Are You More Ariana Grande or Billie Eilish?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Are You More Ariana Grande or Billie Eilish?
Image: Republic / Darkroom / Interscope

About This Quiz

Ariana Grande and Billie Eilish are magnificent musicians. But while Ariana and Billie are both young white women with record-shattering album sales, the similarities end there. Ariana's fame was built on her early success as a young Nickelodeon star. While she's shed her wholesome kiddie show background and become a multi-talented singer and collaborator, she's still a very different type of pop star from Billie, who rocketed to fame after one of her SoundCloud songs went viral. 

Billie's brand of "don't care" L.A. cool, paired with her interesting blend of influences, makes her music hypnotic and wildly unpredictable. She whispers, croons and moans, seeming not to care whether she fits into any particular musical genre. Ariana, on the other hand, is simply an extremely good singer. With a taste for great beats and a range that rivals Mariah Carey's, she shows how great pop music can be when it's made very, very well.

We could talk all day about the differences between Ariana and Billie's approaches to music. They represent the traditionalist vs. the maverick, the prodigy vs. the late bloomer. That's because they represent classic archetypes. And we bet you're wondering with which one you match. If so, you're in luck because that's what this quiz is about! Tell us all about yourself, and we'll reveal whether you're more Billie or Ariana. Ready to play? Let's get quizzing!

thank u next ariana grande
If you found out your best friend was spreading gossip about you behind your back, what would you do?
Cut them out of my life
Start a whisper campaign against them
Go nuclear on them
Move on to a new best friend
Lana Del Rey 2
Stranger / Interscope Records / Polydor Records
Which of these non-Ariana or Billie albums speaks to your soul?
"Born to Die" by Lana Del Rey
"1989" by Taylor Swift
"Melodrama" by Lorde
"Cuz I Love You" by Lizzo
How do you deal with your haters?
By questioning them
By shaking them off
By agreeing with them
By laughing at them


Which Disney Princess and Disney Sidekick Are You a Combo Of
YouTube / Walt Disney Animation Studios
To which modern Disney princess do you most relate?
ariana grande
Your mom wants you to help her make Christmas dinner. What do you say?
"Sure, sounds fun."
"Only if I'm in charge of everything."
"Lol, no!"
"I'll bring pie, but that's it!"
Who's in your squad?
My six best friends (and my mom and grandma)
I have a huge rotating cast of pals.
I have one best friend.
I have a small circle of people I can count on.


ariana grande
What's your most Ariana-like quality?
I have a soft spot for anything cute and pink.
I fall in and out of love a lot.
I'm in touch with my emotions.
I'm bubbly and super friendly.
gilmore girls
The WB
Whew, you're beat after a long day. What TV show do you put on to veg?
"The Twilight Zone"
"Grey's Anatomy"
"The Office"
"Gilmore Girls"
lana del rey 6
Republic Records
If you could be friends with Miley Cyrus in real life, would you?
Yes, she seems fun.
I don't know about that; I get weird vibes from her.


ariana grande
Which one of these men would you date?
Pete Davidson
Calvin Harris
I would never date anyone famous.
I like all kinds of boys!
In what way do you relate to Billie?
I love moody bops.
I've got some "bad guy" in me.
I prefer comfy, casual lewks.
I like experimenting with my hair color.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how mean are you?
3. I'm practically an angel with a little devil in me. 😈
7. I have a mean streak, that's for sure.
9. I'm a total mean girl.
1. I'm extremely nice, sorry!


ariana grande
How will you do your hair today?
In a ponytail
In barrel curls
I'm not "doing" my hair at all.
Half up, half down
The Ultimate Billie Eilish Fan Quiz hero
Darkroom / Interscope
Your biggest flaw is _________.
My naiveté
My sneakiness
My temper
My stubbornness
ariana grande
How is your bedroom decorated?
With lots of frills, crystals and cute things
With bright colors and vintage touches
In one color (white or black), with some nice modern electronics
With lots of gold, zebra stripes and glass


thank u next ariana grande
Are you political?
A little bit
I didn't used to be, but I'm changing.
Yes, definitely!
billie eilish
Darkroom / Interscope
When others don't like you, does it bother you?
Yes, somewhat
It bothers me a huge amount!
To be honest, I don't really care about that.
I'm human, so it bugs me, but I try to rise above it.
Where do you like to shop?
Urban Outfitters
Hot Topic
Department stores


You're 100% Lizzo If You Can Finish All These Lyrics
Atlantic Records/Nice Life
Last summer, what was your favorite bop?
"7 Rings"
"Bury a Friend"
"Truth Hurts"
billie eilish
Darkroom / Interscope
What makes you mad?
Judgemental people
People who don't keep their promises
Arrogant people
People who aren't there for their loved ones
ariana grande
You never leave the house without ________.
Hair ties


bad guy by Billie Eilish
Darkroom / Interscope
What's your favorite musical genre?
Hip hop
If your partner wanted to get you a nice surprise, what should they buy for you?
Something cute, like a cat ears headband
Something expensive, like fine jewelry
Something comfy, like an oversized tee
Something trendy, like a micro handbag
ariana grande
Has your appearance changed a lot since high school?
Yuh, of course.
The main difference is that I have a better clothes budget.
I'm still in school.
No, not at all


billie eilish
Darkroom / Interscope
What's your dream job?
Restaurant owner
Music teacher
Ariana Grande
When you enter a room, what do you want everyone to think?
"She's so cute!"
"Whoa, she's flawless."
"I better not mess with her."
"I can't wait to meet her!"
Someone you just started dating tells you they're emotionally going through a rough patch. Do you keep dating them?
No. I don't have the emotional bandwidth.
Yes, I understand what they're going through.
As long as it's a healthy relationship for me.


ariana grande
What's your favorite kind of boot?
Ankle bootie
Combat boot
Do you embrace your gender role?
Yes, definitely
Yes ... almost too much
I treat it fluidly.
billie eilish
Darkroom / Interscope
Let's say you're planning a European tour. Which city are you most excited to swing through?
