About This Quiz
The picture wasn't always the best, humid summer nights could be uncomfortable and the sound didn't come from a Dolby surround system, but from a small speaker attached to your car's window. Still, many people recall the drive-in movie experience as a fondly remembered treat. While there are still some sprinkled around the country, drive-ins have largely been left behind for the air-conditioned comfort of the multiplex or the projector in the home's rec room. They may have fallen out of favor with today's audiences, but for movie-goers of the 1950s, drive-ins were the place to see movies - and be seen by your friends - on Friday and Saturday nights.
Drive-ins also worked the magic of transforming your car from a simple vehicle into a theater with comfortable seats and a clear view of the screen (assuming your windshield was clean and in good condition). If you were lucky enough to drive a convertible, the sky was the ceiling of your own personal cinema. From couples wanting a night away from the kids to family trips where the kids came along to teens on a date where the movie wasn't always the main attraction, drive-ins were a part of the American experience, and cars were integral to that experience.
Are you ready for a quiz to see how much you remember (or were told) when it comes to cars parked in rows during the weekend facing a giant screen showing "Attack of the 50 Woman," "Daddy-O" or "Thunder Road"? Grab your popcorn, your jujubes and a soda, put your arm around your best guy or gal, and see how much you remember about these cars of the '50s!