'90s Kids Should Be Able to Finish These Cheesy Product Slogans. Can You?
By: Lauren Lubas
4 min
Image: The Coca-Cola Company
About This Quiz
Do you know what 15 minutes can save you? Do you have what it takes to avoid the ... whatever it is? We bet you know all about avoiding messing with Texas. If you're a '90s kid, you may have some vivid memories of the slogans that you heard on the radio and during your Saturday morning cartoon programming. This is not an accident. Everyone knows that a simple catchphrase or slogan can attract a kid to a product, and everyone knows that repetition is the foundation memory and retention. In the '90s, advertising took on a whole new role with slogans that did exactly what they were supposed to do: get stuck in people's heads for-e-ver.Â
If these earworms have attacked you, don't consider yourself a victim, because it all comes down to passing this quiz. You may be able to tell us what the San Francisco treat is, but you probably wouldn't be able to do it without singing the song tortured us in 1998 (woo-oo oh-ooh!).Â
'90s kids rejoice! We have the ultimate cheesy product slogan quiz for you. Finish these slogans and you will be the champion of 1990s advertising, but make a mistake, and we may have to send you to Y2K.Â
These candies are special, because of how the chocolate melts. "It melts in your mouth, not in your ____" what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
M&Ms candies had a lot of great slogans in the 1990s. Who could forget the blatant exploitation of the Millennium commercials in 1999? In the early 1990s, however, they stuck to what they were good at: explaining how the chocolate melted in your mouth and not in your hand.
Do you remember which candy was the freshmaker? "_______, the freshmaker"
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Some of the commercials of the 1990s tended to get a little weird. This was because people didn't want to be "sold" on products, they wanted to be entertained while they watched television. Mentos did a great job of creating 30-second stories with their commercials.
Sonny the bird was "Cuckoo for _______" what cereal?
Mother nature
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Lucky Charms
Cocoa Puffs
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
There was something about making cereal mascots do some crazy things. We all know the Trix Rabbit tried to steal, but Sonny was the craziest of all. He even admitted to being crazy for the chocolate cereal he represented.
This Campbell's soup commercial let everyone know that their soup was "M'm, m'm, _______" what?
Correct Answer
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Campbell's Soup never joined the cartoony craze of marketing to children in the 1990s. Their commercials were wholesome and warmed your heart, like their soup warmed your belly (and gave you heartburn).
If you popped this canister, something terrible might happen, because "once you pop, you ____" Can you finish the slogan?
Have fun
Can't stop
Run away
Correct Answer
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What better way for Pringles to take advantage of the compulsive eating nature of people in the 1990s. They wanted to let you know that it was totally cool to eat without stopping, as long as it was their chips you were stuffing in your face.
What is the end of this slogan? "Don't leave _______"
Your side
Home without it
My side
Correct Answer
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American Express used to offer a protection plan on items you bought with the card. These days, however, they leave it up to the stores who sell the items, but they do want to remind you not to leave home without that credit card of yours.
What did this apologetic tuna company have to say? "Sorry, ______"
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Tuna companies were in a lot of trouble in the 1990s, as we learned what bycatch was and how for every can of tuna we ate, one Flipper was murdered in fisherman's net. It made people start to wonder who Starkist was actually apologizing to.
This little chihuahua let everyone know what he wanted. What did he say? "Yo _________"
I want Wendys
I want a dog
Quiero Taco Bell
I want a friend
Correct Answer
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Of all of the cultural appropriation happening in the 1990s, the chihuahua Taco Bell commercials took the cake and splattered it all over Latinx culture. At least they made plush toys out of it, we guess.
We all know that Ring Pops were lollipops without sticks, but can you finish the rest of this song? "A ring of flavor you can ___"
Correct Answer
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If a boy wanted to marry you, you got a Ring Pop on Valentine's day. You probably never married that boy, though. This was mostly because the Ring Pop was gone by lunch time, and so was the romance.
Another slogan in song form, can you finish this one from a Chili's commercial? "I want my ________"
Money back
Babyback ribs
Correct Answer
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"Doo nDoo Da Doo Doo" ... erm, sorry. We all know this song rather well, and most of us can't hear it without envisioning *NSync on a beach, begging for ribs. Oh, Justin Timberlake ... you hit that note perfectly.
According to this coffee, what was the best part of waking up? "The best part of waking up is ______"
A hot coffee cup
Folgers in your cup
A soldier in your cup
Listening to rap
Correct Answer
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The early 1990s brought us a lot of jingles that we may never forget. One of those jingles was the song that showed people having a wonderful and relaxing morning with a cup of coffee and a quiet house. It wasn't realistic, but it was effective.
