Should You Buy a Car, a Truck, a Crossover or an SUV?

By: Nikki Weed
Estimated Completion Time
9 min
Should You Buy a Car, a Truck, a Crossover or an SUV?
Image: 5m3photos/ Moment/ Getty Images

About This Quiz

One of the most overwhelming parts of a vehicle purchase can be deciding exactly what car suits you. Although that sleek and sporty convertible is calling to you from across the sales lot, are you going to fall prey to such a siren and drive off with it? We all want to look cool, but is looking cool also practical for you? You can imagine being at a stoplight, revving your engine and an attractive person in the car next to you gives you a little wave ... your coolness level is through the roof! How often does that happen when you're driving a minivan?

To other people, a vehicle isn't something that will be anything other than a mode of transportation. Still, deciding on the perfect vehicle for you and your needs is paramount to automotive enjoyment. After taking this quiz, you'll become more aware of what your wants and needs are when it comes to what you drive. AAA states that on average, Americans spend almost 17,800 minutes a year in their cars. Do you want to be miserable for such a large chunk of time because you have chosen incorrectly?

The good news is if you don't like the quiz results, you can still go buy a convertible and look cool. Good luck hauling bulk cases of toilet paper, though!

Question 1 - Gas Mileage
Yaroslav Mikheev/ Moment/ Getty Images
In your opinion, what is considered good fuel mileage?
Anything over 15 miles per gallon is great.
35 miles per gallon or bust!
22 miles per gallon on the highway would be great.
18 miles per gallon or so going downhill with a tailwind
Question 2 - Delivering pizzas
izusek/ E+/ Getty Images
If you were to use your vehicle in conjunction with your occupation, what are you most likely going to be using it for?
Making bank deposits once a day
Making occasional trips to the office supply store
Delivering pizzas between Uber fares
Delivering equipment and bulk materials
Question 3 - camping
Maya Karkalicheva/ Moment/ Getty Images
When you think about camping, what comes to mind?
Pulling a fifth wheel toy-hauler up a mountain grade for a weekend of fun in the woods
Taking a bumper-pull bunkhouse camper to a campground with free WiFi and heated pool
Loading up tents, sleeping bags and coolers and hiking to a site off the beaten path
Renting a cabin at a state park and roasting marshmallows over a gas fireplace


Question 4 - boating
RapidEye/ E+/ Getty Images
What kind of boat are you most likely to purchase and enjoy?
25' Pontoon boat (that you jokingly refer to as the Party Barge)
30' Cabin Cruiser named Just Floating (that you keep at a marina)
An inflatable kayak that fits into a bag the size of a piece of Samsonite luggage from the '70s
An old bass boat with a Mercury outboard motor that gets put in the water twice a year tops
Question 5 - parking
querbeet/ E+/ Getty Images
Which of these parking situations gives you the most anxiety?
Middle level of a crowded parking garage
Parallel parking on a busy one-way street
A muddy field at an outdoor concert
Crowded mall parking lot on Black Friday
Question 6 - dogs in back seat
Inti St. Clair/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
What's the maximum number of doggos you'll need to transport to the bark park and what kind?
Three Pomeranians restricted to crates, who still manage to leave their weight in hair behind
One Australian shepherd that brings several sticks, another dog's chew toy and mud into the vehicle with him
Dogs? Gross. Cats are the best thing in the world, they never whine to go to the bark park
A pit bull mix, a German shepherd mix and a Chihuahua mix, all trying to stick their heads out the window


Question 7 - car maintainence
FUNFUNPHOTO/ Moment/ Getty Images
Financially, how do you look at automobile ownership in the long term?
Sell it to a family member you don't like when you're over its quirks to at least get something out of it.
Keep it in good enough shape to garner a decent trade-in amount toward another one just like it.
Drive it like it's made of glass and keep it as pristine as possible in order to get the most out of your initial investment.
Drive it like it is meant to be driven, but also take the time to keep up with maintenance because it will sustain value over time.
Question 8 - Wyoming
Jessica Neuwerth Photography/ Moment/ Getty Images
What's the best place in the United States to spend the winter months?
Laramie, Wyoming
Pensacola, Florida
Springfield, Illinois
San Diego, California
Question 9 - minivan
ftwitty/ E+/ Getty Images
People like to make fun of the level of lame minivans have, but how do you feel about them?
They're fine, as long as they're not driving slow in the left lane.
Most of them are really nice inside, but who would want to be seen in one?
It's a real shame that minivans lost popularity, they were pretty cool!
The minivan isn't the problem, it's the moron behind the wheel.


