Are You Actually Attracted to Your Boyfriend?

By: Kennita Leon
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Are You Actually Attracted to Your Boyfriend?
Image: PeopleImages/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz

When we enter into a relationship, there's that phase known as the honeymoon phase. It's the point where everyone is happy and blissfully in love, so much so that we ignore the person's flaws and choose to see the world with heart-shaped eyes. But are you still at that point? Did you never leave it? Does your boyfriend still do it for you? Or are you over it, but don't know just quite yet?

Attraction is more than just how someone looks on the outside. It's also their personality, how they approach situations and how they treat others. We're sure you've seen a smoking hot guy who has the personality of sandpaper and the temper of an agitated porcupine. These things happen. We can be attracted to looks and a person's way/habits. 

And because you know we're a curious bunch here, we want to test your attraction level to someone you should know very well- your boyfriend! Are you still hopelessly in love? Were you over it five months ago? Or did your once-charming man turn into the wicked wizard of the west?

We'll tell you whether you're still into your man or not with this quiz. 

Let's start this off with a bang! Is your boyfriend the man of your dreams?
Of course he is
I think he is
I'd like him to be
I have doubts.
Physically, what's your favorite thing about him?
His eyes
His chest
His lips
His you-know-what
Is he good in the sack?
I don't know yet.
He's pretty good.
He could be a lot better.
Why else would I be here?


If you could change one thing about how his appearance, what would it be?
Let's discuss his personality. What about him caught your attention?
His confidence
His sense of humor
His intelligence
His down to earth-ness
Do you genuinely enjoy his company?
Of course, all day, every day
Most of the time
Not any more


Is he a gentleman?
Yes, he is.
For the most part
He can be
He can be a bit of a pig.
Are you in love?
Never more in my life
I am
I think so.
No, I'm not.
How comfortable are you around him?
Maybe too comfortable
Very comfortable
Somewhat comfortable
Not comfortable at all


Do you think you guys are ready to live together?
I think so.
No, we aren't.
We already do
What do you guys normally do on date night?
Go to dinner
Go to the movies
Go partying
Going for ice cream
But what's the most romantic thing he's ever done for you?
Took us on a trip outside the country
Planned a surprise party for my birthday
Showered me with gifts and made me feel special
Took me to dinner for my birthday


Let's talk about the cons of your relationship. How often do you guys argue?
Once in a blue moon
Pretty often
All the time
What do you disagree on the most?
The past
Are you, or is he jealous?
Neither of us are
I am, he isn't
He is, I'm not
We both are


What trait of his annoys you the most?
He's a bit lazy
He's flippant
He's likes too much attention
He's selfish
What's your biggest worry in your relationship?
I don't really have worries
How do you feel when he's not with you?
A bit lonely
I feel fine
A little relieved


Do you ever feel like you guys need to spend time apart?
Very often
How committed are you to this man?
Insanely committed
Very committed
Somewhat committed
I'm over it.
We want to know more about just you. What's the first thing you reach for when you wake up?
My boyfriend
My phone
My alarm clock


What do you like doing for fun when you're at home?
Watch TV
Which of these words best describes you?
What do you think is your worst quality?
I can be closed-minded.
I'm a bit entitled.
I can be selfish.
I can be mean.


Are you open to change?
Not at all
I'm not a huge fan.
I'm OK with it.
Yes, I love change.
Do you have many friends?
I do
I have quite a few
Maybe a handful
One or two
Do they always approve of your relationship?
Most of the time
Not really
I don't care either way.


Do you love very easily?
Maybe too easily
Yes, I do
No, I don't.
Would you give up your dreams for love?
In a heartbeat
I think I would
It really depends
How happy are you at the moment?
Beyond happy
I'm pretty happy.
I'm OK.
I'm actually pretty sad.
