Can You Identify These Harry Potter Characters If We Remove Their Eyebrows?
By: Lauren Lubas
4 min
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures / Heyday Films
About This Quiz
The Harry Potter series has pleased fans for years, and with the release of the "Fantastic Beasts" series, it doesn't look as though it will ever let up. J.K. Rowling has created the ultimate universe with a rich history and educational structure that will keep the stories coming for generations. While many of us love the books more than any other version, the movies are what really draw people in. And once people start watching the movies they fall in love with the characters. We can spot a character from a simple description; we know each character's hopes and dreams, and we know whether or not the character is a bad guy or a good guy. Additionally, we know what their facial expressions mean, how they look when their face rests and what they look like when they're casting a spell.
You probably could name every character from the Harry Potter movie and book series, but do you think you can figure out who's who if their eyebrows are missing? This is a Harry Potter identification quiz with a twist. We want to see just how much of a Potterhead you really are. Take this quiz to see if you can spot your favorite Harry Potter characters without their eyebrows.
He's known for his half-moon spectacles, but can you identify him without any eyebrows?
Professor Dumbledore
Professor Snape
Professor Slughorn
Fred Weasley
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Professor Dumbledore was played by two different actors, but few noticed or cared too much about the actor switch, as this was Harry's go-to man when it came to all of the strange things that had to do with the magical world.
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Who was Harry's uncle in the movies?
Severus Snape
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
When you really think about it, Uncle Vernon was one of the most evil characters in the series. Sure, he only wanted a sense of normalcy, but in the end, he was basically the direct opposite of Voldemort, making him just as evil.
Which young character was Harry's nemesis in school?
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Gellert Grindelwald
Rubeus Hagrid
Correct Answer
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Draco Malfoy wasn't born a bad person, he was just born into a bad family. It wasn't his fault that he wanted to impress his dad by being evil and attempting to kill Dumbledore. It was his pride.
What we learn about Severus Snape in the later installments of the series helps us to understand his actions throughout the earlier books and movies. The fact that Harry named his son after Snape shows how the student's attitude about the teacher evolved.
Can you name this Harry Potter villain who loved the color pink?
Professor Umbridge
Rubeus Hagrid
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Delores Umbridge like two things: order and the color pink. She would do anything to ensure that everyone around her listened to her without any interruption ... including scarring them for life with a dark magic quill.
Which member of the Order of the Phoenix was half giant?
Rubeus Hagrid
Albus Dumbledore
James Potter
Sirius Black
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We all know and love Hagrid as the man who first introduced Harry Potter to the wizarding world. Because he was half giant, he was set with the task to bring the giants to the good side of the wizard battle. He did not succeed.
During the first few movies, we really one hear about Bill Weasley. However, he actually is a member of the Order of the Phoenix and he works at Gringotts wizarding bank as a curse breaker.
Luna Lovegood is a social outcast throughout the series, but when you look closer at her, she is an exceptional witch with intelligence that rivals Hermione's. It just goes to show that you can't judge a book by its cover, or a Harry Potter character by her eyebrows.
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Can you name this character who came of age while he was working on the movies?
Professor Sprout
Harry Potter
Fred Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Correct Answer
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We all know Neville as the boy who seemed to always get in trouble, and not from his own doing. He gets set up with a wonky broom and the Cornish pixies attack him. He just can't catch a break.
This character can change her face and hair color whenever she wants. What's her name?
Hermione Granger
Nymphadora Tonks
Luna Lovegood
Dolores Umbridge
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Nymphadora Tonks is one of the coolest characters in the Harry Potter series. She can change her hair and facial features as she pleases ... just don't call her Nymphadora, she hates that.
Who is this bright witch who knows quite a bit about everything?
Luna Lovegood
Remus Lupin
Hermione Granger
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We know Hermione as Ron's wife and Harry's best friend, but we often forget that both Ron and Harry thought she was a little too cocky for their taste. It wasn't Hermione's fault, though; she just didn't have a lot of social skills.
She was a powerful witch and the girl Harry fell in love with. Who is she?
Hermione Granger
Ginny Weasley
Bellatrix Lestrange
Nymphadora Tonks
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
When we first meet Ginny Weasley, she is skittish and shy, but we later learn that that's only because she likes Harry. When she no longer has a crush on Harry, she becomes a strong, independent character who Harry dates.
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Do you remember which Hogwarts professor can turn into a cat?