"When pizza's on a bagel, you can have pizza _____" when?
In the morning
In the evening
At supertime
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
If you've ever eaten these, you probably never wanted pizza again. However, they were a fun marketing ploy in the 1990s, as all '90s kids just wanted pizza for dinner (exclusively), and if they could have some for a snack, it helped parents curb their cravings.
This cereal had a magic flavor. How did the slogan go? "They're magically ______"
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It seems like the big word of the decade was "Delicious." Everything had to be delicious in the 1990s, and the word delicious popped up in a lot of ads (pay attention, because we're giving you hints for future questions). Lucky Charms were magical and delicious ... they were magically delicious.
What did Nike ask you to do in the 1990s? "Just Do _____"
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If you were in middle school or high school in the 1990s, you may have been propositioned with this slogan or some other pun that went along with the product. Nike had a nice idea for a slogan, if children didn't call a certain *other* activity "it."
Little Caesar's Pizza doubled their efforts in the '90s with what slogan? "Pizza _____"
Times 2
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
When you got two pizzas for the price of one, you knew you were getting a deal. If you were lucky, your parents sprang for some crazy bread to add to your carb feast ... but only if you were lucky.
If you were low on mustard, you might pull up to a Rolls Royce and ask the other person "Pardon me, do you have any ________" what?
Grey Poupon
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The actual slogan for Grey Poupon mustard was "One of life's finer pleasures," but everyone remembers the question being asked. Some uptight rich dudes in a car are battling over a jar of mustard.
According to this soap commercial you can't be clean until you use their soap. "You're not fully clean, unless you're _______"
Zestfully clean
Dialed up
Caress clean
Irish Spring clean
Correct Answer
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If you aren't singing this slogan in your head right now, you probably never saw the commercial. Of course, when they sing it, it seems like the words zest and fully are separated.
Kentucky Fried Chicken had a few slogans in the 1990s, can you finish this one? "We do _______"
Chicken right
Burgers too
Everything my way
Chicken nuggets
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
If your company has to tell people that they do something properly, they probably aren't doing something properly. As the pizza craze consumed children of the 1990s, KFC became less and less of a fast food option.
Bounty paper towels were also known as the "quicker picker" what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The '90s gave us a lot of great slogans with words used out of context. Sure, Bounty towels picked up your messes quick, but do we have to call it a picker upper? That seems like a machine that was invented to lift large objects.
"Just what the Dr. _____" can you finish the slogan for Dr. Pepper?
Found in my stomach
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Before Lil' Sweet popped up in our living rooms and on our phone ads, we had a prescription from the Dr. Pepper commercials. It was telling people that this drink was all they needed to relax and have fun.
KFC claimed their chicken was "finger lickin' _____" what?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
If you didn't have a napkin while eating KFC, you had to lick your fingers. Not necessarily because it was good chicken, but that's what the slogan wanted you to think. We guess, for some, grease is good, so it probably isn't false advertising.
Can you finish this popular makeup slogan of the '90s? "Maybe she's born with it, maybe ________"
It's Sephora
It's Mac
It's Maybelline
It's Revlon
Correct Answer
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Even if you were young and didn't wear makeup in the '90s, you probably know this slogan as well as you know your birthday. Maybelline commercials were played during "90210" and other shows that starred teenagers played by twenty-somethings.
In 1992, Coca Cola wanted you to drink their fountain drinks, and they wanted you to know that a fun time calls for something special. Can you finish the short-lived slogan? "This calls _____"
My best friend
For a coke
For a taste
For a refreshment
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
After "Have a Coke and a smile" and before people's names were on bottles, Coke had to try something new. They wanted to market their fountain drinks, and to do so, they showed high schoolers in an undisclosed restaurant getting refills. It probably didn't do much as this slogan didn't last long.
Snapple always claimed to be "Made from the _______" what?
Tears of our enemies
Drink you love
Trees in faraway lands
Best stuff on Earth
Correct Answer
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Before the Snapple lady graced us with useless information, Snapple marketed its products like any other beverage company: with an athlete. We aren't sure how fake juice and iced tea help tennis performance, but Snapple knows the secret.
This cereal changed its entire look to create this slogan. Can you finish it? "The taste you can ____"
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Cinnamon Toast Crunch wasn't a terrible tasting cereal. The idea was that you had cinnamon and sugar toast for breakfast, so why not turn that into a cereal? The company even went so far as to create brand mascots, the chefs, to appeal to young children, but it wasn't until the children could see the taste on the bits of cereal that they believed it was good.
