Can We Guess the Type of Food You're Craving Right Now?

By: Talin Vartanian
Estimated Completion Time
3 min
Can We Guess the Type of Food You're Craving Right Now?
Image: Slavica/E+/Getty Images

About This Quiz


Feeling hungry? Let's talk about everyone's favorite thing in this world: food! Cravings can hit anytime, anywhere, and they might be a result of childhood memories or a longing for something you lack in your life. Food brings comfort and warmth, and certain tastes like bitter, sour, salty, sweet, and umami can play a role in what you're craving right now. Take this fun foodie quiz to see if we can guess the type of food you're dreaming of!

Maybe you're on a no-sugar diet and craving a cupcake, or perhaps you haven't had Japanese food in forever and are longing for some sushi rolls and takoyaki. Food can bring friends and families together, creating lasting memories and moments of joy. If you can identify the taste category you're craving the most, you might just learn how to combat those cravings when they strike next. So why wait? Take the what food am i craving>/b> quiz and see if we can guess the type of food you're craving right now!

Cravings can be tricky, but with this foodie quiz, we'll try to uncover your deepest food desires. Whether you're in the mood for something salty, sweet, sour, bitter, or umami, this quiz will help you understand your cravings better. So, if you're ready to embark on a culinary journey and let us guess the type of food you're dreaming of, then it's time to play! Don't wait any longer to satisfy your hunger cravings by taking this exciting quiz now!

Q1 flavor profile
Laurence Monneret/The Image Bank/Getty Images
What flavor profile is making your mouth water?
All of these in one bite
Q2 restaurant
d3sign/Moment/Getty Images
If you were at a restaurant, what type of meal would you order?
Side dish
Q3 Drink
Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank/Getty Images
What kind of drink would pair well with your current cravings?
Hot tea


Q4 breakfast lunch dinner
Unsplash by Travis Yewell
Is this more of a breakfast, lunch or dinner thing?
It's more of a midnight thing.
Q5 Foodie City
visualspace/E+/Getty Images
Which of these foodie cities would you love to travel to?
Los Angeles
New York City
New Orleans
Q6 Presentation or Smell
Wavebreakmedia Ltd/Wavebreak Media / Getty Images Plus/Getty Images
Do you care more about presentation or the way a dish smells?
Presentation is everything.
Both are equally important.
Ahh ... the smell of good food.
Don't care, I just wanna eat!


Q7 Peppers
LauriPatterson/E+/Getty Images
Which of these peppers seem tolerable to you?
Jalapeno pepper
Habanero pepper
Bell pepper
I don't like spicy food.
Q8 Cook or Takeout
Alexander Spatari/Moment/Getty Images
Is it better to cook your own food or order takeout?
I love cooking.
I love eating out.
Takeout ftw!
Depends on my mood.
Q9 Packaged Convenience
Unsplash by Phuong Tran
Do you have a soft spot for convenience or packaged foods?
Eww ... no!
Only when I haven't eaten all day
My mouth is watering.


Q10 Food Groups
Elizabeth Fernandez/Moment/Getty Images
Which of these food groups do you prefer the most?
Fruit or veggies
Junk food
Q11 Palate
Unsplash by Luis Reynoso
How has your palate evolved over the past few years?
It's become more sophisticated.
I pretty much eat anything.
I don't think it has.
I think it's gone backward.
Q12 foreign sweet treats
JMichl/E+/Getty Images
Which of these foreign sweet treats would you munch on at midnight?
Belgium waffles
Turkish delight
Butter cookies
Tokyo banana


Q13 Heavy or Light Meal
PredragImages/E+/Getty Images
Are you craving a meal that's more light or heavy?
Somewhere in the middle
I'm craving something that actually tastes good.
Q14 Italian Restaurant
Blurr/E+/Getty Images
If you were at an Italian restaurant, what would you order?
Alfredo pasta
Q15 Adventurous
Carlina Teteris/Moment/Getty Images
Would you describe yourself as an adventurous person with regards to food?
I like to stick to certain trends.
Not really
Sometimes I am.


Q16 Solo family meal
Anjelika Gretskaia/Moment/Getty Images
Is it more fun to enjoy a meal family-style or completely solo?
I don't really have a preference.
Family-style, there's more food to eat!
I prefer dining out with one other person.
It's way more fun eating alone.
Q17 Restaurant
Pexels by Pixabay
Which of these restaurants is your go-to favorite?
I'm a Starbucks person.
Outback Steakhouse
Dickey's BBQ Pit
The Cheesecake Factory
Q18 Food Challenge
CasarsaGuru/E+/Getty Images
Which of these food challenges would you participate in?
Blindfold food taste challenge
Spicy food challenge
Gross smoothie challenge
Timed food quantity challenge


Q19 Sweet Tooth
MmeEmil/E+/Getty Images
Has anyone ever told you that you have a sweet tooth?
I get that sometimes.
No one has ever told me that before.
Once in a great while
Oh yeah. All the time.
Q20 Craving strikes
Jena Ardell/Moment/Getty Images
What kind of creature do you turn into when a craving strikes?
I'm still my kind ol' self.
I have no idea.
Pissed off cat
Q21 Pizza
Unsplash by Chad Montano
How would you build the pizza of your dreams?
Supreme pizza
Spicy sausage pizza
BBQ chicken ranch pizza
Hawaiian pizza


Q22 Salty Butter Sugar
Pexels by Mister Mister
Would you rather eat something that's full of sugar, salt or butter?
Q23 basic philosophy
Photo by Cathy Scola/Moment/Getty Images
What's your basic philosophy when it comes to eating?
Eat till I'm 80% full.
Always take the time to enjoy food.
Eat when I'm bored.
Eat till I can't move anymore.
Q24 Unpopular Foods
beyhanyazar/E+/Getty Images
Which of these unpopular foods would you eat if you were super hungry?


Q25 Cuisine
GoodLifeStudio/E+/Getty Images
What type of cuisine is synonymous with the word "yummy?"
French food
German food
American food
Soul food
Q26 Sushi
Stephen Simpson/Stone/Getty Images
Which of these sushi rolls would you order at a restaurant?
California roll
Spicy tuna roll
Dragon roll
Eel roll
Q27 cilantro
FotografiaBasica/E+/Getty Images
What does cilantro taste like to you?
Like a fresh herb
Like dish soap
Like vomit
I've never had cilantro.


Q28 Herbs
Pixabay by scym
Do you have a preference for fresh or dried herbs?
Fresh herbs
Dried herbs
I'm not an herb person.
Depends on the food.
Q29 Toast
F.J. Jiménez/Moment/Getty Images
Which of the following pairs well with a slice of toast?
Fruits or veggies
Peanut butter
Q30 Hunger Craving
Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank/Getty Images
When does a hunger craving usually strike?
After I wake up
When I get home from work
During work
I'm always hungry.