Professor McGonagall
Professor Hagrid
Professor Dumbledore
Professor Snape
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
At first, it seems like Professor McGonagall is a mean person. Later, we learn that this isn't the case. She is strict, but she is fair, and she doesn't put up with any kind of shenanigans.
This character killed Sirius Black and had wild hair. Who is it?
Delores Umbridge
Bellatrix Lestrange
Sybill Trelawney
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Bellatrix Lastrange has a reputation for being absolutely insane, and when she breaks out of Hogwarts we learn that she lives up to that reputation. She dances and sings when she kills Sirius, but she's absolutely in love with Voldemort.
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Can you name this ghost character if we take away her eyebrows?
Fleur Delacour
Moaning Myrtle
Pansy Parkinson
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Ghosts exist in the wizarding world, and some of them can be helpful. When the main characters finally get Moaning Myrtle to settle down, she helps them figure out where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is.
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Which character predicted the Dark Lord's return?
Professor Dumbledore
Professor Snape
Professor McGonagall
Professor Trelawney
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Professor Trelawney seemed a little off the wall for a while, but we soon learn why Dumbledore hired her ... it was for her own protection, as she was the one who told the prophecy about Voldemort and Harry.
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Who was Ron in love with in the fourth movie?
Fleur Delacour
Hermione Granger
Rita Skeeter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
In the books, we learn that Fleur Delacour has some Veela in her blood. The Veela is a human-like female creature that can attract men. Of course, this really doesn't translate well in the movies, so it was left out.
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Which character from Harry Potter makes wands?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Garrick Ollivander is the wand maker everyone goes to in the Harry Potter series. If you didn't get this question right, don't worry, he is definitely difficult to identify when his eyebrows are missing.
Do you remember this character who had no magical powers, but worked at Hogwarts?
Argus Filch
Walder Frey
Professor Flitwick
Dean Thomas
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Yes, it is the same actor who played Walder Frey in the "Game of Thrones" series. However, in the Harry Potter series, he's a man who just wants to learn magic, as his entire family has magical powers, except him.
Can you identify this character who wrote for the Daily Prophet?
Percy Weasley
Cornelius Fudge
Argus Filch
Rita Skeeter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Rita Skeeter was a journalist who gave other journalists a bad name. She wanted nothing more than drama and adventure in her stories, and she would easily make it up if there was none to be found.
Harry Potter asked this character to the Yule Ball, and she turned him down. Who is she?
Pansy Parkinson
Cho Chang
Hannah Abbott
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Cho Chang turned Harry down because Cedric Diggory asked her to the dance first. Of course, by the next book, Cho becomes Harry Potter's first kiss ever. He described it in the books as "wet."
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Who was the Quidditch referee in the first movie?
Madam Hooch
Madam Pasqual
Professor Trelawney
Professor Dumbledore
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
While Madam Hooch was in the first movie, she seemed to disappear soon after. She did make it to a few chapters within the books, but in the end, her character seemed superfluous for the films.
Can you name this Minister of Magic without his eyebrows?
Albus Dumbledore
Arthur Weasley
Lucius Malfoy
Cornelius Fudge
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Cornelius Fudge is the kind of Minister of Magic who gives us pause when we look at our own leaders. He is in denial for a long time about Voldemort's return, giving the press the option to lie without sources about Harry's telling of the story.
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This character turned out to be Ron's pet. Who is he?
Sirius Black
Peter Pettigrew
Remus Lupin
Regulus Black
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We know him by many names: Scabbers, Peter and Wormtail. In the third movie, we learn that he is the one who betrayed Harry's parents, but before he can be punished, he escapes and finds Voldemort.
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Who was Harry Potter's mom?
Petunia Potter
Julianna Potter
Leslie Church
Lily Potter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Whenever people talk to Harry about his parents, they tell him he has his mother's eyes. However, they also tell him about how smart and bright his mother was. It was a shame she died, but she saved Harry's life in doing so.
Do you recognize this character who went to Durmstrang Institute for Magical Learning if we take away his eyebrows?
Pansy Parkinson
Albus Dumbledore
Viktor Krum
Quirinus Quirrell
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Viktor Krum walked into Hogwarts a celebrity. He had participated in the Quidditch World Cup and then became a Triwizard Champion for his school. He may not have been the smartest contestant, but he performed well.
This character is mother to Harry's rival at school. Can you identify her without eyebrows?