Question 10 - rough road
Cappi Thompson/ Moment/ Getty Images
When the road ahead gets less than perfect, what do you rely on for a smooth ride?
Your Rough Country lift kit and suspension upgrade
A smooth Autoride suspension and proper tire pressure
Your cat-like reflexes avoiding potholes and road debris
Double wishbone suspension and a butt cushion on your seat
Question 11 - engine oil
ljubaphoto/ E+/ Getty Images
If you want to preserve your new vehicle, proper oil and frequent changing are crucial. How much do you know about engine oil?
Oil viscosity will change in different temperatures, and care should be taken to select one that is compatible with your driving conditions.
When the indicator light comes on, you take it somewhere to have it changed. Who knows where they keep the dipstick?
It's worth the upgrade at the dealership to get synthetic oil and get the cabin filter changed while they're at it!
When the car clunks a bit, you add a little bit of 10W something-or-other and if that doesn't work, add more! If that doesn't work, turn up the radio.
Question 12 -  safe driving
mikroman6/ Moment/ Getty Images
What gives you the illusion of safety when you're driving down the road?
Being taller than the rest of the cars to see what's up ahead
Blind-spot detection and accident avoidance warnings
Your incredibly safe driving practices and your seat belt
A seemingly countless number of airbags that deploy from everywhere


Question 13 - boulders
Photos by R A Kearton/ Moment/ Getty Images
What is the tallest object you foresee having to drive over in the near future?
Boulders the size of a Volkswagen Beetle
Misplaced bicycles in the driveway
That sneaky curb at the bank drive-through
The two dozen speed bumps in your subdivision
Question 14 - garage
Fuse/ Corbis/ Getty Images
What comes to mind when you think of parking in your garage?
It would be a tight fit, but if I could wedge it in there it'd be really nice! For now, the front yard will have to do.
There's no way it's fitting in the garage, because the garage is full various yard equipment, toys and holiday decorations
Nothing beats getting into your car when it's parked in the garage and it's raining or snowing outside.
Parking in the garage is great because nobody can break into it and steal the sweet air freshener hanging from the rear-view mirror!
Question 15 - getting into your vehicle
Klaus Vedfelt/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
Ingress and egress into a vehicle can be a breeze or a real chore. How do you envision getting into your vehicle?
A slight bending of the neck followed by a small crouch, then guiding your rump into a seat lower than your current posterior position, then turn clockwise.
You simply guide your rump rearward into the seat until you're properly seated. You realize you've forgotten your keys and have to repeat the process.
Stepping onto a primarily decorative step rail and then awkwardly turning your body to place your butt in the seat all the while yelling at your kids to hurry up.
First you grasp the steering wheel then the grab handle on the A-pillar. Once you've got a good grasp you hoist yourself up, using a step for help.


Question 16 - Windshield wiper fluid
BanksPhotos/ E+/ Getty Images
What is the most expensive part of owning your vehicle?
Replacing the tires
Filling up the fuel tank
Full comprehensive insurance
Windshield wiper fluid
Question 17 - front grill
SDI Productions/ E+/ Getty Images
What is the most attractive part of your entire vehicle?
The way the greenhouse sort of melts down into the A and B pillars
The height and length that scream classy
The body lines that accentuate the otherwise bland body
The grandiose stature of the front grill
Question 18 - stowing the luggage
Peter Muller/ Cultura/ Getty Images
If you're planning a road trip with your three sisters (who pack heavily) to visit your parents who live 950 miles away for a week, where are you stowing the luggage?
In a soft-shell roof mounted cargo bin, which absolutely kills your fuel efficiency
Strapped between the roof rack bars, hoping the entire time the bungee cords hold up
Toss all the suitcases in the back, but also pack a tarp just in case of rain.
Rent something larger and split the bill with your sisters, or force them to pack lightly.


