Take two single girls and add one girl-crazy bachelor, throw in some quirky friends and neighbors and you've got "Three's Company," a show known as much for its physical comedy as for its outlandish comedy-of-errors situations. Take our quiz -- we've been waiting for you!
Where is Jack when he meets the girls for the first time?
in a tree
in a truck
in a bathtub
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
After a wild goodbye party for their roommate Eleanor, Janet and Chrissy discover Jack asleep in their bathtub. The trio becomes friends and, eventually, roommates.
What do the girls tell the Ropers so that Jack will be able to move in?
he's Janet's brother
he's Chrissy's cousin
he's gay
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Knowing the Ropers would never approve of a man living with two women, the girls tell their landlords that Jack is gay so they will give their approval for Jack to move in.
Who becomes the third roommate after Chrissy moves out midway through the series?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Chrissy's spot in the apartment is taken over by her cousin Cindy Snow, played by Jenilee Harrison. Cindy not only takes over Chrissy's place in the apartment but also takes over her old secretarial job.
Jack's best friend Larry Dallas -- played by Richard Kline -- is a lady-loving used car salesman who lives in the apartment upstairs from Jack and the girls.
Who manages the apartment when the Ropers move away?
Mr. Fulton
Mr. Franklin
Mr. Furley
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
The Ropers sell the building to Bart Furley, who has his brother Ralph take on the role of building manager. Don Knotts plays the "macho man" Mr. Furley.
What act does Janet score tickets for in "Bird Song?"
Frank Sinatra
Chuck Berry
Paul McCartney
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
After Janet scores a pair of Frank Sinatra tickets, Chrissy and Jack fight over who gets to attend the show. Janet finally resolves the problem by giving the tickets to the Ropers.
How does Jack try to avoid the FBI in the Season 4 premiere?
hides in the bathtub
pretends to be Mr. Roper
dresses as Chrissy
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Worried that the FBI is coming to drag him back to the Navy, Jack dresses as Chrissy to avoid them. Eventually, he learns that they only wanted him to provide a character reference for an old friend.
Who does the gang bring in as a temporary housekeeper during Season 6?
Mrs. Roper
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Cindy still made appearances on the show after Terri moved into the apartment, including a spot as a temporary housekeeper for Jack and the girls during Season 6.
Who hosted "The Best of Three's Company" retrospective?
Suzanne Somers
Lucille Ball
Carol Burnett
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
Legendary comedian Lucille Ball took on the hosting duties for "The Best of Three's Company" retrospective, which aired during the show's sixth season.
Which body part does a drunken Jack have tattooed?
his neck
his foot
his backside
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
After a night out with his old Navy buddies, Jack gets a tattoo on his backside. When he tries to have it removed in secret, Mr. Furley suspects he's having a sex change operation.
"The Ropers," which focused on the couple after they moved to Cheviot Hills to manage an apartment building, starred Norman Fell and Audra Lindley and ran for two seasons from 1979 to 1980.
Which "Three's Company" character did "Three's a Crowd" focus on?
Correct Answer
Wrong Answer
"Three's a Crowd" premiered just a week after "Three's Company" ended and focused on Jack and his new life without his roommates. The show lasted only a single season.