Natalie Malfoy
Severus Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Julianna Malfoy
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
While you may think of the Malfoys as terrible people, Narcissa and Lucius deep down only care about keeping their child safe. We watch as Narcissa saves Harry's life by telling Voldemort he's dead once she learns that Draco is alive.
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We took this character's eyebrows away. Do you think you know who he is?
Arthur Weasley
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We all know and love Arthur Weasely as Harry's counterpart. He knows as much about the muggle world as Harry knows about the wizarding world at first. Additionally, Arthur is just as interested in muggles as Harry is in witches and wizards.
Who is this character who is missing an eye and a leg?
Argus Filch
Dudley Dursley
Alastor Moody
Professor Quirrell
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
It's unfortunate that we didn't get to see the real Mad Eye Moody for very long on screen in the Harry Potter movies. That is, if you remember that the real Moody was replaced by Barty Crouch Jr. who drank polyjuice potion to trick Harry.
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Can you name this character who is a member of Dumbledore's army?
Susan Bones
Bathilda Bagshot
Lavender Brown
Katie Bell
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Lavender Brown had a brief romance with Ronald Weasley, but he had his eyes on another. She was a Gryffindor student who joined Dumbledore's army when Defense Against the Dark Arts was watered down for the students.
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Which Hufflepuff was a Triwizard Champion?
Cedric Diggory
Viktor Krum
Fleur Delacour
Harry Potter
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Cedric Diggory made his first appearance in the movies in "The Goblet of Fire;" however, he was in the books before that. He is the one Voldemort killed as soon as he came back into his body.
Do you remember who this member of the Ministry of Magic is?
Barty Crouch Sr.
Barty Crouch Jr.
Dedalus Diggle
Frank Bryce
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
He was the first one to recognize that Professor Moody wasn't Professor Moody, but his son, Barty Crouch Jr. This ended up getting him killed, which was one of the first crazy deaths in the series.
What is the name of this Gryffindor who had a penchant for blowing things up?
Filius Flitwick
Percey Weasley
Seamus Finnigan
Neville Longbottom
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We first meet Seamus as a baby-faced boy who accidentally blows things up, but then he becomes a jerk who doesn't believe Harry until it's too late. He ends up saving Hogwarts by blowing up a bridge.
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This character is the commentator for the Quidditch matches. Who is he?
Gregory Goyle
Fenrir Greyback
Igor Karkaroff
Lee Jordan
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
While he doesn't get a whole lot of character development, Lee Jordan is actually a pretty great character. His wit and inability to hide the fact that he hates Slytherin make him one of the best Quidditch announcers around.
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Who teaches Harry how to play Quidditch?
Lee Jordan
Oliver Wood
Myrtle Warren
Bill Weasley
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
In the first book and movie, Oliver Wood is the captain of the Gryffindor House Quidditch team. He teaches Harry (and the audience) all about how the impossibly intricate game of Quidditch works.
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Can you identify this Weasley mom without her eyebrows?
Ginny Weasley
Sarah Weasley
Molly Weasley
Narcissa Weasley
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Molly Weasley has a lot of children, and most of them are boys. To be the mom of five wizards and one witch is no easy feat. This turns her into a strong woman with a strong will, who is very protective.
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She only made an appearance in one movie, but can you identify her without her eyebrows?
Marge Dursley
Petunia Dursley
Bartemius Crouch Jr.
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We hear about her in the first movie ("Marge is ill"), but we don't meet her until the third movie, when Harry turns her into a hot air balloon, because she speculates on why Harry is such a bad seed.
At first, Kingsley Shacklebolt seems like a scary dude, but we soon learn that he is pretty laid back, and he is one heck of an auror. He does his job well, and he's a member of the Order of the Phoenix.
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What is the name of this terrible Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher?
Lee Jordan
Viktor Krum
Gilderoy Lockhart
Severus Snape
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
We all know someone like Gilderoy Lockhart. He's the kind of guy who lives on one moment ... a moment he probably stole from someone else, because he's too scared to take life on by himself.
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Can you identify this "nurse" who worked at Hogwarts if she doesn't have eyebrows?
Nymphadora Tonks
Molly Weasley
Madam Pomfrey
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
From Madam Pomfrey, we learn that healing broken bones is no big deal, but when it comes to growing bones back (which is possible in the wizarding world), that is some tricky (and sickly) business.