Question 19 - used car shopping
1001nights/ E+/ Getty Images
Are you more likely to buy your vehicle new or used, and where are you shopping for it?
A CPO from the dealership is perfect! Just walk up to a salesperson and ask to see their recent trade-ins, with low miles, of course!
Scour Craigslist for a few months, then pop over to Bring a Trailer.
Instead of wasting precious time and energy shopping around, you call your cousin Chad, who works at a car lot.
You buy all of your cars from the LeRoy brothers on the other side of town and have for years.
Question 20 - entertainment
Obradovic/ E+/ Getty Images
What's the fanciest and most technologically advanced system on your vehicle?
Suspension air bags for towing
Entertainment system in the headrests
Back-up camera with parking assistance
Steering wheel-mounted audio controls
Question 21 - driving across Kansas
Mike Hill/ Moment Mobile/ Getty Images
What does the word "overlanding" mean to you?
Isn't that part of the song "When the caissons go rolling along"?
When you're driving across Kansas and finally hit Colby, you've successfully overlanded.
When you're forced to cut through a grassy median because of traffic congestion
When you park yourself 50 miles from nowhere and lay out and watch the sun go down


Question 22 -  brush bar and tow hitch
Wikicommons by Antoineets
What aftermarket modification are you most likely to make first to your newly acquired vehicle?
Cargo nets to keep groceries upright and rubber mats
A subtle yet practical brush bar and tow hitch
Upgraded xenon headlights and smoked tail lights
Moto-X wheels with a set of Mickey Thompson tires
Question 23 - golf
Watchara Piriyaputtanapun/ Moment/ Getty Images
On your day off, what are you most likely doing?
Heading to the local VFW for bingo
Getting a round of golf in
Wetting a hook over at the Stony Brook
Day off? What is a day off?
Question 24 - passengers
Liam Norris/ Cultura/ Getty Images
What is the maximum number of passengers you anticipate having to transport?
Depends on fertility, really
Four, the rest will have to walk.
Five, although uncomfortably
Two, maybe three if it gets really wild.


Question 25 - warehouse shopping
andresr/ E+/ Getty Images
How do you feel about warehouse shopping, like at Costco or Sam's Club?
Why not take advantage of bulk pricing and watch it sit on the shelf for a year and a half?
You can't go wrong with 40 pounds of Pizza Rolls for less than the price of three individual boxes!
The samples are divine, but it isn't practical to buy so much when you eat out most of the time.
Who really needs 80 rolls of toilet paper? It's not like you don't go to the store twice a week!
Question 26 - speed
Emanuel M Schwermer/ DigitalVision/ Getty Images
How important is speed?
Torque is more important.
Slightly, only when merging
The left lane is for passing.
Speeding through life only gets you closer to death.
Question 27 - gravel parking lot
Hemera Technologies/>> / Getty Images Plus
What is the roughest road you anticipate being on?
Roads? Who needs roads?
The gravel between a new parking lot and the paved road
Every once in a while delivering bags of mulch to your backyard
All roads feel the same in the comfort and luxury of your vehicle.


Question 28 - engine
Witthaya Prasongsin/ Moment/ Getty Images
What engine do you feel is powerful enough for you?
A hybrid would be fine.
Turbo four-cylinder
V-6 at least (V-8 in reality)
Is there such a thing as "powerful enough"?
Question 29 - taking out garbage
Hybrid Images/ Cultura/ Getty Images
Let's get personal! How do dispose of your garbage?
Haul it to the local landfill or dump
Carry it to the residential dumpster
Roll the bin to the curb on Tuesdays
Between recycling and the garbage disposal, you have almost no garbage
Question 30 - drive through
VallarieE/ E+/ Getty Images
What drive-through are you most commonly seen at?
Chain coffee shop
Wildly popular fried chicken restaurant
The bank
Bait and tackle shop
