing surprises me anymore.
I wouldn't be who I am if I thought of any news as outrageous.
I was told that my schemes are wicked. Ha!
That I was going to have a baby


Were you part of the popular crowd in high school?
I was home schooled.
I didn't go to high school.
It's lit wherever I go.
I was popular but not part of a crowd.
Would you win a beauty pageant?
I hope not.
I wouldn't want to be near a place like that.
I'd win.
I would ace the personality questions.
Who is the most photographed person that you know?
My mother
My son


Provide two adjectives that best illustrate who you are.
Amazing and royal
Intense and tolerated
Extra and beautiful
Innocent and highly favored
What's your title in the church?
It's always whispered among the members, so even I don't know.
Do you know any celebrities?
There's no such thing.
I don't know any celebrities, but I know all about them.
I'm a celebrity.
The pope
