Which Iconic Duo Are You and Your BFF?

By: Khadija L.
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Which Iconic Duo Are You and Your BFF?
Image: IMDB

About This Quiz

With the recent celebration of National Friendship Day (July 30th), we thought we'd pay homage to such a special bond shared between people. In many ways, this bond can be compared to that of a sibling relationship because of how close these people grow.

Having someone who will tell you the truth and be there for both during the good and the bad times can be very difficult to find, but once you've met that person, it's almost like you've known each other your entire lives. While there are besties who seem like they are the exact same person, there are those who are complete opposites, leaving people to wonder how they became friends in the first place. 

For decades, we have seen these relationships portrayed both on the big screen and on television. Some of the most memorable friendships include that of Beavis and Butthead, Karen and Jack from "Will and Grace," Lorelai and Rory from "Gilmore Girls," Serena and Blair from "Gossip Girl," Spongebob and Patrick, and those are just from television shows. 

Which iconic duo are you and your best friend most like? Will you two turn out to be some of your favorite onscreen characters? The only way to find out is by taking this quiz!

How did you meet your best friend?
In high school/college
We're neighbors
At work
How long have you known each other?
Over 10 years
I lost count
Less than 5 years
Between 5 and 10 years
What do you love most about your bff?
I love everything about them
Their loyalty
How funny they are
Their honesty


How would you describe your best friend?
What kind of trouble do you get up to?
It's usually with people who talk about us
Only good fun with each other
We always seem to be finding ourselves in trouble with someone
We never get into trouble
What do you two bond over?
Different things
Movies and television


What do you two argue about?
What to do
How similar are you two?
We're the same person
We're complete opposites
We are very similar
We're share common interests
Which food pairing describes you?
Fish and chips
Mac and cheese
PB & J
Wine and cheese


Which of these celeb besties are you two like?
Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz
Matt Damon and Ben Affleck
Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake
Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox
What would other people say about your relationship?
We're practically twins
That we are an odd pair
That we make a great team
I have no clue
Who is the one in charge in your friendship?
We both are
I am
They are
We take turns


How often do you guys hang out?
Every day
A few times a month
A few times a week
Only on special occasions
How often do you talk to your bestie?
Whenever I see them
Multiple times a week
A few times a month
What do your weekend plans entail?
Finding deals on clothing
Playing video games
Absolutely nothing
Going to clubs/parties


How would you cheer your friend up?
Take them shopping
Have a sleepover
Take them to a party
Have a deep conversation
What would you do if your best friend's heart was broken?
Find them a new partner
Help them to get their partner back
Find the person who broke it
Comfort them
What would you get them for their birthday?
I would throw them a party
Nothing, my love should be enough
A cake
A gift card


What do you guys like to share?
A living space
You two are most likely to get matching...
Would you ever consider being roommates?
I don't think so
Only to save money on rent


If you two were to go to a concert, which of these would it be?
Taylor Swift
The Beatles
Florence + The Machine
Where would you go to on a vacation?
Los Angeles
What is your bestie's color?


Which of these emojis do you like to send each other?
Laughing emoji
Angry emoji
Eating emoji
Dancing emoji
You heard rumors that your bestie has saying bad things about you. What do you do?
Ignore it
Not talk to my friend again
Talk to someone else about it
Ask my friend about it
Which of these celebrities do you both have a crush on?
Charlie Hunnam
Kate Upton
Scarlett Johansson
Hugh Jackman


If your best friend was a power ranger, which one would they be?
The Pink
The Black
The Green
The Yellow
Which Harry Potter character would you add to the group?
Padma Patil
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Which of these Disney songs describes your friendship?
"Friend Like Me" - Aladdin
"You've Got a Friend in Me" - Toy Story
"Hakuna Matata" - The Lion King
"I Wanna Be Like You" - The Jungle Book
