Can You Name These "Red Dead Redemption" Characters?

By: Emily Maggrett
Estimated Completion Time
4 min
Can You Name These "Red Dead Redemption" Characters?
Image: Rockstar Studios / Rockstar Games

About This Quiz

Ask anybody and they'll tell you that "Red Dead Redemption" is an incredible game. Critics love it, fans have bought millions of copies of it and major associations have given it awards for its acting and music. In a nutshell, "Red Dead Redemption" is the immersive Western video game that generations of players had been waiting for. 

A huge part of what makes "Red Dead Redemption" compelling is its richly detailed world. Each one of its hundreds of characters has a backstory, even if they're just a background character. From the unforgettable John Marston to small-time crook Welsh, everyone in "Red Dead Redemption" is thoughtfully written. 

We wanted to celebrate the greatness of the "Red Dead Redemption" world, so we've come up with a screenshot quiz that does just that! To test your "Red Dead" knowledge, we're asking you to remember the names of characters major and minor, from Bonnie MacFarlane to Shaky. Even if you consider yourself a "Red Dead" expert, you'll find some challenges here. Newcomers to the game, on the other hand, might get completely stumped! So, do you dare to find out whether your "Red Dead" expertise is as strong as you thought? If the answer is yes, then let's play!

Nigel West Dickens
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This trickster is also known as "The Snake Oil Guy." What's his real name?
Jack Marston
John Marston
Andreas Müller
Nigel West Dickens
Bill Williamson
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This gang leader used to be John Marston's BFF. What's his name?
Alwyn Lloyd
Bill Williamson
Micah Bell
Rockstar Studios / Rockstar Games
A second-generation outlaw, he later becomes an informant. Can you recall his name?
Harold MacDougal
Micah Bell
Randall Forrester


Dutch van der Linde
Rockstar Studios / Rockstar Games
He's dangerous, charismatic and being chased by John Marston. Can you name this gang leader?
Seth Briars
Dutch van der Linde
Raul Zubieta
Mel Thaxton
Moses Forth
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
We think this grave-robber is creepy AF. Can you identify him?
Jack Marston
Moses Forth
Dutch van der Linde
Manolo Santander
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This criminal gets slain in a shoot-out. Can you name him?
Javier Escuella
Manolo Santander
John Marston
Jack Marston


Drew MacFarlane
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This rancher and dad has BEEN THROUGH IT. Can you identify him?
Jack Marston
Edgar Ross
Drew MacFarlane
Mel Thaxton
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This ex-gang member now works for the Marstons. Do you remember what he's called?
John Marston
Jack Marston
Edgar Ross
Jack Marston
Rockstar Studios / Rockstar Games
This smart and curious character is more of a reader than a killer. Can you name him?
Seth Briars
Jack Marston
Walton Lowe


Abigail Marston
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
She may not be able to read, but she's very smart. Who is she?
Abigail Marston
Bonnie MacFarlane
Muriel Scranton
Lucille Billingsgate
Edgar Ross
Rockstar Studios / Rockstar Games
He may be a lawman, but he's ruthless. Do you remember what he's called?
Edgar Ross
Outlaw on Horse
Javier Escuella
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
Like a lot of "Red Dead" characters, this guy is an outlaw, mercenary and hitman. Can you remember his name?
Javier Escuella
Abraham Reyes
Colonel Agustin Allende


Landon Ricketts
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This amazing gunslinger is Luisa's ally. Do you know who he is?
John Marston
Jack Marston
Harold MacDougal
Landon Ricketts
Bonnie MacFarlane
Rockstar Studios / Rockstar Games
She's a courageous rancher who loves her family. What's her name?
Luisa Fortuna
Abigail Marston
Bonnie MacFarlane
Mrs. Ditkiss
Seth Briars
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
There's no other way to describe this guy than as a treasure-hunting lunatic. Can you name him?
Harold MacDougal
Seth Briars
Archer Fordham
Archibald Andrews