If you wore this deodorant, you had confidence, but how do you finish the slogan? "Raise your hand if _______"
You're sure
You're confident
You know the answer
You sweat
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Deodorant commercials before the 1990s weren't up to par with the entertainment that was necessary to keep a viewer's attention. However, if the deodorant commercials had songs and stories, they became memorable.
Do you remember how cool Poptarts were in the '90s? "So cool, they're ______"
Correct Answer
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Wouldn't it be better to say that Poptarts were so hot, they were cool? Have you ever tried to eat one of those directly out of the toaster? If so, you probably remember the icy heat sensation as the fruit filling cauterized your taste buds.
If you're wondering why '90s kids have anxiety, look no farther than this game. You had to be perfect and fast, or you got a bunch of plastic shapes blown into your face. Nothing scary about that.
According to Geico, what can 15 minutes save you? "15 Minutes can save you ________"
50% or more
30% or more
20% or more
15% or more
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
It wasn't about 15 minutes of fame with Geico. However, they did their best to skip the cold-calling step, and pleaded with people to call them, offering a possibility of saving hundreds of dollars on their car insurance. The slogan worked very well for the company.
Ronald McDonald liked to ask people this question: "Do you _____" what?
Even Mac Attack?
Believe in magic?
Like McDonalds?
Have a dollar?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
You're probably still singing the end of that song, so we'll wait for you to finish ... Now that you're done, it's important to know that McDonald's really had a lot of great slogans in the 1990s, and believing in magic was a part of those slogans.
Where is the taste in Honeycomb cereal? "The taste is in _______"
The bites
The spoon
The milk
The shape
Correct Answer
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No one is certain how you can see honey flavors in a small puffy flower made of wheat and corn, but for some reason this slogan resonated with us. (We know it was supposed to be a honeycomb shape, and not a flower shape, but just look at the cereal, would ya?)
Who does Domino's want you to avoid? "Avoid the ___"
Correct Answer
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Some of us '90s kids had a weird rubbery Noid character with a wire frame that we could pose. Others simply just ate Domino's and watched their weird commercials that interrupted TGIF.
What is the taste of Juicy Fruit going to do to you? "The taste is gonna ____"
Surprise you
Love you
Move ya
Groove ya
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Juicy Fruit's flavor may have only lasted as long as the commercial ran, but it was a nice fruity flavor (although we couldn't identify what fruit we were tasting). For some reason, people thought it was a good idea to market gum that gave people energy ... even though it didn't.
"When it absolutely, positively has to be ______" can you finish this slogan?
There overnight
A diamond
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
FedEx wanted everyone to know that they moved quickly. However, if you showed up at one of their stores to drop off a parcel after 11 am, overnight basically meant the day after tomorrow.
Kix was a great cereal that didn't have a whole lot of sugar, making it "Kid tested, ______" what?
Kid approved
Parent approved
Father approved
Mother approved
Correct Answer
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Kix were a great cereal for kids who didn't like sweet breakfasts. Yes, there were children out there who didn't enjoy a giant bowl of sugar for breakfast, but for the most part, it was the last cereal left in the pantry in the summer time.
Do you remember the slogan for Honey Nut Cheerios? "It's a honey of a _____"
Good time
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We know the honey bee from Honey Nut Cheerios commercials very well, but a lot of people don't realize that he started off as a cartoon (not CGI) who bizzed and buzzed around guys singing at the piano.
Socker boppers claimed to be "more fun than a ____" what?
Boxing match
Pillow fight
Soccer ball
Barrel of monkeys
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Kids were pretty violent in the 1990s (mostly because there were so many violent cartoons, movies and video games for us to play). With Sock Boppers, parents could avoid bare knuckle boxing matches, and settle for broken noses.
In the 1990s, Jolly Rancher candies came in a square package, but do you know how to finish their slogan? "Jolly Rancher candy, the great taste of fruit, ______"
In a square
Now in square shapes
The fruity squares
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Jolly Rancher commercials of the 1990s had to be some of the best commercials of all time. They played with words, had excellent visuals, and delivered a lot of information in just 30 seconds.
"Big on ______" What was a Three Musketeers bar big on?
Correct Answer
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In the 1990s, there were a lot of products that were big on taste and big on sugar, but Three Musketeerrs took it a step further, claiming to be big on chocolate. This is probably because they never had a Magnum ice cream bar.
This cookie company boasted 1,000 chocolate chips in every package, but how did their slogan go? "1000 Chips ______!"
In every bag
Cookie crisps
In every cookie
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We often wonder if anyone ever actually attempted to count the chocolate chips in a bag of Chips Ahoy! cookies. Additionally, we wonder if the chocolate chips at the bottom of the plastic rack counted toward the 1,000.