Cars, Trucks & Engines

You may have passed the test for your driver's license, but that doesn't mean you'll ace our quizzes about all things auto. Buckle up, because we're about to test your auto knowledge.

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Wherever you end up in life, you never forget your first car. Whether it was a plucky little Toyota or a flashy Porsche, memories of it will stay with you forever. Can we guess what your first car was? Take the quiz and find out!

By Zoe Samuel

Deep down in their souls, all Americans dream of living in a remote area with a mutt and a pickup truck. Pickups have come a long way since they were only seen with commercial plates. Which one speaks to your soul?

By Mark Lichtenstein

Obviously, you should own a motorcycle. They're cool! They get great mileage. They make a great sound. Still, with so many motorcycles to choose from, you should take this quiz to find out which one is right for you.

By Mark Lichtenstein


They're fun, they're useful, and they're not just for the farmland. Tractors can do so much, and there are so many varieties to choose from! In this quiz, we'll test your knowledge of tractors. If you fail, we won't make you plow a field.

By Annette

Beer. Steak. Mowing the lawn. OK, those are stereotypes, but there are certain tasks and abilities that are considered manly! In this quiz, we'll test your knowledge of the basic things that make a man a man. If you don't get a question right, you need not question your testosterone.

By Annette

They're loud, they're powerful, and they consume your spare time! But how much do you really know about HEMI engines? We're going to test your knowledge of the basic parts and lingo that go hand-in-hand with hot rods. By the end, you'll be ready to get your engine rolling!

By Annette

Everyone who has taken the wheel has noticed that there are different types of drivers, each with their own personality. Rarely, however, do we consider what sort of drivers we are. Which kind are you?

By Mark Lichtenstein


The car market is flooded with seemingly countless brands that at first appear to be independent companies. But most brands are owned by even larger corporations. Can you name them?

By John Miller

By some estimates, car manufacturers built about 72 million cars in 2016 alone. Maybe you know your car models...or maybe you don't. Let's see if you can match the manufacturer to the model!

Skipping an oil change. Topping off your car's gas tank. "Treating" your car to a higher octane fuel. Despite our good intentions, many of the habits we have when it comes to our cars may actually be doing damage to them. How many of these things are you guilty of doing?

Traffic laws in the United States vary a little from state to state, although generally they are pretty much the same. Red lights mean "stop" and green lights mean "go" everywhere across the country. Do you think you know the American rules of the road well enough to drive here? Take our quiz and see if you can keep it between the lines!

By Dyann Joyce


Major mistakes can cost U.S. automakers a lot of time and money, and in some cases even cost drivers their lives. But it usually takes a combination of failures to make a car or an automotive brand truly flop — from design and engineering problems to poor sales or ... well, sometimes being ugly is all it takes. How many of these famous auto fiascos do you know? Take this quiz to find out!

By Maria Trimarchi

Every day, millions of people hop into their vehicles and zoom off down the highway, but many of them have forgotten the basic rules of driving. Could you pass a basic driver's exam?

By John Miller

When you're on the road for days at a time in the business of long haul trucking, your social life will consist of talking to other folks on the road on your CB. Every trucker has a handle on the CB radio, and they help each other out by pointing out Smokey or catching up about how things went at the Chicken Coop. What would your trucker handle be? Take this quiz to find out!

By Mark Philip Lichtenstein

You may, and for good reason, have been known to ogle the Toyota Tacoma. Or maybe you prefer to debate whose line of trucks is better, Ford or Chevy. But how much do you know about the first pickup trucks to drive on U.S. roads? Let's find out!

By Maria Trimarchi


Before the days of fuel efficiency ratings and airbags, there were muscle cars; the brawny spawn of Detroit car makers. How much do you know about these muscular American classics?

By John Miller

Unless it's caused you problems in the past, you're probably only familiar with your car's powertrain because of the powertrain warranty offered by the dealership. The powertrain isn't a part you can order from the service department when something goes wrong, though. It's a series of components working together to get you and your car where you want to go.

By Maria Trimarchi

Do you know the difference between your engine and transmission? Between a camshaft and a crankcase? Engine trouble, transmission problems and other car maintenance issues are inescapable if you're a car owner. Buckle up and find out how much you know about your car's engine and more.

By Maria Trimarchi

Whether your car is front, rear or all-wheel drive, you wouldn't get very far if your car's engine torque couldn't get to the wheels. How much do you know about what happens after you give the car some gas?

By Maria Trimarchi


Ford revolutionized manufacturing and helped make Detroit the one-time industrial center of the world. How much do you know about the history of the Ford Motor Co.? Take this quiz to find out.

By Nathan Chandler

When it comes to these four-wheeled speed monsters, whiplash is part of the fun. How much do you know about the world's fastest cars?

By Nathan Chandler

If you thought the monthly payment on your 3-year old minivan was bad, wait until you see these jaw-dropping numbers. How much do you know about the world's most expensive cars?

By Nathan Chandler

Flip through the pages of almost any automotive publication and you will see horsepower and torque listed for each vehicle. But how much do you know about these measurements? Channel your inner motorhead, and see if you can ace this quiz.

By Laurie L. Dove


Put two things side by side, and decide which one has more horsepower — that's what this quiz is all about. It's like drag racing in quiz form!

By Ed Grabianowski

Two-stroke engines are simple and light as compared to four-stroke engines, but they have their drawbacks. How much do you know about these powerful engines? Take this quiz to test your knowledge.

By Nathan Chandler