Agustin Allende
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
He's cruel, he's corrupt, he's ... ?
Jack Marston
Agustin Allende
Emilio Fortuna
Victor Melendez
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
Without this guy, Abraham and Luisa wouldn't be nearly as successful. Can you identify him?
Edgar Ross
Victor Melendez
Emilio Fortuna
Luisa Fortuna
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This babe is a teacher, but she's also a dedicated rebel. What's her name?
Abigail Marston
Bonnie MacFarlane
Luisa Fortuna
Miranda Fortuna


Archibald Andrews
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
He's illiterate, a ferry-rider and the survivor of a zombie attack. Can you identify him?
John Marston
Archibald Andrews
Harold MacDougal
Seth Briars
John Marston
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
Look, no shade, but if you don't know the name of this guy, you've clearly never played "Red Dead Redemption" and have failed every other question in this quiz. So, who is this?
Jack Marston
John Marston
Dutch van der Linde
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
Let's be honest: This lawman sort of sucks. Can you identify him?
Norman Deek
Randall Forrester


Vincente de Santa
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This captain is more reasonable than his boss. Can you remember his name?
Vincente de Santa
Colonel Agustin Allende
Victor Melendez
Harold MacDougal
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This naive professor is not as innocent as he seems. What's his name?
Victor Melendez
Archer Fordham
Harold MacDougal
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
John rescues this ex-gang member, who had a good reason for quitting. What's he called?
Abraham Reyes
Agustin Allende
Harold MacDougal


Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This bro is not very popular, thanks to his constant lies. Can you remember his name?
Leander Holland
Bill Williamson
Emilio Fortuna
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This stagecoach driver's got two sisters. Can you name him?
Archer Fordham
Emilio Fortuna
Victor Melendez
Quique Montemayor
Walton Lowe
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This gang leader causes a lot of trouble in Armadillo. Can you identify him?
Vincente de Santa
Walton Lowe


Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
While he's a criminal, this stutterer is also an ally of John Marston's. Do you remember what he's called?
Seth Briars
Walton Lowe
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This faithful deputy is actually pretty chill. Do you remember what he's called?
Jack Marston
Walton Lowe
Dell Hopkins
Archer Fordham
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
He works for the Bureau of Investigation. He's extremely driven, and he's got a shaky grasp on his temper. Know who he is?
John Marston
Archer Fordham
Walton Lowe


Norman Deek
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
Although he's a nasty customer, he's also a coward. Who is he?
Archer Fordham
Seth Briars
Norman Deek
The Stranger
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This worthy foe for Marston never asks his men to do anything he won't do himself. What's his name?
Vincente de Santa
Quique Montemayor
Victor Melendez
Leigh Johnson
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
Honest, friendly and sarcastic, this lawman is one of the good ones. Can you name him?
Harold MacDougal
Seth Briars
Leigh Johnson


Lucille Billingsgate
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
She's a background character who hates Connie McTavish. Do you know her name?
Mrs. Ditkiss
Miranda Fortuna
Lucille Billingsgate
Abigail Marston
Abraham Reyes
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
He's the leader of the Mexican rebels. Can you remember his name?
Emilio Fortuna
Abraham Reyes
Raul Zubieta
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This major serves under Colonel Allende. Who is he?
Edgar Ross
Raul Zubieta
Victor Melendez
Vincente de Santa


Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
He's great with horses and also plays poker. Who is he?
Harold MacDougal
Alwyn Lloyd
Leander Holland
Outlaw on Horse
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This lifelong criminal is a member of the Williamson gang. Do you remember what he's called?
Outlaw on Horse
Harold MacDougal
Benton Manning
Walton Lowe
Quique Montemayor
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
It's implied that he and Vincente de Santa are more than friends. What's his name?
Quique Montemayor
Victor Melendez
Vincente de Santa


Miranda Fortuna
Rockstar San Diego / Rockstar Games
This little sister hates Colonel Allende. What's her name?
Muriel Scranton
Luisa Fortuna
Miranda Fortuna
Bonnie MacFarlane