About This Quiz
"Embark on a biblical adventure with this exciting quiz that will test your knowledge of famous characters from the Bible! From iconic heroes to notorious villains, the Bible is filled with unforgettable figures that have shaped history and culture for centuries. See if you can guess the characters from just one clue and prove your biblical expertise!
The Bible has had a profound influence on the world, from shaping empires to inspiring works of art and literature. Its stories and teachings have permeated modern culture, with many quotes and references originating from the Bible. Whether you're a religious scholar or just a pop culture enthusiast, this bible character quiz offers a fun challenge for anyone curious about the characters of the Bible.
If you're ready to put your biblical knowledge to the test, dive into this quiz and see if you can guess the characters based on a single clue. Explore the world of the Bible and discover the fascinating figures that have captivated audiences for centuries. Challenge yourself and see if you can name the characters that have left a lasting impact on history and culture!
"Mary gave birth to Jesus. This event occurs in both the New Testament and the Quran.
Adam is the first man created by God in "Genesis." God creates him from the earth.
Solomon was the last king of united Israel before it split into Judah and Israel. He is well known for his wisdom and wealth.
Judas Iscariot is the most famous of the apostles, known for betraying Jesus for 30 silver coins. He is a controversial figure, because according to Christian myth, his betrayal and the death of Christ were necessary for the salvation of humanity.
Thomas is known as "Doubting Thomas" informally because he doubted Jesus' resurrection at first. He travelled as far as India preaching, and founded the Indian Religious community that would come to by known as the Nasrani.
Moses is the famous savior of the Israelites, who led them out of slavery in Egypt. He grew up as an Egyptian royal after his mother hid him on the Nile to spare him from the orders of the Pharoah, which were for all newborn Hebrew boys to be killed.
Mary Magdalene traveled with Jesus as one of his followers. She is mentioned throughout the Gospels more than any of the apostles.
Eve was the first woman created by God. She was made from the rib of Adam, the first man.
Paul was not one of the original apostles, but was a key apostle who preached during the first century. He founded several churches throughout Eurasia.
Cain was the first son of Adam and Eve and the first person ever born. He killed his younger brother, Abel, making him the first human to die.
Miriam was the sister of Moses and Aaron. She played a part in leading the Jews from slavery into freedom.
Jacob first fell in love with Rachel, but was tricked into marrying her older sister Leah on their wedding day. Laban, the father of the sisters, insisted that his older daughter should marry first.
Pontius Pilate was a prefect of the Roman province of Judea. He is reluctant to execute Jesus, but does so when the gathered crowd demands it.
Isaac was the son of Abraham. He was almost sacrificed to God by his father.
Lazarus is known as Saint Lazarus and Lazarus of the Four Days. He took part in what is possibly the most famous of the miracles of Jesus, by being brought back to life by Jesus four days after his death.
Jacob gave birth to 12 sons who founded the 12 tribes of Israel. He is mentioned throughout Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Mormon literature.
David Killed Goliath, the large Philistine, using his wits. He later became the second King of Israel.
Luke the Evangelist is one of the Four Evangelists. This means he is considered to be one of the four authors of the traditional gospels.
Sarah was the half-sister and wife of Abraham. She was the mother of Isaac.
Deborah was the only female judge in Israel's history. She helped instill an era of peace following the lawless years before the country had its first king.
Jezebel was the wife of Ahab. She had a man killed on false pretenses and championed paganism. As a result, she was eventually thrown out of a window and her body was eaten by stray dogs.
Joseph was the husband of Mary and legal father of Jesus. He is venerated as a saint across numerous Christian denominations.
According to some denominations, Jude is one of the brothers of Jesus and in others, he is maybe a cousin of Jesus. James the Just holds a similar statue, with different Christian denominations believing his has different relations to Jesus.
John the Evangelist is the name given to the author of the Gospel of John, about an anonymous apostle. John is believed to be the only apostle to live to old age and not be killed for his faith.
John the Baptist is considered a prophet by Christians, Jews, Muslims, Bahá'Ãs, and Mandaeans. He used baptism as a religious rite.
Mark the Evangelist is a saint and important figure in Early Christianity. He is thought to have brought Christianity to Africa.
Martha of Bethany was the sister of Lazarus. She witnessed his resurrection.
Silas was a first century Early Christian leader. He accompanied Paul the Apostle on missionary journies.
Stephen is venerated as Christianity's first martyr. He was stoned to death.
Joseph is known for being the favorite of his father Jacob and his coat of many colors. After being sold into slavery in Egpyt by his jealous brothers, he rose to a prominent position by interpreting the Pharoah's dreams.
Abraham is an important figure in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, also known as the Abrahamic religions. He nearly sacrificed his son Isaac to God, before God stayed his hand.
Jehu killed the entire royal house of Ahab, under God's instruction. Ahab is remembered as a wicked King.
Rachel was Jacob's first love and favorite wife. After seeing that she was unloved by Jacob, God gave her the first of his children.
Peter is one of the most well-known apostles of Jesus Christ. He is considered to be a leader of the early Christian church.